Sunday, August 25, 2024

Asleep in the Deep (State) :: SteynOnline

And, given that American elections have degraded to the point where the opposition candidate is now being indicted, convicted and shot at, I find myself more interested in the disturbing abandonment by key US institutions of all remaining norms. - by Mark Steyn
And, given that American elections have degraded to the point where the opposition candidate is now
  • being indicted, 
  • convicted and 
  • shot at,
I find myself more interested in the disturbing abandonment by key US institutions of all remaining norms.
  • For example...
As my friend Conrad Black, one of its victims, put it over a decade ago:
Those who do exercise their constitutional right to a defense receive three times as severe a sentence as those who plead guilty; 95 percent of cases are won by prosecutors, 90 percent of those without trial.
Those last two numbers have ticked up even higher in the years since, but that first one is important too: if you insist on your "constitutional" (ha!) right to a defence and it pans out as the ninetysomething stats suggest, you'll be gaoled for thirty years instead of ten. 
They'll punish you for having the temerity to insist on being tried and convicted according to due process...

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