Thursday, September 19, 2024

This isn't "banana republic". It's Stalin's USSR!-----This Detail Makes the Second Trump Assassination Attempt So Much Worse Than We Thought Matt Margolis

“We’ve got pictures here of President Obama’s golf course in Martha’s Vineyard. Secret Service inspects every vehicle when they even drive near the course,” she pointed out....
According to court papers, Routh, "had been camped out in a wooded area with a loaded SKS-style rifle near the course for 12 hours before he was spotted."...
  • How is it possible that Routh was at the site for so long with a weapon, and the Secret Service never spotted him? 
According to Monday's press conference from law enforcement officials, the alleged "increased assets directed by... President Biden" included "the counter-sniper team elements, counter-surveillance... agents on the exterior, counter-assault teams partnered with local tactical assets from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, and counter-unmanned aerial system elements."
  • So they had drones and exterior agents, yet Routh went undetected for 12 hours? 
  • How does that work? I'm sorry, but this isn't adding up...

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