Friday, September 20, 2024

An explosive moment of clarification - Melanie Phillips

Israel is leading the fight of good against evil while the "civilised" world doesn't know what side it’s onMelanie Phillips
The Iranian war of extermination against Israel continues to be a clarifying moment for the supposedly civilised world. 
As this crisis continues, it is remorselessly spotlighting those who stand against such evil and those who are shamefully siding with it...
  • They fail to register the dozens of Hezbollah missiles and rockets that Hezbollah is firing every day to kill Israelis. 
  • They fail to refer to the 12 Druze children and young people killed by such an attack in July on Majdal Shams. 
  • They fail to note that Hezbollah has been increasingly widening its target range ever more deeply into Israel...
Escalation, it seems, is a one-way street. 
It never applies to attacks on Israel, only to Israel when it defends itself...

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