Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Study: Post-1980s Warming Trend Has Improved European Life Expectancy - Climate Change Dispatch

Milder winters save lives, whereas cold, harsh winters shorten lives.Kenneth Richard
Throughout Europe, exposure to harsh winters in colder climates is a greater mortality threat than living in warm climates with very hot summers.
Succinctly put, warmer, milder winters save lives, whereas cold weather and harsh winters shorten lives.
The authors of a new study insist the modern emphasis on limiting global warming so as to reduce heat-related mortality is misplaced, as it neglects the much more dangerous threat posed by cold weather.
  • “The primary climate threat that reduces life expectancy in Europe continues to be low temperatures.
  • “…the dominant threat remains low-temperature mortality, which should no longer be neglected in the analysis of climate risk.”...

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