Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Iran declared war on Israel AND the US decades ago!-----Hezbollah just received hormone therapy - by Glenn K Beaton

Hezbollah just received hormone therapy - by Glenn K Beaton
  • There’s a cancer in the Mideast. It’s been there for centuries, but lately it has grown more virulent and malignant.
This cancerous terrorism came to Israel again last year, this time starting south of Israel, in Gaza under the regime there called Hamas. 
They invaded Israel and butchered the residents. 
They beheaded babies, raped women, and took hostages back to Gaza to torture, kill and display their mutilated remains in public and on the internet. 
  • The world has not seen such an exhibition of barbarous cruelty in generations.
  • The terrorism sympathizers in Gaza cheered. So did the ones at Columbia and Harvard.
Israel is now surgically removing the Hamas terrorism from Gaza, but in the meantime a strain called Hezbollah has metastasized north of Israel...
  • Hezbollah receives about $700 million a year from other terrorists who own and operate the nation of Iran a thousand miles to the east, beyond Iraq. The nation of Iran is Persian by ethnicity, not Arab. They have no natural interest in Israel or the Palestinian problem far to the west.
Their interest is in simply hating on the Jews.
  • That hatred has little historical basis. It appears to be simply a gimmick. It’s designed to be a point for the people to rally round in support of the ruling theocrats who oppress women, toss gays off buildings, and commit other atrocities, all while keeping their people entrapped in the 11th century...

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