Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Read all!!-----Instapundit - BUT THE NARRATIVE! Trump had tried in vain to have the military or National Guard protect the capitol from protestors well before Jan. 6.

A lie goes around the world before the truth is even out of bed.

  • Every dope and his brother (or sister) regurgitating the DNC’s talking points will insist — as if it were gospel — that Trump “encouraged” and “incited” the January 6th riots.

Kamala Harris said in the debate that:

“On that day, the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation’s capital, to desecrate our nation’s Capitol. On that day, 140 law enforcement officers were injured, and some died.”

...But not so fast. JustTheNews has released sworn testimony that Trump had tried in vain to have the military or National Guard protect the capitol from protestors well before Jan. 6.

And wouldn’t you know:

“[General] Milley confirmed a second time during the interviews that Trump was clear in his wishes. “It was just what I just described, which was, ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe,” the general told the IG.”... - 

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