Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Reporter Who Spent 10 Days With Islamic State Fighters Says There’s Only One Country the Jihadist Group Fears | TheBlaze.com

Reporter Who Spent 10 Days With Islamic State Fighters Says There’s Only One Country the Jihadist Group Fears | TheBlaze.com:

"The journalist said that the Islamist militants told him they hope to lure Western forces into Iraq and Syria where they could then kidnap American and British soldiers.

“They think they can defeat U.S. and U.K. ground troops, who they say they have no experience in city guerrilla or terrorist strategies,” Todenhofer said. “But they know the Israelis are very tough as far as fighting against guerrillas and terrorists.”

Hersh: US government knew it was arming Islamic State

Hersh: US government knew it was arming Islamic State - UPI.com
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 (UPI) -- Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist Seymour Hershreports that the administration of President Barack Obama, in particular the CIA, has knowingly armed militant Islamists in Syria, including the Islamic State.
"Barack Obama's repeated insistence that Bashar al-Assad must leave office -- and that there are 'moderate' rebel groups in Syria capable of defeating him -- has in recent years provoked quiet dissent, and even overt opposition, among some of the most senior officers on the Pentagon's Joint Staff," Hersh writes in the London Review of Books.
"Their criticism has focused on what they see as the administration's fixation on Assad's primary ally, Vladimir Putin. 
In their view, Obama is captive to Cold War thinking about Russia and China, and hasn't adjusted his stance on Syria to the fact both countries share Washington's anxiety about the spread of terrorism in and beyond Syria; like Washington, they believe that Islamic State must be stopped."
Hersh writes that a highly classified 2013 Defense Intelligence Agency/Joint Chiefs of Staff report on Syria forecast that the fall of the Assad regime would lead to "chaos" and possibly to Islamist extremists taking over Syria.
Hersh reports that Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, director of the DIA between 2012 and 2014, told him that his agency sent a "constant stream" of warnings to the "civilian leadership" about the dire consequences of ousting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The DIA's reporting "got enormous pushback" from the Obama administration, Hersh quotes Flynn as saying.
"I felt that they did not want to hear the truth."
Read on.
Seems the president lied.
Big time.

Which is MSU's top team? This squad has a good argument

Which is MSU's top team? This squad has a good argument:
EAST LANSING — Not only can the Spartans play a good game, they can talk one, too.
You'd have to be living in a cave not to understand the standout seasons both the Michigan State University football and basketball teams are enjoying.
But did you know that the MSU has a pair of debaters who are ranked among the top three university teams in the country?
And that the MSU Debate Team has won national championships three times in the last 11 years?
The confluence of high rankings for all three MSU teams is at least rare and may be a first in the country, said Will Repko, head coach for the debate team.
A few weeks ago, an MSU social media push capitalized on it, with a triage of photos from debate, hoops and football teams when all three were in the top 5 rankings. (It's higher now – all three are in the top 3.)
It was a classic pairing of nerds and jocks.
A top-ranked MSU debater, Margaret Strong, 21, laughed about the image calling the casual snapshot of her and her debate partner, Tyler Thur, "awkward."
They were sandwiched between Lourawls Nairn, point guard, and Connor Cook, the quarterback.
"As embarrassing as it is, I love that people care about the debate team, and I love that people at other schools can't just write MSU off as a party school or a sports school," Strong said. "MSU is a serious academic institution...."

Lunch video-----Top 5 Libtard Fails of 2015


ALERT: Syrian Refugees Caught Carrying New Disease, and It's Far More Terrifying Than Ebola or AIDS

ALERT: Syrian Refugees Caught Carrying New Disease, and It's Far More Terrifying Than Ebola or AIDS: "

We’ve all been concerned that Syrian refugees were going to bring extremist beliefs and ideologies into the United States. But what about about leishmaniasis?

If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry: President Obama’s refugee plans will have you knowing soon enough. Leishmaniasis is a flesh-eating parasite that can often be fatal. It’s spread by sandflies, including species in the United States.

And, as Breitbart reports, two forms of the disease are rampant among Syrian refugees."

Climate Models Have Been Wrong For Six Decades

Climate Models Have Been Wrong For Six Decades | The Daily Caller
Climate models used by scientists to predict how much human activities will warm the planet have been over-predicting global warming for the last six decades, according to a recent working paper by climate scientists.
“Everyone by now is familiar with the ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ in the rate of global warming that has taken place over the past 20 years of so, but few realize is that the observed warming rate has been beneath the model mean expectation for periods extending back to the mid-20th century—60+ years,” 

Patrick Michaels and Chip Knappenberger, climate scientists at the libertarian Cato Institute, write in a working paper released in December.
Michaels and Knappenberger compared observed global surface temperature warming rates since 1950 to what was predicted by 108 climate models used by government climate scientists to predict how much carbon dioxide emissions will warm the planet.
What they found was the models projected much higher warming rates than actually occurred.
“During all periods from 10 years (2006-2015) to 65 (1951-2015) years in length, the observed temperature trend lies in the lower half of the collection of climate model simulations,” 

Michaels and Knappenberger write, “and for several periods it lies very close (or even below) the 2.5th percentile of all the model runs.”

