Sunday, September 01, 2024

Good news?-----Private Equity Targets $30 Billion Youth Sports Industry - Bloomberg

Kids’ sports have become an expensive, high-pressure affair. An industry famous for squeezing out value claims it will make the experience better. - Ira
  • Now they’re bringing their big league expertise and very deep pockets to an industry that’s traditionally been left to mom-and-pop operators...
  • Smaller clubs and leagues are combining to form regional powerhouses at the same time that private equity firms are scooping up camps, tournaments and other assets across the country...
Among other examples, in 2019 Washington D.C.-based firm Juggernaut Capital Partners LP took a stake in 3STEP Sports, a national operator that has since gone on a buying spree and now owns more than 1,800 club teams across nine sports...
  • The sandlot era when kids played sports largely unsupervised is long gone..

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