Monday, August 05, 2024

How Will New York's Energy Madness End?

The question is important because for as long as the impossible mandates remain in place they are causing massive ongoing damage to our electricity system and to consumers. - The "Don't Do It!" Report
Francis Menton
  • As examples, on the electricity generation side, natural gas power plants that currently supply about half of our electricity are slated for forced closure at the rate of several a year until all of them are closed by 2040. 
  • The longer the net zero fantasy goes on, the more difficult and costly it will be to re-open these plants (if they are even still standing), or build new ones. 
  • Wind and solar facilities are getting built at the cost of billions, with huge subsidies, producing essentially no useful power. 
  • Every time another one gets built, the taxpayers and ratepayers are on the hook to pay its costs for its entire life...

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