Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Two Heroes and a Marxist Airhead - American Thinker - Clarice Feldman

Last Monday, Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the EU internal market, warned Elon Musk that the planned Musk-Trump interview could run afoul of the EU’s overreaching online censorship laws. - Clarice Feldman 
  • Stifling of free speech remains in full force in Great Britain and attempts continue by the worst power-hungry leaders in Europe to extend their self-serving censorship here...
Musk ignored the warning of Mr. Thierry, a man who is the very avatar of “Eurotrash.” (Musk has been threatened by a variety of autocrats around the world for refusing to bow to their censorship dictates.)

1. Censorship King: Thierry is pushing for draconian internet censorship laws under the guise of "protecting public discourse," while silencing dissenting voices. 2. Tax Evasion Mastermind: He is perfecting the art of dodging European taxes by acquiring Senegalese citizenship, all while collecting a hefty salary funded by EU taxpayers. 3. Globalist Puppet: He is acting as a key enforcer of the globalist agenda, stripping European nations of their sovereignty in favor of centralized EU control. 4. Woke Enforcer: He is forcing the EU to adopt increasingly radical woke policies, even when they contradict traditional European values or public opinion. 5. Election Meddling Architect: Last but not least, he is trying to influence elections in other countries by censoring inconvenient truths and shaping public opinion through controlled narratives, all while claiming to "defend democracy."...

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