Wednesday, April 23, 2008

“Gay” Sex Kills

“Gay” Sex Kills:
Can you imagine officials at a middle school, junior high or high school setting aside a day to promote “tolerance” for heavy smoking and drinking among children?

"admitting that “HIV is a gay disease,” Matt Foreman, outgoing Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, acknowledged what the medical community has known for decades: the homosexual lifestyle is extremely high-risk and often leads to disease and even death."

Sunspots and a possible new ice age (updated)

Sunspots and a possible new ice age (updated)
"There is some serious evidence accumulating that we may be on the brink of not just global cooling, but an ice age.
Sunspots are historically correlated with temperature on earth. During the Dalton Minimum, beginning in 1790, the number of sunspots was low, as the earth's climate turned cold for a few decades. At you can see live images of the sun taken from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory in space. Right now there is but one tiny sunspot."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Photos of Paris under Nazi occupation draw fire

"Photos of carefree Parisians lazing in cafes, flocking to cinemas or enjoying a day at the races during the Nazi occupation have sparked outrage in Paris and calls for the exhibit to be shut down.
The 270 unpublished photographs by Andre Zucca, a French photographer who worked for the Nazi propaganda magazine Signal, are billed as the only major collection of color pictures taken during the four years of the Paris occupation."
You'd think this would be scary to the Froggies. Maybe substitute burqas or hijabs for the Nazi heads and see what happens?

BBC NEWS Father fined for overfilling bin

"Mr Corkhill, who shares a house with his partner and three children and also has a child from a previous relationship, said the authority recently switched from weekly to fortnightly refuse collections, but added that the supplied bins were not big enough to cope.
He added: 'I could not believe I had been fined for putting rubbish in a bin."
His trash can was "overfilled" and his penalty is $500!

In Chicago, fears of a long, bloody summer -

In Chicago, fears of a long, bloody summer - "Nine people were killed in 36 shootings over the weekend in Chicago, reflecting what some community leaders say is a deadly breakdown in discipline among gang members after a crackdown over the past few years put many of their leaders behind bars."

Understand that neither the UN nor any other country supports the Bush administration in the pacification of Chicago.

The Case for Ending Ethanol Subsidies

The Case for Ending Ethanol Subsidies
"Congress mandated the production of 9 billion gallons of ethanol or other renewable fuels this year; that number will gradually increase until it reaches 36 billion gallons in 2022. In addition, ethanol producers receive a tax break of 51 cents a gallon, and corn growers receive huge subsidies that may increase in the next farm bill."

Earth Daze, Courtesy Of Al Gore

Earth Daze, Courtesy Of Al Gore:
"This Earth Day finds the world threatened not by rising sea levels, but by rising food prices. Many on the planet are more likely to starve than drown, and we have only Gore's disciples to blame."

Whirlpool plant suspends 39 workers for lying about smoking

Whirlpool plant suspends 39 workers for lying about smoking: "Whirlpool Corp.'s Evansville, Ind., plant has suspended 39 workers for smoking while claiming on their health insurance they were nonsmokers."

Arrest warrant issued for woman charged with prostitution

Arrest warrant issued for woman charged with prostitution: "An arrest warrant has been issued for a Westland woman whom police say was paid for sex by Senator Debbie Stabenow's husband."

No arrest for the john?

Oh, yeah. He's already served his time in hell.... husband of Big Deb.

Brown: food crisis is global threat

Brown: food crisis is global threat:
"British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says rising food prices pose as great a threat to world prosperity as the global credit crunch. And he's warning that spiraling prices could reverse any progress being made to ease poverty in developing countries."

This is almost entirely driven by ethanol and the enviro-looney lobby.

Crews work to repair turtle fence in Muskegon

Crews work to repair turtle fence in Muskegon: "Taxpayer money will not be used to make the repairs. Instead the insurance companies of the drivers who damaged the fence must pay for the work. The federal funding for the fence itself was specifically earmarked for an environmental project."

I guess some earmarks are better than others!

Obama's Waffle Controversy - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

Obama's Waffle Controversy - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime: "Obama just doesn't give the press much access, sometimes shutting them down for weeks at a time. Why? Does this make sense to anyone else as a campaign strategy? I'm baffled by it."

Happy Earth Day!

I travelled down to Grand Haven to buy REAL fertilizer, not the Muskegonized version.
Meijers only has the zero phosphate (Muskegonized) fertilizer.
Good old Walmart has both types.
Ummm, better living through chemistry!

