Friday, September 20, 2024

ABC's David Muir Hit with Renewed Debate Scrutiny After New Springfield Video Is Uncovered

ABC's David Muir Hit with Renewed Debate Scrutiny After New Springfield Video Is Uncovered

Muir is way out of line. His behavior was unprofessional. ABC spent the night defending Harris and sparing with Trump. Muir isn’t even “fact-checking” given the jury is still very much out.

He was just debating to help Harris.

If ABC were trying to convince viewers they were fair and impartial, they failed completely.

The way we were-----The reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

Milton Friedman - The Great Depression Myth

An explosive moment of clarification - Melanie Phillips

Israel is leading the fight of good against evil while the "civilised" world doesn't know what side it’s onMelanie Phillips
The Iranian war of extermination against Israel continues to be a clarifying moment for the supposedly civilised world. 
As this crisis continues, it is remorselessly spotlighting those who stand against such evil and those who are shamefully siding with it...
  • They fail to register the dozens of Hezbollah missiles and rockets that Hezbollah is firing every day to kill Israelis. 
  • They fail to refer to the 12 Druze children and young people killed by such an attack in July on Majdal Shams. 
  • They fail to note that Hezbollah has been increasingly widening its target range ever more deeply into Israel...
Escalation, it seems, is a one-way street. 
It never applies to attacks on Israel, only to Israel when it defends itself...

Making a House seat an inheritance - Don Surber

So the problem according to the newspaper is that a bunch of congressmen die and the House speakership changes.
Under the banner “Democracy in America,” the Jeff Bezos Post reported
“Imagine the unthinkable: a mass shooting of members of Congress that leaves a large swath of the county unrepresented and shifts the balance of political power in Washington.”... “In addition to ensuring uninterrupted representation for constituents, the amendment would discourage attempts to use violence to sway the balance of power in the House.”
So the problem according to the newspaper is that a bunch of congressmen die and the House speakership changes...

'Muzzling Christians': Governor unilaterally makes it illegal to talk kids out of sex changes * WorldNetDaily * by Jennifer Nuelle, Daily Caller News Foundation

'Muzzling Christians': Governor unilaterally makes it illegal to talk kids out of sex changes * WorldNetDaily * by Jennifer Nuelle, Daily Caller News Foundation:

"He can't just issue an executive order and prescribe law," Chris Wiest, an attorney in northern Kentucky that is suing against the order, told the Lexington Herald Leader. "This is really basic Con Law 101 stuff, and I think the governor knows it, frankly. He's not stupid, but he gets the headlines and he excites the base."

Bank Charges Man $4,000 for $400 Check He Wrote

House Administration Committee chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI) sent letters to five state attorneys general referring the committee's findings about alleged "straw donors" through ActBlue, the fundraising platform used by Democrats, for investigation in each of those states.

Lunch video-----NASA Sea Level



Teamsters will not endorse any candidate for president after poll of union workers shows overwhelming support for Trump | Blaze Media

Teamsters will not endorse any candidate for president after poll of union workers shows overwhelming support for Trump | Blaze Media

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced that it would not be endorsing any candidate for president for the first time since 1988. The union made the decision after revealing polling of union members had overwhelmingly rejected the Democratic ticket.

"Grim Beeper"


When you own the media...-----How They Steal: Democrats are Using an Easy and Almost Undetectable Way to Steal the Election From Trump - UOCAVA Voters - Will Anyone Stop Them? | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray

Are the Democrats telegraphing one of the key ways in which they could steal the upcoming election?
On August 12, 2024, the DNC released a memo announcing it would spend six figures to collect up to 9 million Democratic votes from overseas.

The DNC clearly states its goal in their memo:
For the first time ever in a Presidential cycle, the DNC is investing in Democrats Abroad.
The DNC is doing the work to win in battleground states across the country... helping fund their efforts to win the votes of approximately 9,000,000 Americans– of which only about 8% are registered voters from 2020 – who are living or serving outside of the United States.
Here’s the problem with the DNC’s stated goal:
The DNC’s stated goal of winning the votes of approximately 9 million Americans through its Democrats Abroad website seems impossible, given that according to a recent report by the federal government, only 4.4 million US citizens reside overseas, and only 2.8 million of those are of voting age...

