Wednesday, September 25, 2024

“The Enemies of the State”: The New York Times and The Fluidity of Advocacy Journalism - July 29, 2021

The New York Times has been at the forefront of this shift away from traditional reporting but has increasingly found that the fluidity of advocacy journalism leaves it without any clear framework or standards.  - JONATHAN TURLEY
Consider the latest scandal at the Times. 
  • Justice Department reporter and MSNBC contributor Katie Benner went on a rave about Republicans and called Trump supporters “enemies of the state.”...
Notably, many of us denounced Donald Trump for calling the New York Times and other media outlets the “enemy of the people.” The media was aghast and the Times publicly condemned such rhetoric as “inflammatory.” 
Now, however, journalists like Benner are engaging in the same inflammatory rhetoric and the Times is conspicuously silent.

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