Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fox News doomed! "their end is near" Sean Penn

It's a wrap - 'Milk' filming ends in S.F.: "'I almost wish Jerry Falwell were alive to see this. Almost,' Penn shouted to the crowd. After dropping some names of conservatives who are still with us - 'Bill O'Reilly, who is too stupid to talk about,' and 'Sean Hannity, the butt boy of Rupert Murdoch,' Penn said, 'We know something more. We know their end is near.'"




FNC GRETA 1,851,000

FNC SHEP 1,734,000

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CNN COOPER 973,000



CARPE DIEM: Quote of the Day

CARPE DIEM: Quote of the Day: "'Civil rights used to be about treating everyone the same. But today some people are so used to special treatment that equal treatment is considered to be discrimination.'"

English-only sign at Philadelphia cheesesteak shop not discriminatory

Incredible that we American taxpayer/citizens need a "ruling" to post a sign in our own business.
Ruling: English-only sign at Philadelphia cheesesteak shop not discriminatory: "A Philadelphia agency has ruled that English-only signs at a famous cheesesteak shop are not discriminatory.
The Commission on Human Relations says in its Wednesday ruling that the sign at Geno's Steaks does not violate the city's Fair Practices Ordinance"

Kendall student pleads guilty to graffiti at veterans park

More "love" from the "peace" crowd.

Kendall student pleads guilty to graffiti at veterans park
"A Kendall College student pleaded guilty Tuesday to painting graffiti on markers at the city's Veterans Memorial Park, court records show.

Racist demos in Pennsylvania?

Is this reversal the result of democrats showing their true colors?

"Clinton leads Obama by 40 points among whites.

What is surprising is PPP's finding that Clinton gets 27 percent of the African American vote."

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

50 of the Most Easily Overlooked Tax Deductions—AllFinancialMatters

50 of the Most Easily Overlooked Tax Deductions—AllFinancialMatters

McCain’s 67% Favorable Rating His Highest in Eight Years

McCain’s 67% Favorable Rating His Highest in Eight Years: "John McCain's 67% favorable rating is the highest of any of the three major candidates running for president, and ties for his highest in Gallup polling history."

CARPE DIEM: Thomas Sowell: Economic Facts and Fallacies

I just bought this book.
from the excellent Carpe Diem (
CARPE DIEM: Thomas Sowell: Economic Facts and Fallacies: "An excellent 5-part National Review Online interview with Thomas Sowell, based on his new book 'Economic Facts and Fallacies':"

BLACKFIVE: "Outside the Wire" - Get Your Copy Now

Watch the trailer.
BLACKFIVE: "Outside the Wire" - Get Your Copy Now: "There are three components to 'Outside the Wire':
'Danger Close' (discussed above, also) is an up-close, in-depth look at a complex attack by Al Qaida on small, distant U.S. Army outpost on the edge of the Euphrates river valley. JD Johannes was the only reporter to witness the attack and followed the US Army paratroopers into combat--nearly getting himself killed.
'Anbar Awkens' shows the greatest turn-around of the Iraq War--the tribes of Al Anbar province joining with the coalition to fight Al Qaida--from the perspective of the Jumayli tribe. The Jumayli tribe--with no prompting from the Coalition--turned on Al Qaida and engaged in a serious gun-battle with Al Qaida before formally joining with the coalition.
'Baghdad Surge' is a look at the surge from asphalt level. This episode follows a U.S. Army infantry Captain through a 'day-of-the-surge' and the modern three-block-war.
Get the DVD today."

Democratic Re-do Likely Won't Happen

Jenny's string of disasters continues.

"It's appearing more and more likely there will not be a re-do of the Democratic presidential primary election. WWJ Lansing Bureau Chief Tim Skubick reports state Senate Democrats came out of a closed door meeting Tuesday morning and said there are not enough votes to approve a re-do."


