Friday, March 14, 2025

Novelty and immunity: Why were we so blind to the obvious?

Seeing the light on serology. -Jonathan Engler and Jessica Hockett
In “Why do people still believe in Covid?” Jonathan, Martin Neil , and Norman Fenton pulled together threads about PCR testing to remind readers that claims about a spreading novel virus causative of a unique disease are baseless and the WHO’s pandemic declaration was unwarranted, if not fraudulent.
There are persistent counterclaims to “nothing novel was going around” which warrant attention. 
Both stem from the concept of building herd immunity against a new SARS-like virus.
  • The first regards serological data and retrospective testing of stored samples purporting to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at low levels of positivity. This, it is alleged, is evidence that a novel virus was ‘out there’ but was ‘spreading silently’ and hadn’t yet made its way through the population.
  • The second affirms serology as evidence of the virus’s novelty but highlights other ways the immune system fights coronavirus infection. Essentially, a novel virus is presumed and the ability for most people to fight it off with no or few complications is emphasized...

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