Wednesday, August 14, 2024

LEAKED video footage Planned Parenthood selling organs worse | Blaze Media

LEAKED video footage Planned Parenthood selling organs worse | Blaze Media

“So Kamala had no problem helping out Planned Parenthood when she was AG in California, but you know what? We should come to expect that from her because when she was DA of San Francisco in 2010, she very strangely gave this interview where she was just like, ‘I love having the power to ruin people's lives’ — like David Daleiden, I guess,” says Sara, playing Harris’ 2010 interview.

“The power I have as a prosecutor is that with the swipe of my pen, I can charge someone with a misdemeanor,” she said, “and by virtue of that swipe of my pen, you will have to go to a courthouse and stand in line; you will have to come out-of-pocket and hire an attorney; you may get arrested for a few hours; you will be embarrassed in your community; you will miss time coming onto the Google campus — all because with the swipe of my pen, I've charged you with a crime, which I may choose to dismiss two weeks later.

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