Sunday, September 29, 2024

American Blacks -- Please Read This Before You Ever Vote Democrat Again - American Thinker

It’s election time again and that means it's time for the Democrats' regular pilgrimage to black communities to remind them of our sad state of affairs where racist evildoers -- Republicans of course -- actively work to keep black people down. - John
And the only hope for relief is by voting for Democrats -- who, by the way, have run the country for 12 of the last 16 years.
This race-baiting is disgusting but is what even more disgusting is that large portions of the black community buy into it...
  • One of the most insidious and destructive policies unleashed on all poor people, but primarily directed at the black family, was President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. It was supposedly intended to “not only to relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it.”
  • This was a lie, and a knowing and evil plan that while wrapped in supposed good intentions was really designed to destroy the black family structure -- keeping them dependent on government forever. LBJ admitted as much with his brag that “I’ll have them n*ggers voting Democrats for 200 years.”
  • It didn’t border on evil, it was evil -- and remains so to this day...

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