Fight back!


Shrinking island, vanishing polar bears — the climate scare stories that turn out to be false By Bjorn Lomborg

According to studies, the land mass of the island of Tuvalu is increasing -- despite past concerns about it sinking due to climate change.
Looking back on more than 20 years of climate agitation, two themes emerge: 
  • a stubborn unwillingness by campaigners to acknowledge any inconvenient science, and 
  • ever-shifting favorite stories, first elevated and then dropped by the wayside.
The one constant: a fixation on scaring the public, which has in turn shaped bad climate policies.
At the start of this century, the polar bear was the emblem of climate apocalypse...
And then in the 2010s, campaigners just stopped talking about polar bears...

#1 This day 1966-----The Association - "Cherish"

The Media’s Criminal Misreporting on Crime I & I Editorial Board

Two days later, the Bureau of Justice Statistics released the results of its national crime victimization survey, which showed that the number of victims of violent crime was 41% higher in 2023 than in 2020.
‘President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.”
That was ABC News’ David Muir “fact checking” Donald Trump during his debate with Kamala Harris.
  • Two days later, the Bureau of Justice Statistics released the results of its national crime victimization survey, which showed that the number of victims of violent crime was 41% higher in 2023 than in 2020.There were almost 170,000 more rapes, 300,000 more robberies, 1.4 million more assaults, 300,000 more claims of domestic violence, and almost 400,000 more crimes with a violent weapon...
But instead of trying to understand the mismatch, the press just treated the public like idiots. 
Here’s a tiny sampling of such headlines:
  • “U.S. Stats Show Violent Crime Dramatically Falling, So Why Is There A Rising Clash With Perception?”
  • “Americans Fear Crime Despite Downward Trends”
  • “New Data Shows Violent Crime Dropping Sharply In Major U.S. Cities”
  • “Violent Crime Is Dropping Fast In The U.S. — Even If Americans Don’t Believe It”

Why is the press so insistent on claiming that crime is no big deal?

Parking Pass info - Hike Muskegon-West Michigan parks - as of 9/20/2024

Muskegon CITY - no parking fee for any until May 15 2025
Muskegon COUNTY - Dune Harbor Park fee required all year. Others? Check list.
Ottawa COUNTY parks - no parking fee for any parks until Memorial Day 2025. 
  • Muskegon CITY parks
  • Pere Marquette Beach, 
  • Margaret Drake Elliot Park, 
  • Kruse Park and 
  • Harbour Towne Beach 
are required to have an annual parking pass from May 15 – September 15.
  • Muskegon COUNTY Parks
Explore Muskegon County's natural beauty all year long with a convenient and affordable season pass. Your pass grants vehicle entry to four popular parks:
  • Dune Harbor Park (permit required year-round)
  • Pioneer Park (permit required first Friday in May until the last Sunday in September.)
  • Meinert Park (permit required first Friday in May until the last Sunday in September)
  • Twin Lake Park (permit required Memorial Day weekend - Labor Day)
  • Ottawa COUNTY parks
Ottawa County Parks collects parking fees from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day at the following parks: counter offer...


Blackwater founder TORCHES Secret Service for second Trump shooting: 'The definition of insanity' | Blaze Media

Blackwater founder TORCHES Secret Service for second Trump shooting: 'The definition of insanity' | Blaze Media

“The special agent in charge there, before he was nominated to that post, had to scrub, had to delete his social media history because he was so vilely anti-Trump, and this is the same FBI office that did the bogus raid on Mar-a-Lago on this documents case, so if you think he's going to do an honest job at digging into leftist conspiracy to kill President Trump, no way,” he continues. “The state of Florida must step up and do their part.”

“Do you really believe that [Routh] was there in that place at that time by accident, or was he tipped off? Was he tipped off by the Secret Service, by HSI local law enforcement?