Many hope for Clinton and Obama on one ticket, except the candidates themselves - International Herald Tribune

Many hope for Clinton and Obama on one ticket, except the candidates themselves - International Herald Tribune: "Alternatively, would the poll-obsessed Clintons want to wake up in the White House residence in 2009 and read about Vice President Obama's sky-high popularity ratings, and how they make her look like his stern old lady?"

Five things to watch in Pennsylvania-

Five things to watch in Pennsylvania - "Don’t be fooled by early results."

Gateway Pundit: Britain Cancels St. George's Parade Over Fear of Muslim Riots

Gateway Pundit: Britain Cancels St. George's Parade Over Fear of Muslim Riots: "In 2006 Church of England officials contemplated giving Saint George the boot from his perch as Patron Saint of England because he was too offensive for modern day Muslims."

Monday, April 21, 2008

Rep. Mary Valentine tops newsletter's list of vulnerable incumbents

Rep. Mary Valentine tops newsletter's list of vulnerable incumbents"There are good reasons for Valentine's position at the top of the list, including her 'yes' votes on last year's controversial tax increases, her pro-choice stance on abortion, her questionable work ethic in Lansing"

Quick! Name one reason to vote for her!

Instapundit says "down the tubes"? -: "ERIK SOFGE: Are Hollywood science fiction movies going down the tubes?"

GordoM-agrees-recent-sci-fi-films-....... are-like-public-service-announcements-without-the-excitement

My Way - Sports News

My Way - Sports News: "The Milwaukee Bucks need to play tougher defense, and start sharing the ball on offense.
So they're turning to Scott Skiles, the man who owns the NBA's single-game assist record - and who once got into a fight with Shaquille O'Neal during his playing days and lived to tell the tale."



New Ohio Church Holds Service in Bar to Reach New People

New Ohio Church Holds Service in Bar to Reach New People
"Another round and amen! Beer was on tap and a mechanical bull inspired the sermon as a new church held its inaugural service in a western Ohio bar.
The Country Rock Church drew about 100 people to Sunday night's meeting at the Pub Lounge in Sidney, 35 miles north of Dayton."

Thousands in Pa. switch parties, many to vote for Obama

Thousands in Pa. switch parties, many to vote for Obama: "They've warmed to Obama for two key reasons: They find him inspiring, and they want sweeping change."

This is too funny!

Ban on tobacco displays 'puts health first'

Ban on tobacco displays 'puts health first': "Ontario smokers will soon have to thumb through a binder to pick the brand of their choice at convenience stores as the province ushers in a ban on cigarette displays that the government says is necessary to save lives despite growing concern among store owners."

"I Knew Nobody Who Owned a Gun":

"I Knew Nobody Who Owned a Gun":
"surveys report that gun owners aren't particularly likely to be 'bitter,' but are actually a little more likely to be happy than non-gun-owners;"

Clerk's efforts boosts diversity of jury pool

Clerk's efforts boosts diversity of jury pool
"Lowest of all were Holton, with a return rate of less than 46 percent, and Muskegon Heights at less than 50 percent."

Free screenings of 'Carrier'

Free screenings of 'Carrier'
"A preview of the PBS documentary series 'Carrier' will get the big-screen treatment at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p.m. Monday at Celebration Cinema North, and at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Frauenthal Theatre, 425 W. Western Ave., Muskegon. Seats for all screenings are free. You can register for tickets online at"

Another great link from:

County commission to put drain boss under oath

County commission to put drain boss under oath
"The meeting will be at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday on the fourth floor of the Michael E. Kobza Hall of Justice. It's open to the public." : My Vote's for Obama (if I could vote) Michael Moore : My Vote's for Obama (if I could vote) Michael Moore:
"I don't get to vote for President this primary season. I live in Michigan. The party leaders (both here and in D.C.) couldn't get their act together, and thus our votes will not be counted."

Mike is bummed at the Michigan demos.
Bummer, dude.....

Carter: Hamas is willing to accept Israel as its neighbor

Carter: Hamas is willing to accept Israel as its neighbor
"'They (Hamas) said that they would accept a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, if approved by Palestinians and that they would accept the right of Israel to live as a neighbor next door in peace,' Carter said."

Jimmah amazingly worse as an ex-president than he was as the president.
Now he's the PR dude for Hamas.

Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World | The New York Sun

Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World The New York Sun: "Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks.
At a Costco Warehouse in Mountain View, Calif., yesterday, shoppers grew frustrated and occasionally uttered expletives as they searched in vain for the large sacks of rice they usually buy.
“Where’s the rice?” an engineer from Palo Alto, Calif., Yajun Liu, said. “You should be able to buy something like rice."

