Friday, April 11, 2008

Higher state tax on beer? - San Jose Mercury News

Higher state tax on beer? - San Jose Mercury News: "Joe Six-pack will have to pay a lot more to get his buzz on if Assemblyman Jim Beall has his way.
The San Jose Democrat on Thursday proposed raising the beer tax by $1.80 per six-pack, or 30 cents per can or bottle. The current tax is 2 cents per can. That's an increase of about 1,500 percent."

YouTube - SwiftKids- The Pantsuit

YouTube - SwiftKids- The Pantsuit

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Way - Sports News

My Way - Sports News: "Self's new deal is likely to make him one of college basketball's highest-paid coaches. Florida coach Billy Donovan is believed to be the highest among coaches at public universities, after he signed a six-year contract worth $3.5 million per year in 2007."

Michigan Girl's Birthday Hope Comes True

Michigan Girl's Birthday Hope Comes True
"At her seventh birthday party, Amber Birdsall thought the huge gift box wrapped in pink paper likely hid a pair of bicycles.
She was wrong. Inside was something she wanted even more - her stepfather, a soldier who had been deployed overseas.
'This is way better than bikes,' Amber said"

Annual balloon festival postponed until 2009

Annual balloon festival postponed until 2009: "JACKSON, Mich. (AP) -- The annual Hot Air Jubilee in Jackson has been canceled this year.
Chairman Dean Anderson tells the Jackson Citizen Patriot that the committee wants to reorganize the event following years of financial problems and poor weather.
It was scheduled for July 18-20. Anderson says the event will return in 2009"

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences - Michigan State University

Department of Crop and Soil Sciences - Michigan State University: "Why doesn't the regular MSU soil test include nitrogen analysis?
Soil nitrate levels are the best indicator of nitrogen availability. Because these levels fluctuate widely depending on rainfall and soil temperature, the best time to take soil nitrate samples in while the crop is growing. within two weeks of supplemental nitrogen applications.
A soil sample taken months ahead of this time will not provide an accurate measure of the nitrogen available to the plants."

U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11 | The New York Sun

U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11 The New York Sun: "Mr. Falk said, 'It is possibly true that especially the neoconservatives thought there was a situation in the country and in the world where something had to happen to wake up the American people. ......... All we can say is there is a lot of grounds for suspicion, there should be an official investigation of the sort the 9/11 commission did not engage in and that the failure to do these things is cheating the American people and in some sense the people of the world of a greater confidence in what really happened than they presently possess.'"

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Muskegon could fix 'missing link' on Lakeshore Trail - Muskegon Chronicle -

Muskegon could fix 'missing link' on Lakeshore Trail - Muskegon Chronicle - "Al-Shatel said the job could be done using less than $100,000 of Major Street funds, and could begin this summer, if the commission approves."

Insiders: Confessions Of A Hedge Fund Manager Redux

Insiders: Confessions Of A Hedge Fund Manager Redux: "So can you tell me what happened with Bear Stearns? What were the steps?"

New FEMA map for Grand Rapids could cost residents big time

New FEMA map for Grand Rapids could cost residents big time: "If FEMA gets its way, roughly 6,000 homes and businesses would be added to the floodplain on both sides of the river.

'A lot of residential properties, a lot of commercial properties in this area both north and south of I-196 and west of 131 would be affected,' said DeLong.

Michael Smith bought his house in Walker years ago. At that time, he made sure his house was not in a floodplain.

'Ten years down the road, they're suddenly changing the ball game on me and it doesn't make me happy at all,” says Michael.

Thousands of homeowners may have to purchase flood insurance.

Angie Rinock of State Farm Insurance says, 'The average cost of flood insurance is about $400 a year, about $35 to $40 extra dollars a month.'

But that's just the average, some estimates put the number between $1000 and $4000 dollars a year."

Michigan State Police Suffering Through Trooper Shortage

Michigan State Police Suffering Through Trooper Shortage: "Scott Wilber is a trooper and a representative for the Trooper's Association. He says the Michigan State Police hasn't trained any new recruits in six years.

