Saturday, August 24, 2024

Why Old Wind Turbine Blades Aren’t Being Buried In Landfills Anymore

Until a few years ago, it was common for old wind turbine blades to be discarded in local landfills. That’s not happening much anymore as landfills require them to be ground up “into really tiny pieces,” which is expensive. Pat Maio  
  • If you’re wondering where those huge wind turbine blades go after they age and can no longer generate electricity in about 20 to 30 years, there’s a good chance that you’re not the only one wondering.
  • Landfills across the northern plains states from Casper, Wyoming, to Sioux City, South Dakota, and Lake Mills, Iowa, once accepted old wind turbine blades and buried them in their landfills.
  • No longer.
  • These landfills either won’t accept the fiberglass blades or won’t return phone calls to discuss their policies. 
  • Utility companies won’t explain the working relationship with landfills and the extent of their recycler efforts...

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