Delta to Offer Severance to 30,000

Fire half your workforce and domestic capicity is only cut by 5%?
Delta to Offer Severance to 30,000: "Delta Air Lines said Tuesday it will offer voluntary severance payouts to roughly 30,000 employees - more than half its work force - and cut domestic capacity by an extra 5 percent this year as part of an overhaul of its business plan to deal with soaring fuel prices"

Muskegon Heights downtown authority misses meeting with city council

Every day there is less and less of this once fine city left to salvage.
Muskegon Heights downtown authority misses meeting with city council
"Muskegon Heights City Council members on Monday were 'infuriated' that the city's Downtown Development Authority board stood them up at a meeting that had taken months to schedule."

Monday, March 17, 2008

Maritime academy plan still floating

Your tax dollars at work?

Maritime academy plan still floating: "Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's plan to build a boarding school on Belle Isle to teach maritime skills to Detroit high school students is a vision of hope for some parents"

Gov. Paterson admits to sex with other woman for years

Isn't the "loyal wife" photo getting a bit old.... and pathetic?

Queenfish: A Cold War Tale - New York Times

Queenfish: A Cold War Tale - New York Times: "A new book, “Unknown Waters,” recounts the 1970 voyage of a submarine, the Queenfish, on a pioneering dive beneath the ice pack to map the Siberian continental shelf. The United States did so as part of a clandestine effort to prepare for Arctic submarine operations and to win any military showdown with the Soviet Union."

HMAS Sydney found off Australia's west coast

"sunk with all hands".
How does that happen?
Rest in peace, brave sailors.
HMAS Sydney found off Australia's west coast - Telegraph: "The Sydney, a cruiser, was the biggest ship from any country to be sunk with all hands lost during World War II."

Liberalism is gone – don't let tolerance pass with it |

Liberalism is gone – don't let tolerance pass with it "Few dare to say it, but it's time we acknowledged a sad truth about American politics: liberalism is dead – and it has been for 40 years"



The Barack Obama Double Standard -- Doug Patton -- GOPUSA

The Barack Obama Double Standard -- Doug Patton -- GOPUSA: "Imagine in 1999, that a videotape had come to light showing the pastor of Texas Gov. George W. Bush's church making vicious, hateful comments about America and cruel, racist statements about Americans of color."

Excellent US economic stats site

The Cactus Cuties Sing the National Anthem

Listen to these little gals blast out our national anthem.

Core Principles: This is how state government does business

Core Principles: This is how state government does business: "After a funding dry spell, the state is gearing up for the largest higher education building boom ever in an effort to kick-start the economy and replace some deteriorating campus buildings."

Oops - CNBC's Cramer Said 'Don't Move' From Bear a Week Before Collapse

Oops - CNBC's Cramer Said 'Don't Move' From Bear a Week Before Collapse: "But, on March 11, Cramer told an e-mailer not to sell the beleaguered investment bank’s stock on his show’s Web site:

“Dear Jim: Should I be worried about Bear Stearns in terms of liquidity and get my money out of there? --Peter
Cramer says: “No! No! No! Bear Stearns is not in trouble. If anything, they’re more likely to be taken over. Don’t move your money from Bear.”"

Love Client Number Nine

Love Client Number Nine: "Love Client Number Nine
[To the tune of 'Love Potion No. 9,' with apologies to Lieber & Stoller. . . and Elliott Spitzer"

Muskegon casino info

An e-mail going around town about opposition to the indian casino plans for Muskegon.
The entire set of e-mails is in the "comments" section below.

Some of you live and/or work in the City of Muskegon. Apparently the mayor and majority of City Commissioners are unwilling to even entertain discussions with anyone ‘outside’ Muskegon---despite the fact that a casino would devastate the entire region, not just this wonderful, reviving small community. Even more unthinkable would be multiple casinos established by multiple tribes—which Commissioners’ Municipal Service Agreement made with the LDV tribe recently notes is possible.

How Minimum Wage Hurts Teens

-- How Minimum Wage Hurts Teens
"the Bay State's minimum wage, now at $8 an hour and the highest in the nation."

Obama's church

No wonder the inner city culture is so disfunctional
"Senator Barack Obama is not a Muslim, contrary to invidious rumors. But he belongs to a Christian church whose doctrine casts Jesus Christ as a 'black messiah' and blacks as 'the chosen people'. At best, this is a radically different kind of Christianity than most Americans acknowledge; at worst it is an ethnocentric heresy."