As a result, the department is down about 400 people statewide."

Teacher breaks wall of silence at state's Muslim public school

Teacher breaks wall of silence at state's Muslim public school: "Why does the Minnesota Department of Education allow this sort of religious activity at a public school? According to Zaman, the department inspects TIZA regularly -- and has done so 'numerous times' -- to ensure that it is not a religious school."

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

My Way News - NY Union Members Charged With Extortion

My Way News - NY Union Members Charged With Extortion: "A dozen leaders and members of a construction union were arrested Tuesday and charged with a decade of attacks against nonunion workers and their families, and prosecutors said some of the crimes were aided by the local's access to state motor vehicle records"

GAO: Millions Wasted on Gov't Cards

GAO: Millions Wasted on Gov't Cards: "Federal employees charged millions of dollars for Internet dating, tailor-made suits, lingerie, lavish dinners and other questionable expenses to their government credit cards over a 15-month period, congressional auditors say."

Obama Delegate Resigns After Remark

Obama Delegate Resigns After Remark: "'I calmly said the tree is not there for them to be climbing in there like monkeys.'
The mother of one boy called police.
Cmdr. Michael Kilbourne said Tuesday a ticket was issued because the ordinance bans conduct that disturbs or alarms people. One of the boys told police he was scared by her comment and a mother said she was disturbed, he said."

Monday, April 07, 2008

JS Online: Pension twist costs county millions

JS Online: Pension twist costs county millions: "Hundreds of Milwaukee County workers have pumped up their pensions by a total of at least $50 million through an obscure program that skirted county laws and federal tax rules, a Journal Sentinel investigation found."

Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » Britain and Electricity

Britain and Electricity: "There is a looming electricity crisis that is about to overtake the United States. While our demand for electricity continues to increase due to construction, computers (data centers take up a significant portion of electricity demand), and potentially even electric cars, essentially no new “base load” supply of electrical generation is being added to the market."

Confederate Yankee: MSNBC Games McCain Speech with Irrelevant "Breaking News"

MSNBC Games McCain Speech with Irrelevant "Breaking News": "MSNBC needs to justify this 'breaking news' event by proving that they have broken into other live events on their network to cover minor Green Zone mortar attacks during the campaign season.
Somehow, I doubt they can."

College Isn’t Worth a Million Dollars

College Isn’t Worth a Million Dollars
"the shocking conclusions that American higher education today has gotten too expensive for what it produces; that it has become too costly for the typical student ... that education (a college degree) does not pay!”"

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Cattle feeders feel effects of ethanol's need for corn

Cattle feeders feel effects of ethanol's need for corn
"Ask John Van Pelt his thoughts on ethanol, and he's likely to pull out his adding machine and let the numbers speak for themselves.
Van Pelt, the manager of a cattle feedlot in this town 50 miles south of Amarillo, is now paying $215 a ton for cattle feed — double what he spent just three years ago. With 20,000 cattle in his yard, that works out to about $25,000 per day, just in feed, and what could become several million dollars in added costs this year."

VA employees rack up $2.6 billion in credit card charges

VA employees rack up $2.6 billion in credit card charges
"Veterans Affairs employees last year racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in government credit-card bills at casino and luxury hotels, movie theaters and high-end retailers such as Sharper Image and Franklin Covey — and government auditors are investigating, citing past spending abuses.
All told, VA staff charged $2.6 billion to their government credit cards."

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Climate Project

The Climate Project

Feeling the bite of food prices

Feeling the bite of food prices: "High oil prices, the push for alternative fuels and global demand for food are driving the trend.
'I've just started to think about using coupons,' said Taryn Reed, a Minneapolis mother and sometimes Kowalski's shopper, who says she has already begun shopping at supercenters more often and buying store brands.
Faced with $8-a-gallon organic milk and more than $2 for a dozen large eggs, consumers are changing their behavior"

Drink Absolut Vodka-- Bring Back Mythical Aztlan

Drink Absolut Vodka-- Bring Back Mythical Aztlan: "'In an Absolut World anything can happen including getting the US-Mexico border straight once and for all.'

