Saturday, October 05, 2024

Check out their "proof"!-----Shockingly Bad Science - Kip Hansen

From the annals of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation comes this beauty of a headline above a news story Global Stroke Burden Continues to Rise, With Climate Change Gaining Influence
You may be asking yourself this question:
What could be the possible causal connection between Climate Change and the occurrence of stoke in the general worldwide population?”
And a good question is far more valuable than a good answer.
My answer? 
  • There is no causal connection – not even a barely biologically plausible connection or association.
  • Nothing whatever.
But as always, The Science must have its way and The Science insists that if something is bad – as in undesirable – then it must be caused by Climate Change...
Hey but where is the evidence for CHANGE? 
As in Climate Change?
There is none.
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Author’s Comment:
  • I wish I could say that this kind of reporting is an anomaly – the exception. 
  • Unfortunately, it is not. It is now the norm.
We are fed a constant stream of propaganda in place of news – propaganda in place of science news – propaganda in place of science research findings.
Don’t ask me about politics.

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