Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Does ANYONE cry for our children??!!-----Why Michigan Kids Can’t Read

Lockdowns and the repeal of the third-grade reading requirement have resulted in disaster - Kaylee McGhee White
  • Elementary students who don’t know how to read by fourth grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school. 
  • They have a significantly higher chance of going to jail, of living in poverty, and of never marrying.
Unfortunately, that’s the future 60% of Michigan’s fourth graders now face, thanks to state leaders who deprived them of classroom learning for nearly a year during the pandemic and then passed a law removing standards that required young students to be able to read proficiently before moving on to the next grade.
The results for this year’s Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (MSTEP) are the worst in the test’s history.
  • Just 40% of third graders statewide passed the state’s English language arts (ELA) test last spring. 
  • The numbers are even worse for minority and low-income students: 86% of black fourth-grade students in the state don’t know how to read, according to a state Senate Education Committee hearing earlier this year...

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