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Calgary Sun - Wrong approach

The Calgary Sun - Wrong approach: "We have more homeless folks than the Greater Vancouver Area. The GVA is home to more than two million people (485,000 of whom are wearing Birkenstocks and reeking of patchouli oil this very minute) and it has roughly 2,600 homeless folks.
Calgary, with a population half that, had 3,500 homeless in 2006 and Ald. John Mar told the Sun he expects the count is now in the 4,500 range."

Danica Patrick makes IndyCar history

Danica Patrick makes IndyCar history
"Danica Patrick became the first female winner in IndyCar history Sunday,"

Violent Weekend Continues: 32 Shot, 6 Dead

Violent Weekend Continues: 32 Shot, 6 Dead: "A violent and deadly weekend continues in Chicago. At least 12 people have been shot, two of them killed, since Saturday morning. This comes after at least 20 people were shot, four of them killed, from Friday night through early Saturday."

Well now.
The violence increases every week.
There is no possibility of political reconciliation between the single party city government and the gangs and political opposition.
Isn't it time we seriously considered pulling out of Chicago?

District to discuss cuts to child care program

District to discuss cuts to child care program
"A Mona Shores child care program that has operated over budget for the fourth straight year, and cutting costs will be topics of discussion during the Mona Shores Board of Education's meeting Monday.
School officials said budget changes must be made to the Mona Shores Community Childcare program, because the current method of doing business isn't working.
Last year, it ended with a $43,193 deficit, and so far this year, that number is at $35,682, according to the district. Revenues as of January were $335,043 and expenditures were $370,725."

Why the heck does Mona Shores even have a day care program?
And one that spends $370,000/year?
Where is the money going?
How many programs of this idiocy do we have county wide?

Do we believe our own ears and eyes?

Or do we believe those politicians who tell us they never said what we heard with our ears and saw with our eyes?

Desperate home sellers turning to St. Joseph

Desperate home sellers turning to St. Joseph
"Hicks was chuckling to hear that the measure she recently took to help sell her house -- burying a statue of St. Joseph upside down in the front yard -- is a growing trend as sellers try to offset hopelessness invading housing markets across the nation."

If I read this article correctly, owners of homes that are so overpriced that there are no buyers are expecting St. Joseph-in-the-yard to bring in buyers.

Buyers who will pay more than market price for the topsy-turvey-StJo home?

Would it be safe to assume that the overpayers aren't catholic?


Environmental program weds classroom, service work

Environmental program weds classroom, service work
"Protecting the environment and giving young people a sense of their own importance while enhancing their learning are the goals of a $200,000 grant project that will benefit schools in four counties."

Hasn't anyone read the dismal MEAP scores?

Reedin', ritin' and adin' don't matter as much as "giving young people a sense of their own importance".

Muskegon suicide

No more free parking downtown
"The Community Foundation for Muskegon County's 775-space parking lot along Morris Avenue will become a paid lot beginning Monday morning. The automated lot will be operated by the foundation's Frauenthal Center for the Performing Arts.
Downtown patrons can either pay $5 per entry for one-time use or $150 a year for unlimited entries except for special events."

In a town that has no buildings, just empty space.
Amazing their efforts to kill our, once fine, city

Libel Tourism: The Soft Jihad [video]

Libel Tourism: The Soft Jihad [video]
"If you think the only weapons of jihadis are guns and bombs, you're wrong. They're already using lawsuits to push Sharia law and silence free speech."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

BBC NEWS | UK | Britons fear race violence - poll

BBC NEWS UK Britons fear race violence - poll: "Almost two-thirds of people in Britain fear race relations are so poor tensions are likely to spill over into violence, a BBC poll has suggested.
Of the 1,000 people asked, 60% said the UK had too many immigrants and half wanted foreigners encouraged to leave."

Thousands in Hollywood protest remarks from CNN's Jack Cafferty - Los Angeles Times

Thousands in Hollywood protest remarks from CNN's Jack Cafferty - Los Angeles Times: "On the April 9 airing of 'The Situation Room,' Cafferty, in a discussion about China, said that goods from that country were 'junk,' and referred to the Chinese as 'a bunch of goons and thugs.'"

Imagine if Jack had said same about Mexicans!

Gallup Daily: Clinton 46%, Obama 45%

Gallup Daily: Clinton 46%, Obama 45%: "Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows that Hillary Clinton now receives 46% of the support of Democrats nationally, compared to 45% for Barack Obama, marking the first time Obama has not led in Gallup's daily tracking since March 18-20."

Smirking murder trio get 59yrs

Smirking murder trio get 59yrs
"THREE yobs who laughed as they kicked a dad to death “like a pack of hyenas” were jailed for life yesterday.
Callous ... DelimaMark Elliott, 21, Curtis Delima, 19, and Gerry Cusden, 16, were high on vodka, alcopops and cannabis when they murdered brickie Mark Witherall, 47."