Just how sick are our politicians?
Just watch!

"A former driver and aide for former N.J. Gov. Jim McGreevey says Dina Matos McGreevey must have always known her husband was gay - because he was the other man in bed with them."

Sunday, March 16, 2008

JPMorgan to Buy Bear for $2 a Share


The "SMART" guys are telling us that no one has a clue how to price the "innovative" investments the "smarter than us guys" have created.

Monday is gonna be a bitch!

My Way News - JPMorgan to Buy Bear for $2 a Share: "JPMorgan Chase said Sunday it will acquire rival Bear Stearns in a deal valued at $236.2 million - or $2 a share - a stunning collapse for one of the world's largest and most venerable investment banks."

Ionia Free Fair-June 21-22

B93.COM Country Music & Video for West Michigan

Poll says citizens approve gun ownership

The Volokh Conspiracy - -#1205637836#1205637836: "In the WaPo poll, 72% of respondents said that they considered the Second Amendment to be an individual right, not just for militia only"

Muslims nations: Defame Islam, get sued?

Think about this.

Extreme muslims have realized that lawyers (mostly in America and the free world) are more powerful than suicide bombers.

Will the west ever long for the days of those silly suicide dudes?

Muslims nations: Defame Islam, get sued? - Yahoo! News: "leaders of the world's Muslim nations are considering taking legal action against those that slight their religion or its sacred symbols."

D.C.'s Gun Ban Gets Day in Court

D.C.'s Gun Ban Gets Day in Court: "The nine justices, none of whom has ever ruled directly on the amendment's meaning, will consider a part of the Bill of Rights that has existed without a definitive interpretation for more than 200 years."

University of Michigan athletes steered to professor University of Michigan Academics and Athletics

"John Hagen was, as he has been for decades, close to some of the most recognized athletes at Michigan. University records obtained by The News show that the veteran psychology professor has taught at least 294 independent studies from the fall of 2004 to the fall of 2007, and 85 percent of those courses, 251, were with athletes."

Watch An Upright Piano Get Shredded

If you have "issues" about those long ago piano lessons, try this video.

CARPE DIEM: Watch An Upright Piano Get Shredded

Who could vote if Michigan re-does primary?

I voted for Romney. He's gone. Now I want to vote again!

Will GOPer voters be the difference in the Michigan primary?
"Obviously they would have to make those decisions how they're going to run this, how they're going to pay for it in the next two weeks. The legislature is only in for the next two weeks, and then they go on break, and then it's too late. So, really, within the next two weeks they have to make a decision on this.'"

Turtle fence still sucking up money

No problem. Michigan has oodles of moolah, right?
Muskegon - Michigan's Department of Transportation says it plans to repair winter damage to the controversial Muskegon County "turtle fence" during the spring.
"The money for the fence came from a federal enhancement program only to be used for aesthetic or environmental purposes."

CARPE DIEM: Another Economist Says NO Recession

CARPE DIEM: Another Economist Says NO Recession: "We still don’t have conclusive evidence that we’re in a recession, and we might avoid one altogether. A credible case could be made that we’re facing just one quarter of negative growth, and that GDP growth will be back in positive territory during the remaining three quarters of 2008."

Dark Roasted Blend: Airplane Oops! Situations, Part 2

Media Bias Basics

Media Bias Basics

More facts to support he media's liberal bias.

NBC Nightly News Finally Calls Spitzer 'Democratic Governor

Gordo's Rule: If the media does not report the perp's political affiliation, the perp is a demo-crook.

NBC Nightly News Finally Calls Spitzer 'Democratic Governor': "The big three broadcast networks have gone out of their way to avoid labeling scandal-scarred New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as a 'Democrat.'"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Horny nerds cause crime?

This can't be good for the abstinence crowd.
Makes sense to me.
Most of that juvenile-delinquent behavior is just an effort to get laid anyway, so . . . .
posted at 09:55 PM by Glenn Reynolds"

Heights struggles to fix pervasive road problem

OK. I get it.

We let the Heights run their city into the ground, literally.