...You may become so drunk you might even imagine you're in Aztlan.

Fast-tracking climate policies

Fast-tracking climate policies : "The new report probes the edges of executive orders and lays out the authority the next president could use to introduce global-warming policies without waiting for legislation to wind its way through the notoriously slow congressional machine"

Backpack snags on fence; man strangled | Seattle Times Newspaper

Backpack snags on fence; man strangled Seattle Times Newspaper: "In the backpack, an officer found about a dozen 40-ounce bottles full of beer, the report said."

Friday, April 04, 2008

BeldarBlog: Is Obama still smoking while hiding and denying it?

BeldarBlog: Is Obama still smoking while hiding and denying it?: "Is Obama still smoking while hiding and denying it?"

Obama and King -

Obama and King - "Martin Luther King Jr. died at age 39; today, the 40th anniversary of his death, is the first time he has been gone longer than he lived.
Figures such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have tried to claim his place on the American stage. But at most they have achieved fame and wealth. What separated King from any would-be successor was his moral authority. He towered above the high walls of racial suspicion by speaking truth to all sides."

Church sues city of Muskegon over denied permit

Church sues city of Muskegon over denied permit
"Planning commissioners cited those comments and also mentioned possible future commercial uses for the former dealership, which they said would be preferable to taking the building off the tax rolls for use as a church.
Acording to the lawsuit, the latter reason for denial is not allowed under a federal law called the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Person Act. 'This is a case where the church is being discriminated against in part because of its tax-exempt status -- a clear violation of (the act),' said Dan Dalton, the church's Royal Oak attorney, in a news release."

Muskegon, Ottawa counties receive $1 million (almost) teaching grant - Muskegon Chronicle -

Muskegon, Ottawa counties receive $1 million (almost) teaching grant - Muskegon Chronicle - "It's really to prepare teachers to be able to better teach traditional American history,' said Jo Ann Webb, spokeswoman for the Department of Education. 'When they can teach it better, then kids can learn it better.'"

Thursday, April 03, 2008

My Way News - States May Free Inmates to Save Millions

My Way News - States May Free Inmates to Save Millions: "Lawmakers from California to Kentucky are trying to save money with a drastic and potentially dangerous budget-cutting proposal: releasing tens of thousands of convicts from prison, including drug addicts, thieves and even violent criminals."

Sense of Events: The soft side of Simon Cowell

Sense of Events: The soft side of Simon Cowell: "The soft side of Simon Cowell

Gerard Van Der Leun says that this is the best five minutes you'll spend today. Righto, that."

DNC stance surprises campaigns

DNC stance surprises campaigns
"But the mere presence of Florida and Michigan on the credentials committee raises the prospect of vote-trading or last-minute maneuvering, creating potential confusion for a convention already shadowed by procedural controversies."

live dangerously be a conservative

live dangerously be a conservative

New Muskegon blog!

Your influence counts, but only if you use it! -

Your influence counts, but only if you use it! -

Mayor adds to stimulus proposal

Mayor adds to stimulus proposal:
"Under the mayor's plan, the city wouldn't borrow the money, but rather enter into an agreement with the Detroit Economic Growth Corp., a quasi-governmental agency, to borrow the money. The council would have to sign off on an ordinance authorizing the agreement.
After three payment-free years, the city would use the expected growth in casino revenue to make the annual $29 million payments on the bonds for the next 30 years. That's how Kilpatrick's staff said the city could undertake the projects without raising taxes or cutting from the budget."

'Pig Book' tallies $17.2 billion in pork

'Pig Book' tallies $17.2 billion in pork
"the Democrat-led Congress last year broke a promise to slash pork spending and doled out $17.2 billion for pet projects, including $296 million in earmarks by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton — the top spender of the three presidential contenders.........
Congress stuffed 11,610 projects into fiscal 2008 spending bills, the second-highest total ever and more than triple the number of projects in fiscal 2007. The $17.2 billion spent reflected a 30 percent increase over the previous year's $13.2 billion expenditure, according to the 'Pig Book.'"