59 years TOTAL for the three is considered "LIFE" in that poor, sad shell of a country.

Plus the three murderers are eligible for parole.....

Judge rejects request to stop Oregon, Washington from killing sea lions to protect salmon

Judge rejects request to stop Oregon, Washington from killing sea lions to protect salmon
"A federal judge on Wednesday refused to stop Oregon and Washington from trapping and killing California sea lions at Bonneville Dam this spring to keep them from gobbling endangered salmon."

Is it time to look at university waste?

What's Happening To Your Money
"Student Debt Is Piling Up

• Tuition costs have climbed 60% since 2000, and the average graduating senior now owes more than $20,000, according to the National Center for Education Statistics—twice as much as graduates owed a decade ago.

• Nearly a quarter of recent grads owe in excess of $25,000.

• While student debt rose 8% from 2005 to 2006, starting salaries rose only 4%."

Intelligence Report | PARADE Magazine

Intelligence Report PARADE Magazine: "Last year, corporations shouldered just 14.4% of the total U.S. tax burden, compared with about 50% in 1940."

Why Not Blame Obama?

Why Not Blame Obama?: "But here's the deal: During the debate, Obama bungled his answers on tax policy, big time. Period. End of sentence."

Grand Rapids to be the set of mafia movie

Grand Rapids to be the set of mafia movie: "State Rep. Michael Sak (D-Grand Rapids).

The movie is expected to bring $5 - 10 million in revenue to the area, Sak says."

Home for Hot Dogs

Home for Hot Dogs
"the loudest compelling caterwaul came from dozens and dozens of irate fans of Detroit's 'Coney Island' dog."

Bus ride to aid drive for public transportation

Bus ride to aid drive for public transportation
"Muskegon's Disability Connection: A Center for Independent Living will sponsor a free bus trip Tuesday to Lansing as part of the 'Let's Get Moving Coalition' to advocate for better public transportation in Michigan."

Mark Steyn on God and Guns

Mark Steyn on God and Guns
"A while back, I was struck by the words of Oscar van den Boogaard, a Dutch gay humanist (which is pretty much the trifecta of Eurocool). Reflecting on the Continent’s accelerating Islamification, he concluded that the jig was up for the Europe he loved, but what could he do? “I am not a warrior, but who is?” he shrugged. “I have never learned to fight for my freedom. I was only good at enjoying it.”"

CNN-Kinky News Network:

Kinky News Network:CNN's Quest a Very 'Knotty' Boy
"CNN personality Richard Quest was busted in Central Park early yesterday with some drugs in his pocket, a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot, law-enforcement sources said. Quest, 46, was arrested at around 3:40 a.m. after a cop spotted him and another man inside the park near 64th Street..."

Friday, April 18, 2008

Legislators With Too Much Time on Their Hands

The Volokh Conspiracy - -#1208542685:
The state Senate this week opened discussions on ... replica bull testicles dangling from the back bumpers of vehicles. One senator wants the owners of such swaying baubles to be subject to a $60 fine.......
"Your Nutz, a California company, boasts colors including sun-kissed sienna, dark forest green and even electric blue lighted sets that cast an eerie glow....
'Every time this happens,' [David Ham, founder and owner of Your Nutz] said, talking of moves to ban the product, 'it drives my sales through the roof. I can't thank this lawmaker enough. I'm considering contributing to these guys who are coming up with these bills.' ..."

Disgraced Detroit mayor defends Obama's pastor

Michigan News, Detroit, Lansing - "Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick defended Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. on Friday, saying Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's controversial former pastor should be judged by his life's work."

B Hussein must be so proud.....

Measure would hike green power and your bills

Measure would hike green power and your bills
"Granholm, a Democrat, applauded the package"

Poll: Who's right in 'Harry Potter' case? - Muskegon Chronicle -

Poll: Who's right in 'Harry Potter' case? - Muskegon Chronicle - "Vander Ark wiped away tears when he was asked to reflect on what the case has done to his relationship with the community of Harry Potter fans."

MATS to add more new buses -

MATS to add more new buses - "The way officials at the Muskegon Area Transit System see it, four good buses deserve five more.
Last year, MATS purchased four new 35-foot, low-floor buses from the Gillig Corp. The new buses came with features that have been popular with the public, including air conditioning, automated announcement systems and security cameras.
On Thursday, Muskegon County commissioners, meeting as the transportation committee, gave MATS permission to order five similar buses from the same corporation, for a maximum of $1,810,000."

