Saturday, September 21, 2024

Why Do Media Think Democrats Are Worth Cheating For? I & I Editorial Board

It would be helpful to voters to know that a “whistleblower” says ABC rigged last week’s debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
But outside of conservative media, it’s being largely ignored, because the legacy press covers its own and as zealously as it does the Democratic Party...
  • To quickly recap, the unnamed whistleblower said ABC agreed to fact-check Trump while ensuring “Harris would not face comparable scrutiny.”
  • The affidavit also says Harris was provided with sample questions that, while not the exact questions that would be asked, nevertheless “covered similar topics that would appear during the debate.”
  • There were also issues that could not be raised – Joe Biden’s health; Harris’ performance as San Francisco’s district attorney; her brother-in-law and “key campaign adviser” Tony West, who allegedly “fleeced taxpayers for billions to give to left-wing groups and lawyers” – since they would reflect poorly on Harris.
What gives the allegations more than a muted ring of truth is that the affidavit was filed, according to its contents, the day before the debate and the charges match the moderators’ actions. 
It was as if the whistleblower got a copy of the script. 
So much of what is asserted checks out with what everyone saw.
  • It also looks bad for the network because Dana Walden, a Disney co-chair who oversees ABC News, has been a close friend of Harris since the 1980s, and their husbands closer for even longer.
  • Trump would have fared better if the debate had been on another network, but he says the Harris team insisted that she would debate only on ABC...

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