Wednesday, September 04, 2024

It was always about money and power. Never about "saving" ANYTHING!-----Renewable Fiasco: If Germany just kept nuclear power, it could have saved $600b and cut emissions by 73% - JoNova

If the Germans just did nothing at all, it would have been Greener
Germany already had nuclear power in 2002, if they just kept it and didn’t build all the wind and solar plants, they wouldn’t have had to spend 697 Billion Euro on subsidies, and would have cut their emissions by 73% more.
If ever there is a statistic that says there is something rotten in the State of Climate Panic, this is surely it. 
  • I mean, does CO2 matter or doesn’t it? 
  • Do the Greens care at all, or even a bit?..
Ross Pomery writes at RealClearScience and WattsUpWithThat -Study Quantifies Germany’s Disastrous Switch Away From Nuclear Power...

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