We quietly watch as they scare away all business. Wouldn't want to be called "racist" by the Chronicle, now would we.

We applaud as the Heights uses up their entire 30 year tax millage on a new school that doesn't do no educatin'.

And now the Chronicle front-pages the sad story of a bankrupt city filled with pot holes.

Grab your wallets, folks!
"If you're going to spend $90,000 to put a new roof on the Strand, but not to fix roads, that's a waste of money,' Heights resident Otis Turner complained to the city council last week"

Billionaire mauled

I sure hope my tax dollars don't go to help this dope out.

"Joseph Lewis, the second-largest shareholder of Bear Stearns Cos., may have lost $US850 million ($906 million) on Friday after the securities firm took emergency funding from the New York Federal Reserve and JPMorgan Chase & Co."

Brain surgeon operates with DIY drill - Times Online

"Free healthcare" coming to your town soon!
Brain surgeon operates with DIY drill - Times Online: "An eminent British neuro-surgeon has been performing complex brain operations using a £30 do-it-yourself cordless power drill at a clinic in Ukraine.
Henry Marsh, a senior consultant at St George’s hospital in Tooting, south London, has used the Bosch 9.6 volt battery-operated hand tool to open up the skulls of his patients to remove life-threatening tumours. Occasionally the battery has gone flat halfway through.

The operation is performed with the patients fully awake – a technique that fell out of use in Britain 50 years ago. Marsh said that Ukrainians could withstand such a practice because they were “very tough”.
The 58-year-old consultant travels to Ukraine twice a year to perform free operations at a clinic run by a fellow surgeon, Igor Petrovich. The handyman drill was used because the local doctors could not afford state-of-the-art equipment."

Salmon Fishing Ban Possible This Year

Salmon Fishing Ban Possible This Year: "Federal fisheries managers took the first step Friday toward imposing what could be the strictest limits ever on West Coast salmon fishing amid a collapse of the central California chinook salmon fishery.
The Pacific Fishery Management Council unanimously adopted three options for sport and commercial fishing off the Pacific Coast, including an unprecedented complete shutdown of fishing off California and Oregon."

Something's rotten in Big Ten basketball

"This game was an ordeal to watch.

From an entertainment standpoint -- and that's what these games are after all -- it would have been more merciful to decide the game with a coin flip at the very beginning.
There's an old saying that the best officiated game is one in which you don't notice the officials.
Unfortunately for MSU, and even Wisconsin, which really can't claim a clean victory on the merit of its own talent and hard work, the officiating was just about the only thing that was noticed"

We do have our own free will.

If you needed a spiritual advisor, would you consult with this lady:

Or would you consult with this "man"?

Granholm signs law to improve organ donation process

This is good.

Less government will save millions of lives.

Granholm signs law to improve organ donation process: "Governor Jennifer Granholm has signed a law supporters say will improve the organ donation process and strengthen the rights of organ donors."

Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright

Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright: "But Jeremiah Wright is not exactly peripheral to Barack Obama’s life. He married the Obamas and baptized their children.

Those of us who made the mistake of buying the senator’s last book, The Audacity of Hope, and assumed the title .................. in fact the phrase comes from one of the Reverend Wright’s sermons.

Jeremiah Wright has been Barack Obama’s pastor for 20 years — in other words, pretty much the senator’s entire adult life.

Did Obama consider God Damn America as a title for his book but it didn’t focus-group so well?"

20 Biggest Record Company Screw-Ups of All Time ::

Tomorrow Never Knows
#2 Decca Records A&R exec tells Fab Four, “No, thanks”Dick Rowe was not the only record-label executive who passed on the Beatles in the early ’60s, but he was the only one who brushed off their manager, Brian Epstein, with the astute prediction that: “Groups with guitars are on their way out.”
Epstein begged Rowe to reconsider, so Rowe hopped a train to Liverpool to check out the band live. When he arrived at the Cavern, he found a mob of kids trying to force their way into the club in the pouring rain. Annoyed, he smoked a cigarette, went home and signed Brian Poole and the Tremeloes instead.
Unintended consequence The Monkees

Nugent suit against Muskegon fest finally over

And the poor residents of Muskegon and Summer Celebration fans paid the cost of its refusal to stand up to our local racists.