Shores eyes cuts to busing -

Shores eyes cuts to busing - "More than $1 million in budget cuts are on the horizon for Mona Shores Public Schools.
The district's budget deficit for the 2008-09 school year is projected to be $1.7 million, and among the first areas the school board proposes to cut is busing"

MAISD wins $200,000 grant for environmental education program

MAISD wins $200,000 grant for environmental education program
"Protecting the environment and giving young people a sense of their own importance while enhancing their learning are the goals of a $200,000 grant project that will benefit schools in four counties."

Campaign trail gets bumpy for Chelsea Clinton

Campaign trail gets bumpy for Chelsea Clinton
"The softballs come gently, lobbed by voters who support her mother and are thrilled to see that the awkward duckling of the Clinton administration has become a glamorous swan."

"Glamorous swan"?

Cartoons have lost their punch

Cartoons have lost their punch
"There's a cartoon called 'The Backyardigans' where the characters are some sort of Pixar-ed up human/animals named Pablo, Tyrone, Uniqua, Tasha and Austin. They sing songs that will make you despise all races equally."

Conservative T-Shirts, Republican T-Shirts & Tees :

Conservative T-Shirts, Republican T-Shirts & Tees :

Pentagon institute calls Iraq war 'a major debacle'

Pentagon institute calls Iraq war 'a major debacle
"Intelligence analysts, however, remind us that the only thing worse than an Iraq with an American army may be an Iraq after a rapid withdrawal of that army.'
'For many analysts (including this one), Iraq remains a 'must win,' but for many others, despite obvious progress under General David Petraeus and the surge, it now looks like a 'can't win.''"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Iwo Jima Veterans Blast Time's 'Special Environmental Issue' Cover

Iwo Jima Veterans Blast Time's 'Special Environmental Issue' Cover: "For only the second time in 85 years, Time magazine abandoned the traditional red border it uses on its cover. The occasion – to push more global warming alarmism." News Forum News Forum: "BOGOTA Colombian President Alvaro Uribe on Thursday invited US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to visit his country in a bid to convince the US Congress to approve a controversial bilateral free trade deal. Uribe s invitation came after the Democratic led House of Representatives delayed a vote on the free trade agreement, resisting pressure from US President George W. Bush to get the pact approved this year"

Denver won't 'cage protesters' at DNC

Denver won't 'cage protesters' at DNC
"Protesters will not be confined to 'cages' during the 2008 Democratic National Convention, and the city wants to get away from the long lines of shoulder-to-shoulder, riot-gear-clad police that typified security at the national conventions in Boston and New York, Denver City Councilman Charlie Brown said today.
'We don't want to provoke violence,' Brown said.
Brown said he talked with Mayor John Hickenlooper on Wednesday and that the two discussed 'trying to get away from having lines of police officers.'
Brown later asserted: 'We aren't going to cage protesters.'"

Senate divided over response to Florida earmark

Senate divided over response to Florida earmark: "Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, in 2005 the chairman of the House Transportation Committee, has previously said that he backed the earmark in at the request of community residents. 'I think it's the right thing for the state of Florida, and you know, right now, they're supportive of it,'"

GOPer-crook got $40m from the developer....... book 'em Dano!

School team hit for 66 runs in two innings

School team hit for 66 runs in two innings
"A Japanese high school pleaded for a regional game to be abandoned after surrendering 66 runs in less than two innings, local media reported on Thursday.
The coach of Kawamoto technical high school threw in the towel to spare his pitcher's arm with his team losing 66-0 with just one batter out in the bottom of the second."

Half the country can't get an NHS dentist - and haven't had any treatment for two years | the Daily Mail

Half the country can't get an NHS dentist - and haven't had any treatment for two years the Daily Mail: "The full, desperate state of dental care across the country can be revealed today.
Half the population has received no dental care on the NHS in the last two years"

Best of the Web Today -

Best of the Web Today - "A Clear Difference
• 'Bush Embraces Pope Benedict XVI'--headline,, April 15

• 'Carter Embraces Hamas Official'--headline, Associated Press, April 16"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ex-Newark mayor and mistress convicted in corruption trial

Ex-Newark mayor and mistress convicted in corruption trial: "Riley was a publicist who once ran a clothing boutique near City Hall. James was mayor from 1986 to 2006 and also a state senator from 1999 to January 2008."

Murtha says McCain too old to be president

Murtha says McCain too old to be president: "Democratic Rep. John Murtha said Wednesday that Republican Sen. John McCain is too old to be president."

Another difference between demos and GOPers.

demos have no problem with their leadership shouting their bias against senior citizens.