AG - , Track Your Taxes

AG - , Track Your Taxes: "Welcome to Attorney General Mike Cox's
Track Your Taxes Webpage"

AG Cox pushes to put state budget online

AG Cox pushes to put state budget online
"Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox joined several Republican legislators making stops Tuesday in Kalamazoo and elsewhere to push for passage of a bill that would put the state budget online.
Sponsored by Rep. Jack Hoogendyk, R-Texas Township, the bill would require the creation of a Web site that specifies how the state spends money.
Cox called for bringing what's been dubbed the 'track your taxes' bill out of committee and to a vote in the House floor.
'The House has had more than enough time"

Worst States For Jobs - AOL Find a Job

Worst States For Jobs - AOL Find a Job: "1. Michigan

Unemployment rate: 7.1 percent

Population: 10,071,822

Mean annual wage: $41,230"

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

What A Difference 30 Years Makes » Manolo's Shoe Blog

What A Difference 30 Years Makes » Manolo's Shoe Blog

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Hillary fired for lies, unethical behavior from Congressional job: former boss

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Hillary fired for lies, unethical behavior from Congressional job: former boss: "Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.Why?“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”"

Gateway Pundit: Busted!..Another Democrat Caught in Prostitution Ring

Gateway Pundit: Busted!... Democrat Caught in Prostitution Ring: "Busted!... Another Democrat Caught in Prostitution Ring
'Have Hookers- Will Travel'
Another day- Another Democrat caught up in a prostitution ring.
The VP of Air America and husband of a Dem senator is busted in a prostitution sting."

NOT DEAD YET! Wisconsin conservatives sweep! Charlie Sykes

Wisconsin Charlie Sykes: "yesterday's election makes clear that reports of the demise of conservatism in Wisconsin were premature. It wasn't perfect, but there was a lot to cheer:"

Michigan offers hefty tax breaks to filmmakers

Michigan offers hefty tax breaks to filmmakers:
"When Gov. Jennifer Granholm signs tax incentives aimed at making Michigan the country's most attractive place to make movies, they may come with a hefty price tag.
The marquee piece of legislation will give film studios up to a 42 percent refundable credit on production expenses in the state -- the most lucractive in the United States."

Hitchens on Hillary Clinton's Trip to Bosnia

Hitchens on Hillary Clinton's Trip to Bosnia
"It's hardly necessary for me to point out that the United States did not receive national health care in return for its acquiescence in the murder of tens of thousands of European civilians."

The Clean Energy Scam

The "Clean energy" scam. "'The grain it takes to fill an SUV tank with ethanol could feed a person for a year'?"

Concern over 'zero carbon' homes

Concern over 'zero carbon' homes:
"People felt the eco-friendly buildings would require extra maintenance and that they would have to cut back on certain appliances, it added.
The National House-Building Council (NHBC) Foundation study said buyers also feared the homes would cost more.
The government has set a target that all new homes in England must have no net carbon emissions by 2016."

AEY’s Awful Afghan Ammo: Is It An Affirmative Action Scandal?

AEY’s Awful Afghan Ammo: Is It An Affirmative Action Scandal?: "In the wake of the NYT’s story on 22-year-old high school-dropout Efraim E. Diveroli, who snagged $202,000,000 in U.S. government ammunition contracts in Fiscal Year 2007 to supply bullets to the embattled Afghan government, many people are wondering how the federal government could have handed out such a big contract to some loser who has been arrested twice in his young life: for drunk driving and for beating up a parking valet."

Developer says three projects being held up by drain commissioner

Developer says three projects being held up by drain commissioner
"I came here today hoping to get a better understanding of why I can't get a drain commissioner to review my plans,' Jacobs said."

Norton Shores hires attorney, consultant in water dispute with Heights

Norton Shores hires attorney, consultant in water dispute with Heights
"The Norton Shores City Council Tuesday hired an attorney and a financial consultant to help resolve a dispute with Muskegon Heights over the management of the water system."