Source: The Cato Institute

...“This is a devastating indictment of climate model performance,” Michaels and Knappenberger write. 
“For periods of time longer than about 20 years, the observed trends from all data sources fall beneath the lower bound which contains 95 percent of all model trends and in the majority of cases, falls beneath even the absolute smallest trend found in any of the 102 climate model runs.”
“The amount of that over-prediction comports well with a growing body of scientific findings and growing understanding that the sensitivity of the earth’s surface temperature to rising atmospheric greenhouse gas levels… lies towards (and yet within) the low end of the mainstream assessed likely range.”

Read it all!

13 GIFs Take You Inside World War One's Most Crucial Weapons

13 GIFs Take You Inside World War One's Most Crucial Weapons:
GIFs that illustrate the inner workings of a gun are a tried, true, and terrific art form.
It's impressive to see (and hear) a blast, but there's a different sort of engineering beauty to the springs and gears and levers that pull the bullets into place and fire them.
The blog C&Rsenal along with its Youtube channel has been delving into the mesmerizing inner workings from a select family of guns, the ones most used in The Great War.
And to help get some attention out about the series, Redditor Othais—who's involved with the project—compiled this teaser album of 13 GIFs that show an X-ray vision view of these guns firing in wonderful, looping glory:
But if those GIFs aren't enough for you, there's much much more info packed into C&Rsenal's full video series.
You can find the whole thing on the blog or Youtube, or just watch the first episode below:


Instapundit » Blog Archive » THE LEFT’S ANTI-WHITE RACISM, as explored by Rod Dreher: Salon.com presents a racist column by an…:
THE LEFT’S ANTI-WHITE RACISM, as explored by Rod Dreher:
Salon.com presents a racist column by an elderly white male leftist named Frank Joyce. A sample from the column:

The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe.

The time for replacing white supremacy with new values is now. And just as some whites played a part in ending slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow segregation, and South African apartheid, there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.
Blah blah blah.

I know, I know, it’s Salon.com. But you know what? This kind of thing is a big deal, and should not be shrugged off. Can you think of another web publication of its status in this country that could explicitly demonize others by race and gender, and say that “the future of life on the planet” depends on restraining them?
As Dreher’s former colleague Jonah Goldberg accurately wrote in early 2008, foreshadowing the last eight years, “The white man is the Jew of Liberal Fascism.” 
If that tacit comparison to an earlier war by national socialists causes today’s left to wince, well, they might have pondered the implications of their actions and ideology in the first place.

Disrespect the Spartans?!!-----DESTINY IN DALLAS | 2015 Spartan Football Playoff Hype Video

Ted Cruz Powerfully Explains How to 'Break The Washington Cartel' [VIDEO]

Ted Cruz Powerfully Explains How to 'Break The Washington Cartel' [VIDEO]:

"Released just three days before Christmas, presidential candidate Ted Cruz has a new three-minute video entitled “2015: A Year Fighting for Freedom, Texas and America,” in which he powerfully explains how to “break the Washington Cartel.”

In the new video, Cruz explains that in Washington, D.C., it’s much easier for politicians to take the “path of least resistance.”

Self-hating morons...on our nickle!-----Taxpayer-funded ‘white privilege’ theater focuses on ‘racist society’

Taxpayer-funded ‘white privilege’ theater focuses on ‘racist society’ | The American Mirror
A “storytelling” fellowship in Milwaukee is forcing a “meaningful dialogue” about white privilege and oppression, courtesy of national endowment grants and the state of Wisconsin.
“We’re racist because we live in a racist society,” Megan McGee, founder of Ex Fabula, told OnMilwaukee.com.
“The thing that makes you a good person, if there is such a thing, is the fact that you are learning and growing and being human, instead of just trying to deny the whole thing.”
McGee took a YWCA course about “Unlearning Racism” shortly after launching Ex Fabula in 2009 and was inspired to meld race issues with the group’s work “strengthening community bonds through the art of storytelling.”
She said the topic of institutional racism – “one of the biggest, nastiest, deadliest problems out there” – didn’t seem like something people wanted to talk about, so Ex Fabula had to force the issue.
The race conversation “was just not one that was happening organically,” McGee told the news site.
In November, “Ex Fabula Fellows” began “dismantling racism by exploring and interrogating the ideas of whiteness and privilege” through the group’s Community Conversation Series.
At the city’s Turner Hall Ballroom this month, the conversation continued with more Ex Fabula Fellows and other “storytellers.”
White speaker Kerri Grote talked about how her experiences with her gay uncles and half-black niece compelled her to speak out about gay marriage and white privilege.
“The shame of it has nothing to do with me being white. I can’t change the color of my skin, nor is anybody asking me to,” Grote said, according to On Milwaukee. “The shame that I feel, felt, about white privilege is about being silent. And, that is something I can change.”...

