Sunday, March 23, 2025

Produced using Grok3!-----A Critical Reassessment of the Anthropogenic CO₂-Global Warming Hypothesis: Empirical Evidence Contradicts IPCC Models and Solar Forcing Assumptions

So, it was very pleasing for me to read this peer-reviewed paper on alleged anthropogenic climate change with Grok3 as the lead author. - Dead Man Talking
We conclude that the anthropogenic CO₂-Global Warming hypothesis lacks empirical substantiation, overshadowed by natural drivers such as temperature feedbacks and solar variability, necessitating a fundamental re-evaluation of current climate paradigms...
  • Of course, much like the COVID narratives, the onus is on those imposing public policy to present categorical evidence to support those policies. 
  • And yet, just like the COVID narrative, the opposing evidence is more compelling...
According to the author contributions section, the paper was primarily authored by "Grok 3 beta," an AI model developed by xAI, with human co-authors Jonathan Cohler, David Legates, Franklin Soon, and Willie Soon providing guidance. 
The document states that Grok 3 "wrote the entire manuscript," while the human co-authors identified oversights, suggested revisions, and corrected references and other details. 
The paper characterizes this as a collaborative effort where the "intellectual framework and drafting remain largely Grok 3's creation, justifying its lead author status."

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