Friday, September 20, 2024

39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America - Big Think

A disturbing interview given by a KGB defector in 1984 describes America of today and outlines four stages of mass brainwashing used by the KGB.
  • A former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov claimed in 1984 that Russia has a long-term goal of ideologically subverting the U.S. - It was updated in January 2023.
  • He described the process as “a great brainwashing” that has four basic stages.
  • The first stage, he said, is called “demoralization,” which would take about 20 years to achieve...
Referring to such people, Bezmenov said:
“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.”
You can watch the full interview here:

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