GordoM-thinks-McCrook-could-beat-BitterHussein-or-Mrs Shot & a beer-at-any-physical-test

Mallard Fillmore

Executions to resume after high court OK's lethal injections

Executions to resume after high court OK's lethal injections: "The longest pause in executions in the U.S. in 25 years is about to end. A splintered Supreme Court cleared the way Wednesday, approving the most widely used method of lethal injection."

7-2 is "splintered"?
Only if you wear your liberal bias on your front page.

Brigitte Bardot on trial for Muslim slur

Brigitte Bardot on trial for Muslim slur
"French former film star Brigitte Bardot went on trial on Tuesday for insulting Muslims, the fifth time she has faced the charge of 'inciting racial hatred' over her controversial remarks about Islam and its followers."

Tax-free Internet shopping days could be numbered

Tax-free Internet shopping days could be numbered
"Two bills are pending in Congress that would allow tax collectors to target out-of-state Internet and mail-order retailers, and their supporters are optimistic about their political prospects.
'I certainly would love to see a floor vote,' said Neal Osten, federal affairs counsel for the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), a lobby group for state politicians. 'We've heard encouraging words from the Democratic leadership in the House.'"

Detroit schools must return $39M if federal funds aren't spent by June

Detroit schools must return $39M if federal funds aren't spent by June: "Detroit Public Schools has until June to spend more than $39 million targeted to reading programs for poor children or will have to pay it back to the federal government.
The money is part of about $140 million in federal money from programs, including Title 1, that give money to schools attended by large numbers of children who qualify for free or reduced lunches. The money is earmarked for reading teachers, tutors, books, supplies and other academic needs."

West Michigan News from the Grand Haven Tribune a Michigan Newspaper

West Michigan News from the Grand Haven Tribune a Michigan Newspaper: "Legislators are considering bills that would allow counties to dissolve road commissions and take over their responsibilities."

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Clinton losing traction over Obama in Pennsylvania, Indiana - Los Angeles Times

Clinton losing traction over Obama in Pennsylvania, Indiana - Los Angeles Times: "Her formerly double-digit lead is now just a five-point margin in Pennsylvania, survey finds. The reduced margin makes a win for her there less significant. She trails Obama among Hoosiers"

Harbor Theater comments

Pretty good response to earlier GordoM grumps!

Hmm I just noticed that I exceeded the allowed characters in my previous post.I was finishing by saying that Community Mental Health will be hosting the event and holding post-movie discussions led by not only mental health experts but individuals in the community living with the disease or disorder. We are always looking for new ways to utilize the building for public and private use, so if anyone has any suggestions or comments in this department, please feel free to contact me.Thanks, and hope to see you at the theater!-Jen Hahn NielsenJen Hahn Nielsen Homepage 04.14.08 - 12:22 am #

No, the board does not necessarily "pick" the showings, but occasionally offer suggestions including which direction they would like to see the theater focus. We (the executive directors) welcome all suggestions from not only the board but the community as a whole. If we like the idea, and fits in to our vision, we book the film!Jen Hahn Nielsen Homepage 04.14.08 - 12:18 am #

Hello! Just browsing through Harbor Theater information online and thought I would share a few comments (I am the co-executive director of the Harbor Theater).While doing some research (including talking to theater-goers that attended the Harbor Cinema and Lounge a few years ago), we discovered that one of the biggest complaints that theater patrons had was that they were unable to read the small print due to the smaller ad in the Muskegon Chronicle. This was verified by the man who sold us ad space, who said that people frequently called in to complain to the Chronicle and asked them to make the advertisement bigger (interesting that people think that the Chronicle is responsible for small advertisements). We are not sure what kind of "deal" the Chronicle gave the the old owners, but our advertisement price is very reasonable and we are very happy with the results. Not putting the website in the ad is something we have to notify them about, as we instructed (and, essentially, paid) them to do so.As far as effectiveness...well, I have no idea how you could judge that. We seem to have quite a positive response from the advertisement and many people have told us that the Muskegon Chronicle will be their primary source for getting our showtimes. The previous owners conducted a survey and 67% of people said that that is how they received Harbor Theater information and events, with the second runner up being Word of Mouth (at only 17%). I was very surprised to see that the internet wasn't a bigger factor. The times may have changed a little, though. We have a survey in the works to determine how and from what distance people are receiving their information.We are a new business, and as much as I would love to say "Well, it looks like people don't go to the movies as often (or as late) on Thursdays as on Fridays, so let's show one showing on Thursday at 7:00:", we can't. Last Thursday was our busiest day last week, and I would honestly say we had a decent turnout during the weekend. Finding what works in our community with the movies we are showing is something we are in the process of determining. We live a matter of blocks away from the theater in Lakeside and don't mind being there for extended periods of time. Spring Break was last week, so we did try some earlier matinees, and also showed E.T. free all week.We do anticipate renting the theater for both private and public events. It's a beautiful building, and we do stand by our statement as operating as a "community theater". Some of the events we have considered are special screenings, video game tournaments (even WalMart has picked up on the Halo tournament craze!), post-prom or school lock-ins, guest speakers (We will be booking Lloyd Kaufman in August for a two-day Q&A and special screening of his upcoming movie), and also host quarterly week-long mental health awareness "festivals" which will be absolutely free to the public. Community Mental Health will beJen Hahn Nielsen Homepage 04.14.08 - 12:13 am #

