Thursday, September 12, 2024

What September 11, 2001 Taught Us: There Are No Adults in the Room. - Jason Jones & John Zmirak

Instapundit - “The Axis of Evil in American politics is now complete: Barack Obama, Dick Cheney, and Kamala Harris are all on the same side.
AND IT’S GOTTEN WORSE: What September 11, 2001 Taught Us: There Are No Adults in the Room. “The Axis of Evil in American politics is now complete: Barack Obama, Dick Cheney, and Kamala Harris are all on the same side...
  • That goal is keeping power in the hands of tiny, privileged elites who despise most lesser Americans. . . . 
  • You could see the coalition taking shape years ago, when all the Best People gathered for John McCain’s funeral in Washington, D.C., and then-President Donald Trump was pointedly disinvited...
  • What unites these power elites beside a haughty contempt for the public they claim to serve? 
One key qualification that is too little discussed, even among MAGA types: amoral, blasé, dilettantish incompetence, unencumbered by moral principles or basic human empathy.” - Posted by Glenn Reynolds

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