39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America - Big Think

A disturbing interview given by a KGB defector in 1984 describes America of today and outlines four stages of mass brainwashing used by the KGB.
  • A former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov claimed in 1984 that Russia has a long-term goal of ideologically subverting the U.S. - It was updated in January 2023.
  • He described the process as “a great brainwashing” that has four basic stages.
  • The first stage, he said, is called “demoralization,” which would take about 20 years to achieve...
Referring to such people, Bezmenov said:
“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.”
You can watch the full interview here:

AM Fruitcake


History for September 20

History for September 20 -
Upton Sinclair 1878.
  • 1881 - Chester A. Arthur became the 21st president of the U.S. President James A. Garfield had died the day before.
  • 1962 - James Meredith, a black student, was blocked from enrolling at the University of Mississippi by Governor Ross R. Barnett. Meredith was later admitted.
  • 1967 - The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) was launched. It went out of service on November 27, 2008.
  • 1977 - The first of the "boat people" arrived in San Francisco from Southeast Asia under a new U.S. resettlement program.
  • 1995 - The (GOP controlled) U.S. House of Representatives voted to drop the national speed limit. This allowed the states to decide their own speed limits.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

ABC News hits panic button after sworn statement alleging rigged debate, David Muir does damage control * WorldNetDaily * by Joe Kovacs

ABC News hits panic button after sworn statement alleging rigged debate, David Muir does damage control * WorldNetDaily * by Joe Kovacs

ABC News is apparently pressing the panic button in the wake of fierce criticism of its Sept. 10 presidential debate between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. A sworn statement by an ABC News whistleblower exposing network bias favoring Harris continues to be in focus regarding "assurances" to the Democrat's campaign days before the event.

The way we were-----UNTOLD story of the American Hitler - George Lincoln Rockwell

Bill Gates, new RNA vaccines

Instapundit - Blog Archive - WAR ON ISRAEL, WAR ON THE WEST

There has never been a lower civilian to combatant casualty ratio in any major anti-terrorism operation in modern history than in Israel’s recent action against Hezbollah. - by David Bernstein
In fact, it’s not even close. 
Yet all the “international law scholars” and grifters who were previously claiming that Israeli anti-terrorism actions were indiscriminate or put too many civilians at risk are still complaining, inventing new rules so they can that Israel was still acting illegally. 
  • The (ever-shifting) legal standards they want to apply would mean that no counter-terrorism operation is lawful, ever. 
  • And in fact, that’s what the far leftists who dominate international law discourse want–to leave the West defenseless against terrorism. 
  • The plan is to use Israel, which is relatively weak and isolated diplomatically, as precedent, and then use those precedents against the US, NATO, and any other Western actor seeking to counter Islamic State, Al Qaeda, or any other terrorist group.

Sending a message?-----U.S. deploys soldiers, rocket systems to Alaska island as Russian military activity ramps up in region - CBS News

The U.S. military has moved about 130 soldiers along with mobile rocket launchers to a desolate island in the Aleutian chain of western Alaska amid a recent increase in Russian military planes and vessels approaching American territory.
  • Eight Russian military planes and four navy vessels, including two submarines, have come close to Alaska in the past week as Russia and China conducted joint military drills...
  • "It's not the first time that we've seen the Russians and the Chinese flying, you know, in the vicinity, and that's something that we obviously closely monitor, and it's also something that we're prepared to respond to," Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said at a news conference...

Everything is racist!-----CNN's 'News' Mocks Trumps, Joke Implodes on Cast

Far-Left comic Michael Ian Black apologizes, then does something odd - Christian Toto
  • ...The panel slammed Trump for referring to a Taliban official as “Abdul” during the recent presidential debate. 
  • They suggested it was a generic, and perhaps racist, way to label an Afghanistan official.

  • Host Wood, passed over for “The Daily Show’s” hosting gig earlier this year, asked the panel, “What was the fake name of the head of the Taliban that Donald Trump cited during the debate.”
    The answer? Abdul.
  • The answer? Abdul.
“He picked the most obvious name to make up for the head of the Taliban,” Black cracked as his fellow panelists cackled in glee. The show’s official X account pushed the clip out, secure in its comedy mileage and accuracy.
Except they got it wrong...

