Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Democrats have run the greatest strawman

Michael Smith - Democrats have run the greatest strawman... | Facebook - Michael Smith 
...What it is about is the people behind the curtain...
A cabal of Democrats have been putting an opaque coup in place since the Clinton administration, they couldn’t go through the Constitution, but they sure as hell could find ways around it...
Now Obama runs the cabal, planning and directing from behind the front lines...
  • It means one thing – who runs is not important. They are as interchangeable as two AA batteries. It should tell us The Plan is in play and they have extreme confidence in its success.
That is why it must be Trump-Vance...
  • If you wonder what it would look like if we were not successful, look to the UK. 
  • What happens there usually washes up on our shores within a few years. Cancel culture and censorship in America was the precursor to arresting people for tweets and Facebook posts and the aftermath of J6 was the cabal’s pilot project.
Can’t happen here?
It already is happening here.

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