Friday, September 13, 2024

There's a reason women have given up on having children - American Thinker

How can it possibly be that women are giving up on having children? - Molly Slag
Scott McKay, writing in American Spectator, may have inadvertently revealed the key that unlocks this puzzle.
McKay reports that Yuri Bezmenov, a former Soviet KGB officer who defected to Canada in the late 1970s, described the four stages of a communist takeover of a country as (1) demoralization, (2) destabilization, (3) crisis, and (4) normalization as fully taken over by communist tyrants.
McKay writes that
The first stage, according to Bezmenov, was demoralization. He meant it in two ways: the act of sapping national will by making people depressed and disgusted — which you can see in countless ways from our trash culture to the awful quality of life for American corporate-drone workers and so on — but also, literally de-MORAL-ization, in which a society is taught to ignore the focus on the traditionally important things in life.
It happened by collapse. 
  • Women want to rear their children in a familiar and stable environment that is predictable and similar to the environment in which they were reared. 
  • However, in a very short time, America has entered a path of chaos and collapse...

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