Saturday, September 21, 2024

United States National Defense Strategy Report Advises Course Correction on National Security

The next president will need to embark on a radically different path from the past two administrations. - Jane Harman
The next president of the United States will be confronted with a very different strategic environment than the one that greeted President Joe Biden.
  • Supporting Ukraine and Israel in wars that didn’t exist four years ago, the U.S. military is stretched, and the defense industrial base lacks the capacity to provide the equipment, weapons, and platforms needed. Every day brings additional evidence that our competitors are cooperating more closely across military, industrial, and economic lines. 
  • The viability of the all-volunteer force is in question. 
  • Perhaps most importantly, as it underpins all other problems, the American public is not attuned to the threats the United States faces or prepared to support what is necessary to surmount them.
  • China and Russia see U.S. political dysfunction and growing strains of isolationism on both the left and the right and believe that the United States is unable and likely unwilling to stand in their way...

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