Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Why Residents In Seattle Are Refusing to Tip

In Seattle, a growing number of people are growing tired of tipping and are reportedly refusing to tip restaurant staff due to the city’s significant minimum wage hikes. - Sarah Arnold 
With Seattle’s minimum wage now among the highest in the nation, some residents argue that tipping is no longer necessary, believing the increased base pay should cover service compensation.
According to a Daily Mail report, residents in the Democrat-run city feel it is unnecessary to tip service workers. 
  • The minimum wage will increase from $19.97 to $20.76 an hour on January 1, 2025. 
  • Seattle’s Minimum Wage Ordinance requires the wage rate to reflect the city's inflation rise.
One Reddit user said they are “done tipping 10-20 percent come January 1st,” while another person claimed that with the minimum wage hike, food industry workers have “finally reach[ed] a level playing field.”...

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