Bummer dude...

Nugent proves his point: "The Muskegon County jury found in Nugent's favor, awarding him $80,000 for breach of contract and $20,000 in lost merchandise sales."

Remember me.....

Friday, March 14, 2008

Coolest Winter Since 2001 for U.S., Globe

Al Gore kept warm by piles of money he made from selling carbon credits.

Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud

Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud "'You want to tune to the Weather Channel and have them tell you how to live your life?' Coleman said. 'Come on.'"

NCAA Tournament Droughts

Bummer dudes!

'Military Recruiters Are Under Attack,' Group Says

'Military Recruiters Are Under Attack,' Group Says: "'They were left with no other choice but to cut the flow of bodies for the war,' he said"

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Apparent Fraud Costs GOP Group Heavily

Apparent Fraud Costs GOP Group Heavily: "The committee in charge of running House Republican campaigns said Thursday that a former treasurer 'deceived and betrayed' the group, which is missing hundreds of thousands of dollars - and possibly more - due to fraudulent acts conducted over the past several years."

Teacher of the year

A truly wonderful story and a truly wonderful teacher.

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Veterans Return Desks

Iowa Man Celebrates 100th Birthday With Wings and Women at Hooters

This is a man who had a great life!

Kind of a bummer for folks who spent their lives eating broccoli.

Iowa Man Celebrates 100th Birthday With Wings and Women at Hooters: "I don't know how I did it,' Persinger told the newspaper. 'Good living, I guess. A lot of good food. Steaks, fried potatoes.'"

Kwame Kilpatrick should resign

Finally, a man with guts speaks the truth!

Michigan attorney general says Kwame Kilpatrick should resign: "Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said Wednesday that Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick should resign because he is a liar and a race-baiter 'on par with David Duke and George Wallace' and no longer fit for office.
Cox told WJR-AM he was shocked by the black leader's televised use of the N-word and his appeal for support while attacking opponents as racist.
'I thought his statements were reprehensible,' said Cox, who is white. 'It was race-baiting on par with David Duke and George Wallace — all to save his political career.'"

An opportunity to be heard

MRC Action: "Petition to Media: Demand Balance in 2008 Election Coverage"

Hollywood incentives?

Why not reduce taxes on the rest of businesses that might consider Michigan?
Maybe Hollywood just pays better?

State lawmakers pass incentives to lure Hollywood: "The Legislature is starting to pass bills aimed at making Michigan one of the country's most attractive states in which to make a movie.
The legislation would give movie studios a 40 percent credit or rebate on their production costs."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Proposed Law Looks to Wipe Out Problem

Proposed Law Looks to Wipe Out Problem: "State Senator Victor Crist, a Republican from Tampa, felt the problem was so important, a law must be passed to protect the backsides of anyone in Florida. The measure will also try to regulate the cleanliness of restrooms in eating establishments.

Mr Whipple?

Is there a Charmin connection here?
My Way News - Sheriff: Woman Sat on Toilet for 2 Years: "Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said it appeared the 35-year-old Ness City woman's skin had grown around the seat."

Hillary called "liar"

Nobel winner: Hillary Clinton's 'silly' Irish peace claims - Telegraph: "I don’t want to rain on the thing for her but being a cheerleader for something is slightly different from being a principal player.'
Mrs Clinton has made Northern Ireland key to her claims of having extensive foreign policy experience, which helped her defeat Barack Obama in Ohio and Texas on Tuesday after she presented herself as being ready to tackle foreign policy crises at 3am.
'I helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland,' she told CNN on Wednesday. But negotiators from the parties that helped broker the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 told The Daily Telegraph that her role was peripheral and that she played no part in the gruelling political talks over the years."

Cell-phone fees approved -

Cell-phone fees approved - "In Muskegon County, all telephone customers will pay a 34-cent monthly surcharge. For cell-phone and Internet phone users, that will be a new fee. For land-line customers, it will be a reduction of more than 50 percent from the old monthly fee of 72 cents."

