Saturday, August 24, 2024

If this sounds insane, it’s because it is insane. Communism is insane.

I don’t think people fully appreciate how communist and evil an unrealized capital gains tax is. - Sean Davis@seanmdav
  • Understand that government controls asset prices via its control of the money supply: if it wants asset prices to go up, all it has to do is print money. 
  • Which means all a corrupt government needs to do to destroy you with a massive tax bill on unrealized gains is to print a crap ton of money, create massive asset inflation due to the deliberate devaluation of the currency, then bill you for the asset bubble it created. 
  • If you bought a house for $200k, and the government fires up the money printer to juice asset prices resulting in your house being worth $600k, you now have $400k in unrealized gains the government can tax you on...

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