Sunday, August 25, 2024

Imagine the Black Rock investment fund, the most formidable concentrate of wealth and power ever seen on Earth.

Now imagine that you have built a software whose powerful engine with the most advanced artificial intelligence can discover for you certain details about your opponent so that you gain significant objective advantages. - Giorgio Cavicchioli
12 years of trial, the most important and powerful legal firms collide, the most important, and powerful secret services collide.
But the conflict takes place on two levels, one public, the trial and one secret... among the secret services
  • You were clever enough, ruthless enough, shameless and unscrupulous and you won...
  • You really fucked them and your scam made you several billions of dollars.
Now go back to imagining the triumphs and powerful characters from the beginning of this tweet and tell me:
  • do you think the judge's verdict can put an end to their desire for power and victory?
  • They are used to always win even when you lose
  • And so you find out that the people who fucked you are going on a cruise in Sicily to celebrate together, the people who screwed you, their lawyers, their partners... their services
  • All together and all there drinking, eating and fucking telling anecdotes about how they managed, against all odds, to shove a d*ck into your ( ! ) too big even for an elephant
  • Then at 4.30 at night you wake up suddenly all wet, with the cabin floor turning into the ceiling
  • And you die...
May be an image of boat racing, map and text
All reactions:
You and 10 others

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