Monday, March 10, 2008

Minn. lawmaker wants scent-free schools - Yahoo! News

Minn. lawmaker wants scent-free schools - Yahoo! News: "Rep. Karen Clark, a Democrat, first proposed banning fragrances in Minneapolis schools, one of the state's largest school districts."

Clinton Link In Brazil Ethanol Probe, Labor-Abuse Probe Targets Brazilian Ethanol Company In Which Bill Clinton Has Small Investment - CBS News

Clinton Link In Brazil Ethanol Probe, Labor-Abuse Probe Targets Brazilian Ethanol Company In Which Bill Clinton Has Small Investment - CBS News: "A team from Brazil's Labor Ministry found 'degrading' living conditions for 133 sugarcane workers employed by an ethanol company whose investors include former President Clinton and other high-profile financial players."

Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal - Video - WTVQ 36 - Lexington, Kentucky

Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal - Video - WTVQ 36 - Lexington, Kentucky: "Representative Couch says he filed the bill in hopes of cutting down on online bullying. He says that has especially been a problem in his Eastern Kentucky district."

Spitzer's Wife Silda Joins Democrat Pissed-Off Wives Club, Plans Senate Bid @ AMERICAN DIGEST

It was only $5000 a boink!
It's not like the governor was boinking the kids out of kollege.......

Summer Celebration - Turning point?

Change is in the air for Summer Celebration: "'If we are not operated as a business, Summer Celebration won't survive. We have to turn this (festival) around or we won't be around,' he said."

Vatican lists new sins, including pollution | Reuters

Vatican lists new sins, including pollution "60 percent of Catholic faithful in Italy stopped going to confession."

My Way News - Democrat Wins Hastert's Seat in Illinois

My Way News - Democrat Wins Hastert's Seat in Illinois: "I'm really disappointed that we came up second but that's where we're at,' Oberweis said."

My Way News - AP Probe Finds Drugs in Drinking Water

My Way News - AP Probe Finds Drugs in Drinking Water: "To be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts per billion or trillion, far below the levels of a medical dose. Also, utilities insist their water is safe.
But the presence of so many prescription drugs - and over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen - in so much of our drinking water is heightening worries among scientists of long-term consequences to human health."

My Way News - Spain's Socialists Win Re-Election

My Way News - Spain's Socialists Win Re-Election: "Zapatero's record, which includes reforms such as legalizing gay marriage and granting on-demand divorce"

Sunday, March 09, 2008

We Five ... still kickin'

I saw them on PBS tonight.
Beverly Bivens is gone but the group is still playing gigs.

Tucker Carlson unintentionally reveals the role of the American press - Glenn Greenwald -

Tucker Carlson unintentionally reveals the role of the American press - Glenn Greenwald - "the effect is on the relationship between the press and the powerful. People don't talk to you when you go out of your way to hurt them as you did in this piece.
Don't you think that hurts the rest of us in our effort to get to the truth from the principals in these campaigns?"

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Couch Potato Entitlement -

Couch Potato Entitlement - "Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez says digital TV will 'improve our quality of life'"

WZZM13 - Springing forward tied to car crashes: Experts blame sleepy drivers

WZZM13 - Springing forward tied to car crashes: Experts blame sleepy drivers: "Adults need at least eight hours of sleep a night and children need more, depending on their age. But most do not get that much."

Series of blunders turned the plastic bag into global villain - Times Online

Series of blunders turned the plastic bag into global villain - Times Online: "The widely stated accusation that the bags kill 100,000 animals and a million seabirds every year are false, experts have told The Times."

"Oh monsieur!"

I was never sure the froggies had any balls....
YouTube - Ouch!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Disney steers clear of Path to 9/11 DVD | Entertainment | Reuters

Disney steers clear of Path to 9/11 DVD Entertainment Reuters: "Top brass at Disney were called on Thursday to defend their decision not to release the controversial miniseries 'The Path to 9/11' on DVD"

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Les Misérables - 1987 Tony Awards

This is another gift from the web.

Just for Les Mis lovers..... and anyone who isn't.

Dang, it got me misty....