Thursday, September 26, 2024

Our So-called ‘Experts’ and their Silly Group-speak Letters - Victor Davis Hanson

As a general rule, anytime we read an election-cycle solicited letter from retired functionaries, replete with their grandiose former titles, we should completely discount it. By Victor Davis Hanson
  • One of the most preposterous recent trends has been the political use of supposed expert letters and declarations of support from so-called “authorities.”
  • These pretentious testimonies of purported professionalism...are used by politicians to impress and persuade the public to follow the “expertise,” “science,” or “authorities” to support all sorts of injurious initiatives and policies—of dubious value and otherwise without much political support.
  • Think of all the health experts who collectively swore to us that the COVID mRNA vaccinations would give us ironclad and lasting protection from being either infectious or infected and were without any side effects.
  • Other “authorities” assured us the first nationwide lockdown in U.S. history would stop COVID without hurting the social or economic life of the country.
  • Ditto testimonies about the pangolin-bat origins of COVID or the authenticity of the bogus Steele dossier.
  • Do we still remember the 1,200 healthcare “professionals” who in June 2020 told us that hitting the streets in mass numbers to protest during the post-George Floyd riots was a legitimate exemption from their own prior insistence on a complete nationwide quarantine?...

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