Conservative boycotts are forcing major companies to abandon LGBTQ rating, and activists are outraged | Blaze Media

Conservative boycotts are forcing major companies to abandon LGBTQ rating, and activists are outraged | Blaze Media

The movement was documented in an Associated Press report that cited recent examples of major companies like Harley Davidson, Ford Motor Company, and Lowe's rejecting the ratings.

The Truth About Class Action Lawsuits


In 1963 it was read into the congressional records how Marxist would take over America from within as discovered in the communist documents. - Dave Agema
They were:
1. Get control of schools.
2. Use student riots,
3. Eliminate law and order- cause chaos.
4. Promote pornography and obscenity.
6. Infiltrate the press & media.
7. Push homosexuality as normal and healthy.
8. Change churches into social gospel.
9. Eliminate prayer in schools.
10. Discredit the constitution.
11. Discredit the family unit of a man and a woman.
12. Discredit the American founders.
13. Destroy the 2nd amendment...

Lunch video-----Past The Tipping Point

"Climate experts say earth is past the tipping point for climate change. 
Kirye investigated on Friday.

AM Fruitcake

Karine Jean-Pierre outraged at Peter Doocy for challenging her on political rhetoric after 2nd assassination attempt | Blaze Media

Karine Jean-Pierre outraged at Peter Doocy for challenging her on political rhetoric after 2nd assassination attempt | Blaze Media

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was outraged after Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy challenged her about her rhetoric after the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The UN would expire w/o wars worldwide. It incites them. It is an evil organization


1,000-Year Event? More Like Media Myth—Climatologist Exposes Overblown Weather Claims by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

When the media claims we’re experiencing a “once in 500-year” or “once in 1,000-year” weather event, they’re missing a fundamental point about how data works
  • We can read signs of past floods, droughts, and shifts in temperature, but there’s a crucial limitation here: geological proxies don’t capture daily weather extremes...
  • Proxies give us broad trends over long periods of time, not the kind of hyper-detailed weather data required to make statements about rare events like a “1,000-year storm.”
  • The truth is, these assertions are built on shaky statistical ground, and there’s no real way we can be certain about the frequency of these events given how little data we actually have...

This is why we need free-speech X!----- Larry Correia on X

Larry Correia on X: "So... you want to come into my house to check on my guns... How about no? And here is my counteroffer. Go fuck yourself." / X

WHATS really GOING ON in Springfield Ohio!

This might explain some of the recent things you've been hearing on the news about Springfield, OH. - Stacie Bush
"Good evening, thank you for being here tonight. My name is Kyle Koehler and I am a former State Representative for Springfield Ohio and the Clark County area. I am currently a candidate for the State Senate covering Clark, Greene and Clinton counties.
  • Over the last four years Haitians who are crossing the border (or in fact, flown to our country as refugees)… have been given Temporary Protected Status by the Federal Government. Under the Biden/Harris administration – they not only are protected but they are given between $600 to $1600/MONTH on Debit Cards through the Refugee Cash Assistance program and allowed access to all the public assistance programs available to US citizens...
  • As of this month, our local Job and Family Services has registered over 20,000 Haitian refugees in our county and city. Springfield, which had a steady population of 58,000…now has an additional 20,000 new residents in and around Springfield. 20,000 people in just under four years...

#1 This day 1949-----You're Breaking My Heart

This isn't "banana republic". It's Stalin's USSR!-----This Detail Makes the Second Trump Assassination Attempt So Much Worse Than We Thought Matt Margolis

“We’ve got pictures here of President Obama’s golf course in Martha’s Vineyard. Secret Service inspects every vehicle when they even drive near the course,” she pointed out....
According to court papers, Routh, "had been camped out in a wooded area with a loaded SKS-style rifle near the course for 12 hours before he was spotted."...
  • How is it possible that Routh was at the site for so long with a weapon, and the Secret Service never spotted him? 
According to Monday's press conference from law enforcement officials, the alleged "increased assets directed by... President Biden" included "the counter-sniper team elements, counter-surveillance... agents on the exterior, counter-assault teams partnered with local tactical assets from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, and counter-unmanned aerial system elements."
  • So they had drones and exterior agents, yet Routh went undetected for 12 hours? 
  • How does that work? I'm sorry, but this isn't adding up...

