Monday, September 16, 2024

NYC Subway Murders Soar 60% As Nationwide Data Backs Trump On Crime Spike Under Biden-Harris | ZeroHedge

Murders across New York City's subway system have surged by a shocking 60% so far this year, even as overall crime on the rails has dipped, leaving straphangers increasingly terrified for their safety.
For over two decades, from 1997 to 2020, the city never recorded more than five subway murders in a single year, the NY Post reports.
Dakota Santiago for The New York Times

"It’s not a safe environment to be waiting for the train," said Jakeba Dockery, 42, whose husband, Richard Henderson, was fatally gunned down in January on a 3 train in Brooklyn while trying to break up a fight between riders over loud music. "It just feels evil," she told The Post...

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