Sunday, October 06, 2024

How To Blow Up the Middle East War in Five Easy Steps - Victor Davis Hanson

When Joe Biden became president, the Middle East was calm. Now it is in the midst of a multifront war. - Victor Davis Hanson
So quiet was the inheritance from the prior Trump administration that nearly three years later, on September 29, 2023—and just eight days before the October 7 Hamas massacre of Israelis—Biden’s national security advisor Jake Sullivan could still brag that “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.”
  • So, what exactly happened to the inherited calm that led to the current nonstop chaos of the present?
  • In a word, theocratic Iran—the nexus of almost all current Middle East terrorism and conflict—was unleashed by Team Biden after having been neutered by the Trump administration.
The Biden-Harris administration adopted a 5-step revisionist protocol that appeased and encouraged Iran and its terrorist surrogates Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.
The result was a near guarantee that something akin to the October 7 massacres would inevitably follow—along with a subsequent year of violence that has now engulfed the Middle East...

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