Friday, September 27, 2024

10 Most Devastating Effects of Getting Rid of the Department of Education | Babylon Bee

Through extensive investigation, The Babylon Bee has compiled the following list of far-reaching and terrifying consequences of abolishing the Department of Education:
  • Children will only learn about two of the seventy-two genders: Unless they live in California, then they can still learn about all seventy-two genders AND how to smoke pot out of a banana peel all before second grade.
  • Child might be left behind: This has not happened once since it was declared America declared NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND.
  • Kids will learn how to do math the actual way instead of with those weird number lines: Imagine the world returning to actual mathematics instead of the mysterious, arcane processes of Common Core...2+2 will equal 4 again: Back to the horrific, oppressive days of the 1950s we go!...
BIG NEWS: We made a movie, and you can watch the trailer NOW:

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