Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The cheat goes on - Don Surber

Just how hand-counting ballots helps Trump is never explained
  • The New York Times reported, “The new rule is the latest in a stream of right-wing election policies passed by the State Election Board over the past few months. The board has come under increasing pressure from critics already concerned that it has been rewriting the rules of the game in a key swing state to favor former President Donald J. Trump.” 
  • New York magazine, where reporters sleep with presidential candidates, also got a little huffy over the ethics and morals of counting ballots by hand. It reported, “Despite widespread warnings of chaos and ideological overreach from the offices of the Republican secretary of State and attorney general, a Trump-loyalist majority on Georgia’s State Election Board ordered the bizarre procedure of hand-counting ballots in every single precinct in that intensely competitive battleground state..
Just how hand-counting the ballots, something done throughout American elections throughout our history, helps Trump was not explained...

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