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Sense of Events: The World War II Memorial

Nice story of the few "Greatest" remaining and their silent bravery and quiet honor.

I'm always amazed and emotional when i see these fine Americans, of any age, as they visit a military memorial.

God bless them all!

"Korean War Memorial"

Media 'Depression'

-- Media 'Depression': "Yes, it was during the second Camelot presidency that the largest portions of the population were using food stamps: 10.4% in 1993 and 1994, and 10% in 1995."

ABC News: Whom Can You Believe? Democratic Campaign Claims Don't Hold Up

ABC News: Whom Can You Believe? Democratic Campaign Claims Don't Hold Up: "'I did speak out and opposed NAFTA,' Clinton told an AFL-CIO audience in Philadelphia. 'I raised a big yellow caution flag. I said, 'I'm not sure this is going to work.''
But if Clinton 'spoke out' against NAFTA, she did so quietly and behind closed doors, and made no mention of it in her 2003 autobiography 'Living History.'" News Forum News Forum: "my father-in-law who is 71 believes this nonsense fervently. He goes off the deep end when it comes up as if we (the US) are causing the world to destruct. The 'Arctic Ice Sheets are melting' he emphatically insisted. He actually think Florida will be under water in 10 years. That evening I went to the Daily Arctic Ice Sea Maps website and printed out 2 color photos to prove him wrong. You know what he said, 'That Website was out up by Bush to try to get out of Kyoto'."

Food Stamp Television Advertising

Food Stamp Television Advertising

note from my friend Barack Hussein Obama

B.Hussein and his friends want Gordo to travel to Pennsylvania and be a grass root.

Gordo will stay home and weed his garden.

"Dear Friend,
In the past few weeks, thousands of people from all across the country have traveled to Pennsylvania to help grow our movement.
Thanks to supporters like you, we registered tens of thousands of new Democrats and built a base of support that will help Barack in the primary on April 22nd.
Now we need to make sure all these new voices are heard.
Sign up to take a trip to Pennsylvania and help Get Out The Vote for Barack:
Our campaign has always relied on grassroots supporters to build our movement and spread the word about Barack Obama.
The steps that we're taking right now will help us do more than win an election -- they will empower ordinary Americans to join with their friends, family, and neighbors in believing that together we can make a difference.
No prior political experience is necessary. All you need is a hunger for change and a willingness to turn your enthusiasm into action.
Make a difference right away for Barack in Pennsylvania:
Thank you for your continued support,
Angela BotticellaPennsylvania Deputy Field DirectorObama for America"

Obama Record tells another truth

Maybe it's how he voted and not what he says?

Aren't "aborted fetuses who survive" HUMAN BEINGS?

"He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive. He supported allowing retired police officers to carry concealed weapons, but opposed allowing people to use banned handguns to defend against intruders in their homes. And the list of sensitive topics goes on."

YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle

YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle


"An artifact of a sick society: Hamas television features a puppet show in which a child murders President Bush, after telling him that the White House has been turned into a mosque for the 'nation of Islam.'"

Obama to offer SCUS deal to Hillary?

Our Comforter-in-Chief Stands with Furious Liberal Women of America:
'Have you heard that the Hollywood left has a huge plan in order to get this campaign over with, and that is to get Obama to promise to name Mrs. Clinton to the Supreme Court, and in exchange for that she'd get out of the race."

Earth Day Network-no power to the people

Earth Day Network wants moratorium on new power plants
"the group is arming supporters with voluntary talking points, including a call for a moratorium on new coal-burning plants...............and protections to ensure the poor and middle classes don't bear the brunt of rising energy costs.

22 questions for Barack Obama about Rev. Wright

Peter Wehner on Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright
"3. When did you first become aware of the fact that in 1984 Reverend Wright traveled to Libya with Louis Farrakhan to visit Muammar Qadhafi? Similarly, when did you become aware of Wright's role in giving Farrakhan a lifetime-achievement award and that Wright referred to the Nation of Islam leader as a man of “integrity and honesty?” Did those things trouble you when you learned of them?"

