Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The energy ideology on which the U.S. has 'wasted' $1.5 TRILLION * WorldNetDaily * by Norman Rogers, Real Clear Wire

The energy ideology on which the U.S. has 'wasted' $1.5 TRILLION * WorldNetDaily * by Norman Rogers, Real Clear Wire

Fossil fuels are not dirty. Modern natural gas or coal plants are environmentally pristine. CO2 is not a pollutant, but an aerial plant food that is greening the Earth. CO2 makes plants grow faster with less water. Wind or solar electricity is not worth what it costs to create it. It is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. That is a generally accepted economic principle. If the government requires a utility to purchase some amount of electricity at some price, that is not a free market. That is central planning. Central planning has a role, but it rarely works as well as the voluntary exchange of goods and services. Central planning creates unexpected twists and turns and often results in low productivity.

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