Friday, January 31, 2025

“First, let’s be completely clear on one thing. Democrats have shown they don’t give a shit about real people..."

They have shown it in Carolina. They have shown it in Hawaii. They have shown it in California. - Frank Charles
  • They have shown it in their responses to fires, floods, train derailments, chemical spills, storms, invasions and every kind of disaster you can imagine. 
  • They have shown they don’t give a shit about ordinary Republican voters, and they have just as often shown that they don’t give a shit about ordinary Democrat voters
  • The people in Hawaii were directed into the flames to die. Their hydrants weren’t working, their alarms were switched off. Their water supply wasn’t there. 
  • The people in Carolina were left in the freezing cold with nothing. FEMA officials were picking out Trump voting homes specifically to refuse them assistance. 
  • The money that should be there to help American disaster victims had already been spent on foreign invaders. 
  • Elsewhere, huge clouds of toxic gases filled the sky in East Palestine, Ohio. 
Did Democrats give a shit? 
Of course not. 
The only Palestinians they care about are the ones killing Jews.”

- Daniel Jupp - cc: Clarice
The Tragedy of Crossed Lines on the Potomac

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