"hardening racial lines..." -: "'THE GANG:' 'Democrats should now ask themselves how a party of supposed racial transcendence inevitably ended up with primaries predicated along hardening racial lines, and a unity, trans-racial candidate who for twenty years was intimate with a pastor and spiritual advisor who seems to have derided almost everyone and everything, from America, to Italians, to Jews and Israel, to whites and moderate blacks, with serial slurs worthy of a Don Imus or Michael Richards.'"

American Thinker: Does Obama know America?

American Thinker: Does Obama know America?:
Obama seems to have adopted his mother's role as an anthropologist.

He writes about himself:
'Only Malcolm X's autobiography seemed to offer something different. His repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me. The blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will. All the other stuff, the talk of blue-eyed devils and apocalypse, was incidental to that program, I decided. ...
'And yet, even as I imagine myself following Malcolm's call, one line in the book stayed with me. He spoke of a wish he'd once had, the wish that the white blood that ran through him, there by an act of violence, might somehow be expunged.' (italics added)"

The 'Recession' Is a Media Myth

The 'Recession' Is a Media Myth: "A little perspective on the economy would be helpful. The average unemployment rate during President Clinton was 5.2 percent. The average under President George W. Bush is just slightly below 5.2. The current unemployment rate is4.8 percent, almost half a percentage point lower than these averages."

Google TiSP-this could change the world!

Welcome to Google TiSP: "Sign up for our free in-home wireless broadband service"
.....or Aprilesque.....

Marsha Blackburn on McCain’s short list?

Blackburn on McCain’s short list?: "A South Carolina blog claims to have seen the five names on John McCain’s short list for Vice President: Joe Lieberman, Charlie Crist, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, and Marsha Blackburn.

McCain's Secret Gameplan | FITSNews For Now

McCain's Secret Gameplan FITSNews For Now: "Joe Lieberman has already ruled out running on a ticket with GOP presidential nominee John McCain, the Connecticut Senator remains the Maverick Republican’s top pick for the No. 2 slot, according to confidential campaign strategy memo showed to FITSNews last weekend by a McCain strategist.
S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford, whose political consultant Jon Lerner has been working full-time these days to secure Sanford a spot on McCain’s shortlist, did not appear among McCain’s top five choices according to the memo, which were Lieberman, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn."

McCain winning in Michigan poll?

The Campaign Spot on National Review Online: "Rasmussen Sees Amazing Numbers For McCain In Blue States"

Montague to host open house about proposed fire millage

Montague to host open house about proposed fire millage
"The department is seeking 1.9 mills for 20 years to build the $1.8 million fire station and cover the costs of operations and equipment replacement"

Monday, March 31, 2008

USA 2008: The Great Depression - Americas, World - The Independent

USA 2008: The Great Depression - Americas, World - The Independent: "Michigan has been in its own mini-recession for years as its collapsing industrial base, particularly in the car industry, has cast more and more out of work. Now, one in eight residents of the state is on food stamps, double the level in 2000. 'We have seen a dramatic increase in recent years, but we have also seen it climbing more in recent months,' Maureen Sorbet, a spokeswoman for Michigan's programme, said. 'It's been increasing steadily. Without the programme, some families and kids would be going without.'"

USA 2008: The Great Depression

USA 2008: The Great Depression
: "The programme is available to people whose earnings are just above the official poverty line. For Hubert Liepnieks, the card is a lifeline he could never afford to lose. Just out of prison, he sleeps in overnight shelters in Manhattan and uses the card at a Morgan Williams supermarket on East 23rd Street. Yesterday, he and his fiancée, Christine Schultz, who is in a wheelchair, shared one banana and a cup of coffee bought with the 82 cents left on it."


"Hillary's Bosnia lie may have opened the floodgates. The media now seem to be aggressively fact-checking the tall-tales and fabrications of all the candidates -- and Obama is having a tough week."