Does the board pick the showings?crack'd muskegon newz Homepage 04.13.08 - 9:12 pm #

NON PROFIT means we are incorporated as a NON PROFIT. Beyond our salaries, we can not profit. There is a board of directors. If you would like to come on down and have a cup of coffee, I can prove to you that we are a NON PROFIT and following all the rules a NON PROFIT needs to follow.Brendan Pelto 04.13.08 - 8:35 pm #

A Living Lie

RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Living Lie: "becoming painfully apparent with each new revelation of how drastically his carefully crafted image this election year contrasts with what he has actually been saying and doing for many years.
Senator Obama's election year image is that of a man who can bring the country together, overcoming differences of party or race, as well as solving our international problems by talking with Iran and other countries with which we are at odds, and performing other miscellaneous miracles as needed.
There is, of course, not a speck of evidence that Obama has ever transcended party differences in the United States Senate. Voting records analyzed by the National Journal show him to be the farthest left of anyone in the Senate. Nor has he sponsored any significant bipartisan legislation -- nor any other significant legislation, for that matter."

National News - Divorce, Unwed Parenting Costing Taxpayers

National News - Divorce, Unwed Parenting Costing Taxpayers

Monday, April 14, 2008

GOP lawmaker apologizes for Obama quip

GOP lawmaker apologizes for Obama quip: "Republican Rep. Geoff Davis apologizing to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday after referring to him as 'that boy.'
Addressing a Republican gathering Saturday night, the Kentucky lawmaker said, 'That boy's finger does not need to be on the button.' Davis was talking about political and national security issues at an annual GOP dinner."

GordoM is thinkin' "that boy" Davis is a gonner....bu bye...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Obama says many feel ignored

Obama says many feel ignored
"The audience was enthusiastic and angry at Obama's critics, The Indianapolis Star reported. Dr. Kathleen Beache, a Republican dentist from Indianapolis, wore an Obama T-shirt to the rally."

IPS stuck in culture of apathy, inefficiency | | The Indianapolis Star

IPS stuck in culture of apathy, inefficiency The Indianapolis Star: "When the superintendent brought in auditors to look at the Indianapolis Public Schools bus operation in December, the department couldn't say how many routes it runs each day. Auditors had to guess.
When the school district tried to dismiss 14 administrators this year, it missed a deadline to notify the employees and now must pay their full salaries for another year.

Although the district struggles to hire teachers and is chronically short-staffed, it has 10,000 job applications that have never been reviewed."

Metro Indy under freeze watch tonight

Metro Indy under freeze watch tonight
"Central Indiana should see temperatures in the low 70s this week – but not before cooler air prompts a freeze watch."

Souder: U.S. should skip Games' opening | | The Indianapolis Star

Souder: U.S. should skip Games' opening The Indianapolis Star: "U.S. Rep. Mark Souder has joined a growing number of lawmakers who want to make it illegal for President Bush or any member of Congress to attend the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Summer Olympics because of China's crackdown in Tibet.
Souder, R-Ind., said Friday that if the president doesn't skip the ceremony then Congress should force him to stay home.

'I don't know why any president or elected official should go as they try to have their moment in the world spotlight as Hitler did during those Olympics' before World War II, Souder said Friday. 'That's about as hard as I can say it.'" | News | The Indianapolis Star News The Indianapolis Star

Man breaks arm in fall from IU frat window | | The Indianapolis Star

Man breaks arm in fall from IU frat window The Indianapolis Star

Record fine could present problems for DeVoses

Record fine could present problems for DeVoses

The National political action committee network under that name embodies founders Dick and Betsy DeVos' long-held passion for private school vouchers and charter schools.
But in the wake of a record $5.2 million fine levied April 3 by the Ohio Elections Commission, the issues pose a challenge to their stake in Michigan politics. It would not be the first time.
In 2000, the DeVoses poured nearly $5 million into a failed ballot measure in Michigan that would have offered vouchers for private schools."


This is a really neet little weather aplet with no ads.

I have it on all my computers.



