Sunday, September 29, 2024

Morons spending other people's money!-----St. Johns school board proposed bond it didn’t understand

...evidence from an earlier school board meeting suggests the people had good reason to be cautious about the proposed debt issue. - Jamie A. Hope
During the March meeting, trustee Christi Mansfield opposed the proposal, citing the district’s history of declining enrollment and its existing debt.
“Everybody wants to talk about how our taxes will not go up. But I think the real issue is our debt. Currently, we have $70 million in debt. That’s before the new bond,” she said. “This new bond would add an additional $92 million to our current debt. Plus, an additional $21 million in interest payments that would go to the bank and not be spent in the classroom. Our enrollment has been going down since 2010.
  • Timothy Jackson, president of the school board, called for a fact-check on her statement. 
  • Alan Nelson, the treasurer of the board, spoke and said he couldn’t confirm the numbers. “I don’t know the math off the top of my head right now if that was completely accurate,” Nelson said...

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