Big plane model to honor Ike Kepford, Muskegon's WWII air ace

Big plane model to honor Ike Kepford, Muskegon's WWII air ace
"A nearly full-size replica of the Navy warplane flown by the late Muskegon air ace Ira 'Ike' Kepford during World War II will be on display on Muskegon's waterfront this summer."

Amazon Game Room's Blog: "Hilary Clinton’s 3AM Call of Duty Mission Bosnia" Permalink

Amazon Game Room's Blog: "Hilary Clinton’s 3AM Call of Duty Mission Bosnia" Permalink

Doctors support universal health care: survey

Doctors support universal health care: survey
"More than half of U.S. doctors now favor switching to a national health care plan and fewer than a third oppose the idea, according to a survey published on Monday."

The Real Obama::By Ken Blackwell

The Real Obama::By Ken Blackwell:
"Start with national security, since the president’s most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists — something no president has ever taken off the table"

Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide

Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide
.. "the conclusions were not what she expected. 'I hoped that these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of identification with whites as a result of the educational and occupational path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a certain level of identification with the black community. However, these findings do not support this possibility.'"

Sunday, March 30, 2008



Road agencies turn crumbling roads back to gravel

Road agencies turn crumbling roads back to gravel
"Because of shrinking budgets and a bumper crop of potholes, unpaved sections are cropping up in populated areas, on roads that had been covered with blacktop for decades.
A growing number of county road agencies -- including Kent, Montcalm, and Ionia -- are choosing to grind deteriorating asphalt back to gravel, at least temporarily, until they can do resurfacing this summer. Oceana, Muskegon and other counties are considering it."

Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills

Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills
"Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has been putting off paying hundreds of bills for months — freeing up cash for critical media buys but also earning the campaign a reputation as something of a deadbeat in some small-business circles.

A pair of Ohio companies owed more than $25,000 by Clinton for staging events for her campaign are warning others in the tight-knit event production community — and anyone else who will listen — to get their cash upfront when doing business with her"

Ballot shortages a continuing problem - Yahoo! News

Ballot shortages a continuing problem - Yahoo! News: "It's a simple question with no simple answer: Why do polling places across America keep running out of ballots when it's no secret that this contentious primary season keeps breaking voter turnout records?"

Best of the Web Today -

Best of the Web Today - "I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community,' Barack Obama said last week about his 'spiritual mentor,' the Rev. Jeremiah 'God Damn America' Wright. But now, CNN reports, Obama is changing his tune. Well, sort of:
In an interview scheduled to air Friday on ABC's 'The View'--excerpts of which aired on CNN on Thursday night--Obama talks about Wright's reaction to the controversy.
'Had the reverend not retired and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were [sic] inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church,' the senator said.
Does this mean he would have left? Or does it mean he would have stayed but felt uncomfortable? And when did Wright apologize? Blogger Tom Maguire undertakes an extensive investigation, and the answer appears to be: Never"

5 Things the Web Can Find for Your Next Trip | Popular Science

5 Things the Web Can Find for Your Next Trip Popular Science

Toronto Chinese Rally Turns Ugly

Epoch Times Toronto Chinese Rally Turns Ugly: "'Dalai Lama die there!' some Chinese shouted at a group of Tibetans who had gathered across the street from the square to protest. 'Leave Canada!' others urged."

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » ‘21′ Holds Winning Hand At Box Office; ‘Superhero’ Is Superflop; ‘Stop-Loss’ DOA

Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » ‘21′ Holds Winning Hand At Box Office; ‘Superhero’ Is Superflop; ‘Stop-Loss’ DOA: "I'm told #7 Stop-Loss opened to only $1.6 million Friday from just 1,291 plays and should eke out $4+M."

"It's not looking good," a studio source told me before the weekend. "No one wants to see Iraq war movies. No matter what we put out there in terms of great cast or trailers, people were completely turned off. It's a function of the marketplace not being ready to address this conflict in a dramatic way because the war itself is something that's unresolved yet. It's a shame because it's a good movie that's just ahead of its time."