"Preparing for war"?


FBI had prior tip on would-be Trump assassin; acting Secret Service director ignores Blaze News' question | Blaze Media

FBI had prior tip on would-be Trump assassin; acting Secret Service director ignores Blaze News' question | Blaze Media

After the press conference, Blaze News asked Rowe how many assassination attempts Trump has to go through before drastic changes at the Secret Service are made. Rowe did not answer the question. The staffer who was accompanying Rowe grabbed onto the handle of the Blaze News reporter's backpack in an apparent effort to slow him down and prevent him from following Rowe.

The link shows us the relationship between solar activity and the rise and fall of civilisations.

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook
...So, is there a reasonable likelihood that atmospheric CO2 has risen and fallen with solar activity and civilizations have also risen and fallen and if so then it needs to be asked has the rise and fall of atmospheric CO2, a necessary plant food been a factor in how the civilizations have fared?...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 19

History for September 19 - 
Mike Royko 1932
  • 1777 - The Battle of Saratoga was won by American soldiers during the Revolutionary War.
  • 1876 - Melville R. Bissell patented the carpet sweeper.
  • 1942 - The first advertisement to announce Little Golden Books appeared in Publishers Weekly.
  • 1959 - Nikita Khruschev was not allowed to visit Disneyland due to security reasons. Khrushchev reacted angrily.
  • 1970 - "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" premiered on CBS-TV.
  • 1982 - Scott Fahlman became the first person to use :-) in an online message.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Democrats set stage for 2 Trump assassination attempts with these 5 statements | Blaze Media

Democrats set stage for 2 Trump assassination attempts with these 5 statements | Blaze Media

After the first assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, Democrats and media partisans were met with desperate appeals to tone down their vitriol and incendiary rhetoric, including by a victim of a recent Democratic terrorist attack. Rather than engage in some soul-searching or exercise self-restraint, the left doubled down after both incidents. Below are five claims Democrats and/or their allies in the media advanced that effectively set the stage for attempts on Trump's life.

The way we were-----The Century: America's Time - 1946-1952: Best Years

The Two Main Forms of Narcissism Explained | Keith Campbell

In case you're wondering "why" they lie!-----“Objectivity Has Got To Go”: News Leaders Call for the End of Objective Journalism - Jonathan Turley

over 75 media leaders and concluded that objectivity is now considered reactionary and even harmful. Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, editor-in-chief at the San Francisco Chronicle said it plainly: “Objectivity has got to go.” - February 1, 2023 
We previously discussed the movement in journalism schools to get rid of principles of objectivity in journalism
Advocacy journalism is the new touchstone in the media even as polls show that trust in the media is plummeting. 
  • Now, former executive editor for The Washington Post Leonard Downie Jr. and former CBS News President Andrew Heyward have released the results of their interviews with over 75 media leaders and concluded that objectivity is now considered reactionary and even harmful. 
  • Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, editor-in-chief at the San Francisco Chronicle said it plainly: “Objectivity has got to go.”
  • Notably, while Bob Woodward and others have finally admitted that the Russian collusion coverage lacked objectivity and resulted in false reporting, media figures are pushing even harder against objectivity as a core value in journalism...

Don't believe your lyin' eyes and ears!-----Elon Musk on X: "Always Be Cheating News" / X

Elon Musk on X: "Always Be Cheating News" / X

NASA strands astronauts at an astronomical cost | Blaze Media

NASA strands astronauts at an astronomical cost | Blaze Media

It’s lonely out in space. Two NASA astronauts have been stranded on the International Space Station since June 6, drawing attention from the international press, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and perhaps even some aliens. The astronauts originally traveled to space on the Boeing Starliner spacecraft’s first manned mission.

The rich are different!-----Charlie Javice Faked Customer Numbers | Financial Scams

Electric Car Values in Free Fall as Second-Hand Prices Halve in Two Years by Will Jones

Electric vehicles are losing value at an “unsustainable” rate as a slowdown in consumer demand causes used car prices to halve in two years, leasing companies have warned.
The Telegraph has the story.
The British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association (BVRLA) warned that so-called fleet operators, such as car leasing firms and rental companies, are having to swallow large losses when reselling EVs because of “accelerated, exceptional depreciation”...
This means a car worth £50,000 when new will now drop to £17,500 in value over three years, instead of £30,000.
This leaves leasing companies facing unexpected losses...

