Friday, August 02, 2024

'Bat* crazy': WATCH Kamala boast of rigging system so taxpayers pay for transgender 'treatment' * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

'Bat* crazy': WATCH Kamala boast of rigging system so taxpayers pay for transgender 'treatment' * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Now that Kamala Harris has been installed as the top of the Democratic Party's ballot this fall by leftist elites who pushed Joe Biden under the bus, so to speak, because of his declining mental abilities, some of her views are making the headlines. Including that she has worked hard to force taxpayers to pay for transgender "health care," apparently to include body-altering chemicals and surgical mutilations. It is in a video that she explains how she "worked behind the scenes" to make sure taxpayers were billed for such treatments for prison inmates in California, where she served as attorney general for a time.

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