Friday, March 28, 2008

Terminal disgrace: Poor training and computer failings to blame for T5 chaos as flights fiasco to last into the weekend| News | This is London

Terminal disgrace: Poor training and computer failings to blame for T5 chaos as flights fiasco to last into the weekend News This is London: "Major blunders so far include:
• A lack of car parking space for baggage handlers arriving for the morning shift yesterday. Many were still driving round the airport looking for somewhere to park as the first passengers were checking in their bags
• A shortage of BAA security staff to let baggage handlers into the terminal"

Potomac Watch -

Potomac Watch - "Her Bosnia misspeak is now serving as proxy for all the truths about the Clintons' non-truths, allowing even liberals to break free from their Clinton dependence."

Hillary's Last Hope -

Hillary's Last Hope - "In other words, Florida Democrats acted as if their primary mattered just as much as other Democrats. By contrast, turnout in Michigan was only 23.7% of Kerry's 2004 vote, and it is an open primary. Michigan Democrats did not act like their primary mattered."

The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid#3380340530600110005

The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid#3380340530600110005: "the Democrats appear to be a party of lawyers. Only lawyers could have invented delegate selection rules as complicated and opaque as the ones the Democrats are struggling under. It also looks like only lawyers have a chance at the Democratic nomination. Harvard Law (Obama) and Yale Law (Clinton) candidates have survived, while University of North Carolina Law (Edwards), Syracuse Law (Biden), and the University of Louisville Law (Dodd) have been eliminated. And lawyers at the DNC Rules Committee will decide what happens next."

Foul Balls: Subway, Eat Fresh

Foul Balls: Subway, Eat Fresh

Limbaugh safe from voter-fraud charges

Thank God!

This could have been the end of Operation Chaos!

Limbaugh safe from voter-fraud charges: "Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has been telling his audience for days now that he could be indicted for encouraging Ohio Republicans to take a Democratic ballot in the March 4 primary in what he calls 'Operation Chaos.'
Could that actually happen?
Not likely, Ohio officials say."


SCORCHED EARTH Charlie Sykes: "If you had a shred of doubt that Hillary wouldn't wage a dead-ender campaign to derail Obama... watch this: questioning Obama's electability; his 'legitimacy' as nominee; and talking about a convention floor fight over delegates."

click link to see the video

Monday forum to focus on $25 million school bond election -

Monday forum to focus on $25 million school bond election - "If voters approve it in the May 6 election, the school district's taxpayers, who are currently paying off a 2001 bond issue, would continue to pay the current tax rate of 7.27 mills until 2037, 17 years later than the expiration of the current tax.
The additional money generated by the tax extension would pay for improvements to the district's facilities, alleviating some of the strain on the district's finances.
Among the items included in the proposed project are construction of a 48,450-square-foot early childhood center and a new transportation building, renovations to the three school buildings and installation of synthetic turf and additional bleachers at the football stadium"

NAA Reveals Biggest Ad Revenue Plunge in More Than 50 Years

NAA Reveals Biggest Ad Revenue Plunge in More Than 50 Years: "The newspaper industry has experienced the worst drop in advertising revenue in more than 50 years."

Michael Calderone's Blog -

Michael Calderone's Blog - "While I'm all for transparency on blogs, and have made mistakes corrected by readers, it's remarkable that Think Progress would allege that the Republican nominee for president plagiarized a speech without putting the two speeches before the campaign for comment. Or, apparently, checking the candidate's website first"

Personal income rises, inflation moderates

Personal income rises, inflation moderates
"U.S. personal income rose more than expected in February as the economy teetered on the brink of a recession, while both personal spending and a key price measure increased only slightly, a government report showed on Friday."

Death Penalty

Troubled neighborhood store to change hands

Troubled neighborhood store to change hands
"The market at 1149 Wood was the scene of 106 police calls during 2007, Kleibecker said, and if allowed to remain open, 'will only continue to drain police resources.'"