Friday, January 31, 2025

Perversion of "justice"!-----Who Was Responsible for Using an Inapplicable Felony Charge Against J6 Defendants? - Shipwreckedcrew

On Monday, the Interim U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Ed Martin, announced that his office would undertake a review of the decision-making that led to the charging of hundreds of January 6 protesters with “obstructing Congress” in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1512(c).
That was a statute passed by Congress in 2005 to address an alleged hole revealed in an obstruction of justice statute criminalizing the destruction of records, documents, materials, etc., to obstruct an investigation...
  • So, shredding all the documents of an international corporation under grand jury investigation = possible 20-year prison sentence.
  • Walking through the Capitol building participating in chants/cheers such as “Whose House, Our House” after Congress had adjourned, but by doing so preventing Congress from reconvening = possible 20-year prison sentence.
There is a second problem involved that goes beyond the question of, How did this statute come to be the “go-to” felony for otherwise non-violent protesters?” 
That bigger question is, "Who came up with the solution to, 'How do we get around the problem that the new statute targets evidence destruction and not simply disruptive conduct such as happened January 6?'"

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