The Harbor Theater "thoughts"

Some thoughts on the Harbor Theater:

I haven't been yet and I hope I'm dead wrong but here are my thoughts.

It seems The Chronicle ad department isn't giving them much help.

1. I saw their ads this week in The Chronicle. Not terrible but about twice the size (and cost?) of the old ads the previous owners of the Harbor used. And less effective, in my opinion.

2. They have no web address of any kind in the ad. Why not?
Their own site isn't too bad.

They could learn much from their competitor's sites.

3. The schedule is too dang confusing! They are new. They don't need new customers sitting in empty theatres on Sat. morning or 3 shows per day.

I'd suggest 2 shows on Sat/Sun and 1 on Wed/Thurs until they get some traction in the community.

4. The "non-profit" obsession is a turn-off to those of us who understand that privately generated "profit" is what pays for ALL the governmental functions of all of our governments....and there is that question about their definition of "non-profit".

5. A giant opportunity is the ability to rent their theatre for private events. I'd love to support a Tues night or afternoon showing of an art film or a political film like "An Inconvenient Truth" or "" style DVD movies.

6.Are they contacting Rotary, Muskegon Community Foundation etc to offer their building for private shows?
7.Persnickety but it used to be spelled "Theatre" now "Theater".

Maybe more of us can add positive advice.


Turmoil Hits Mont. Club for Ultra Rich

We were in Big Sky 2 years ago. Ritzy!

"For the ultra-rich, the Yellowstone Club is a private retreat like no other. It boasts its own ski resort, security provided by ex-Secret Service agents and a deep-pocketed membership that includes Bill Gates and former Vice President Dan Quayle.
However, a bitter divorce fight between the club's billionaire founders as well as a lawsuit by a group of investors led by cycling legend Greg LeMond have revealed all is not well behind the tony club's gated entrance in southwestern Montana's Gallatin Mountains, according to recent court testimony and documents reviewed by The Associated Press"

Alicia Keyes: 'Gangsta Rap' Created to Convince Black People to Kill Each Other

Alicia Keyes: 'Gangsta Rap' Created to Convince Black People to Kill Each Other
"There's another side to Alicia Keys: conspiracy theorist.
The Grammy-winning singer-songwriter tells Blender magazine: ''Gangsta rap' was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. 'Gangsta rap' didn't exist.'
Keys, 27, said she's read several Black Panther autobiographies and wears a gold AK-47 pendant around her neck 'to symbolize strength, power and killing 'em dead,"

Lonely Planet's bad trip | The Daily Telegraph

Lonely Planet's bad trip The Daily Telegraph: "THE Lonely Planet guidebook empire is reeling from claims by one of its authors that he plagiarised and made up large sections of his books and dealt drugs to make up for poor pay."

Serial Subway Groper Arrested Once Again

Serial Subway Groper Arrested Once Again
"About two weeks after he was released from prison, Freddie Johnson boarded a crowded subway train in Manhattan and illegally rubbed up against a woman, authorities said.

It is a fairly common crime on subways in New York. But this was no common criminal.

Johnson has been arrested a staggering 53 times -- the majority for groping women on the subway, police and prosecutors said."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

FEMA Issues New Limits on Formaldehyde Levels in Trailers

FEMA Issues New Limits on Formaldehyde Levels in Trailers
"The Federal Emergency Management Agency is setting strict new limits on formaldehyde levels in the mobile homes it buys for disaster victims.
After insisting that existing trailers are safe, the agency said Friday it will take 'extraordinary precautions' by buying trailers with formaldehyde emissions comparable to that of conventional housing. The requirement will cover a three-year contract to purchase up to 3,300 units and a smaller contract for units intended for disabled residents."

School spending out of control!

CARPE DIEM: "real Per Pupil Expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools has increased from $6051 in 1985-86 to $9295 in 2005-2006, a 53.61% increase (see graph above). Over the same period, real inflation-adjusted gas prices rose by only 10.9% according to EIA data, from $2.24 per gallon in January 1986 to $2.484 per gallon in January 2006 (the mid-point in the school year)."

Friday, April 11, 2008 - Lawyers: Families of Virginia Tech Victims to Get $11M Settlement - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Lawyers: Families of Virginia Tech Victims to Get $11M Settlement - Local News News Articles National News US News: "Families of the victims in the Virginia Tech shootings have reached an $11 million settlement with the state, lawyers said Thursday. The deal is designed to prevent future lawsuits.
Peter Grenier and Douglas Fierberg, who represent 21 families, said they would not discuss terms of the settlement until final papers are drawn"

Flying the Oberstar Skies -

Flying the Oberstar Skies -