Thursday, August 08, 2024

Slavery in America John Stossel

Virginia (D) Sen. Tim Kaine actually said, "The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody; we created it."
  • Today people are taught, when it comes to slavery, America was the worst...
  • Reilly's new book "Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me," rebuts anti-American propaganda that dominates many American schoolbooks today.
  • Partly thanks to the New York Times' "1619 Project," students are taught that "America's slavery (was) unlike anything that had existed before."
"There's nothing wrong with acknowledging your historical mistakes," Reilly responds. "I'm Black, Irish, a bit Native American ... Those are three peoples who have experienced a great deal historically. Nothing wrong with acknowledging that. But it's extremely odd to focus only on the negatives of your society. And to exaggerate those!"
  • Kids are now taught that slavers bought people in Africa and shipped them to the United States. Few are taught that most were shipped elsewhere.
  • "Between 10.7 million and 12 million slaves from Africa went to the New World -- we got a little under 400,000," says Reilly. That's less than 4%.

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