Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Crisis in the Armed Forces

...the Armed Forces were “among the first American institutions to formally embrace the radical logic of group quotas.“  - Will Thibeau
  • Even today, many conservatives regard the military as one of the last institutions resisting capture by the new regime. 
  • Will Thibeau, director of the American Military Project at the Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life, argues that precisely the opposite is true: that the Armed Forces were “among the first American institutions to formally embrace the radical logic of group quotas.“ 
  • This new organizing principle is directly linked to a steep decline in military standards and performance, with life-and-death consequences for Americans and America.
Part I of Identity in the Trenches: The Fatal Impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on U.S. Military Readiness...

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