Tuesday, October 15, 2024

CBS Headline Is a False Flag (AKA: a Lie). 'CBS Went Full AP...Never Go Full AP' - Jim Thompson

AP has been leading the way. AP writers and editors have made no attempt to report news. They report propaganda.
They report propaganda. 
AP’s headlines are always slanted left. ..
But CBS is making an October push to catch and pass AP in propaganda reporting. Trust in media is cratering
I submit that CBS (with its editing of Harris’ "60 Minutes" interview) and with this morning's online story, the network has gone full AP...
CBS’s headlines reads:
  • FEMA crews threatened amid hurricane relief efforts in North Carolina
Wow. Big if true. It further reports:

Federal Emergency Management Agency crews in North Carolina were forced to relocate due to a reported armed threat against workers, first reported by The Washington Post...

Woof, again, big if true. But let’s read the next paragraph in the CBS article

The North Carolina National Guard sent CBS News the following statement, saying, "The NCNG has no reports of our soldiers or airmen encountering any armed militia, any threats and any type of combatants...

Ok, so the National Guard told CBS that the story about armed gangs of men “Goin’ huntin’ fer some FEMA hides” is a lie.
The National Guard confirms that it didn't happen, but sorry, AP, CBS writes a sensational headline for clicks anyway...

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