Lunch video-----The FBI and Media Don’t Tell You How Many Lives Guns SAVE

"The FBI says self-defense with a gun is RARE, and their statistics support that. 
The legacy media, Hollywood, and left-wing politicians use that data to push gun control.
But criminal justice researcher John Lott says the FBI ignores lots of cases where civilians’ guns SAVE LIVES.



Democrat sheriff's excuse for why Trump golf course wasn't fully secured raises glaring questions: 'Security is limited' | Blaze Media

Democrat sheriff's excuse for why Trump golf course wasn't fully secured raises glaring questions: 'Security is limited' | Blaze Media

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw (D) revealed Sunday how a would-be assassin came within minutes of trying to murder Donald Trump. Fortunately, a Secret Service agent surveying the Trump International Golf Club course one hole ahead of the former president spotted the would-be assassin's rifle sticking through the chain-link fence on the perimeter of the golf course. But how was the suspected would-be assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh, able to come within minutes of taking a shot at Trump?

Do they really want "homeless" to live on city benches?


Hillary Clinton implies Americans who spread 'propaganda' should 'in some cases be criminally charged' - CatholicVote org

Hillary Clinton implies Americans who spread 'propaganda' should 'in some cases be criminally charged' - CatholicVote org
  • The Democrat’s remarks strike a similar tone to comments made two years ago by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, now her party’s vice presidential nominee – also on MSNBC.
  • Clinton told hostess Rachel Maddow: “I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda.” “And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged,” she continued, “is something that would be a better deterrence because the Russians are unlikely, except in a very few cases, to ever stand trial in the United States.”

Their next move? Banning "incredibly dangerous questions"!-----Peter Doocy, KJP Clash Over Trump Assassination Attempt

Peter Doocy, KJP Clash Over Trump Assassination Attempt
"...The question that you’re asking, it is also incredibly dangerous in the way that you’re asking it because the American people are watching and to say that, to say that [about] an administration that has consistently condemned political violence..."

Nothing to see here...


🚨24 hours after Trump was almost taken out, Hillary Clinton is on the news calling him Dangerous

🚨24 hours after Trump was almost taken out, Hillary Clinton is on the news calling him Dangerous

#1 This day 1980-----Diana Ross - Upside down

Paging Hezbollah | Power Line

Reports indicate that Israel has somehow penetrated Hezbollah’s encrypted pagers and set them off this morning to go kaboom.

“Unconfirmed reports indicate that #Israel has not only caused pagers that Hezbollah fighters carried explode, the attack also blew up Hezbollah’s wired and wireless communication network.”

We can't discover assassination plots. Or we won't?


Mark Rypien rejects Commanders name, but wants to move on | Blaze Media

Mark Rypien rejects Commanders name, but wants to move on | Blaze Media

Washington Redskins legend Mark Rypien said the Commanders nickname is not growing on him and never will. Rypien made the comments during an interview on Washington radio station 106.7 the Fan and was asked how he felt about the Washington team nickname, the Commanders. "It's not growing on me, and it never will," Rypien responded.

MI SOS lies again!-----'Why The Hell Are Deceased People Still On Your Voter Rolls?'

AM Fruitcake


History for September 18

History for September 18 - 
Samuel Johnson 1709
  • 1759 - The French formally surrendered Quebec to the British.
  • 1789 - Alexander Hamilton negotiated and secured the first loan for the United States. The Temporary Loan of 1789 was repaid on June 8, 1790 at the sum of $191,608.81.
  • 1927 - Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System made its debut with its network broadcast over 16 radio stations. The name was later changed to CBS.
  • 1947 - The United States Air Force was established as a separate military branch by the National Security Act.
  • 1981 - A museum honoring former U.S. President Ford was dedicated in Grand Rapids, MI.
  • 1994 - Haiti's military leaders agreed to depart on October 15th. This action averted a U.S.-led invasion to force them out of power.