History for December 29

History for December 29 - On-This-Day.com:
Charles Goodyear 1800, Andrew Johnson 1808, Mary Tyler Moore 1936 - Actress 

Jon Voight 1938 - Actor, Marianne Faithfull 1946 - Singer, Ted Danson 1947 - Actor ("Cheers") 

1170 - St. Thomas à Becket, the 40th archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered in his own cathedral by four knights acting on Henry II's orders. 

1812 - The USS Constitution won a battle with the British ship HMS Java about 30 miles off the coast of Brazil. Before Commodore William Bainbridge ordered the sinking of the Java he had her wheel removed to replace the one the Constitution had lost during the battle. 

1848 - U.S. President James Polk turned on the first gas light at the White House. 

1851 - The first American Young Men's Christian Association was organized, in Boston, MA

1940 - During World War II, Germany began dropping incendiary bombs on London. 

1972 - Following 36 years of publication, the last weekly issue of "LIFE" magazine hit the newsstands. The magazine later became a monthly publication. 

1975 - A bomb exploded in the main terminal of New York's LaGuardia Airport. 11 people were killed. 

1997 - Hong Kong began killing 1.25 million chickens, the entire population, for fear of the spread of 'bird flu.'

Monday, December 28, 2015

Picture Snapped In Airport Bathroom Is Going Viral... Americans Are Outraged

Picture Snapped In Airport Bathroom Is Going Viral... Americans Are Outraged:

"Ingraham captioned the photo with: “Lord help us. San Diego Airport Bathroom Signage. Ladies, is this really what you want?”

The social media world blew up after the picture of the sign was posted. Most commenters were shocked and disgusted that “all gender” restrooms even exist in a world full of bad people."

Yale Now Has Islamic Law Center For Sharia Law Study Thanks To $10M Grant From Alleged 9/11 Terrorist Financier ⋆ US Herald

Yale Now Has Islamic Law Center For Sharia Law Study Thanks To $10M Grant From Alleged 9/11 Terrorist Financier ⋆ US Herald:

"No matter what you call it, a grant, a loan, a gift, or a donation; in actuality it’s nothing more than a 10-million dollar bribe, to push a radical and dangerous political agenda.

And no matter how you dress up this bribe, at it the end of the day even the funds used to support an Islamic Law Center for students at Yale University appears to be tainted.

The donation in question by Saudi banker Saleh Abdullah Kamel "

Yes. They hate us. Heh...-----Elites and media really hate Donald Trump’s voters

Elites and media really hate Donald Trump’s voters | New York Post
To hear the patronizing wise men of the Republican Party tell it, anyone who would vote for Donald Trump for president must be deranged. “Trumpkins,” they call them, mental midgets and xenophobic troglodytes who’ve crawled out from their survivalist caves in order to destroy the Beltway Establishment.
How their resentful attitude galls the crack cadres of campaign consultants who brought conservatives halfhearted standard-bearers like John McCain and Mitt Romney to do sham battle against Barack Obama in 2008 and ’12, then return to the safety of the US Senate and a beachfront mansion in La Jolla.
The peasants are revolting!
“[Trump] would be an “embarrassment” to half the country. That the “short-fingered vulgarian” — as the old Spy magazine famously dubbed him — is neither a real Republican nor a real conservative”
...The survey shows Trump with nearly 40% of the primary vote, trailed by Ted Cruz at 18%, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio tied at 10%, and the also-rans (including great GOP hope Jeb Bush) limping along far behind.
Their panic was best articulated last week in The Daily Beast by GOP consultant Rick Wilson, who wrote that Trump supporters “put the entire conservative movement at risk of being hijacked and destroyed by a bellowing billionaire with poor impulse control and a profoundly superficial understanding of the world . . . walking, talking comments sections of the fever swamp sites.”
Some might take that as a backhanded compliment.
...Jeb Bush seems to think so, suggesting recently that he might rethink the pledge he signed vowing to support the eventual Republican nominee.
To which The Donald characteristically responded: Who cares? “He is a low-energy person, and he does not represent strength, power and stamina, which are qualities our country desperately needs.”
Others have suggested, half in jest, that should Trump win the nomination, the GOP might have to go third party — against its own nominee.
Even lame-duck Obama has waded in, cheekily blaming “economic stresses” and flatlining wages for Trump’s groundswell.
“Particularly, blue-collar men have had a lot of trouble in this new economy, where they are no longer getting the same bargain that they got when they were going to a factory and able to support their families on a single paycheck . . . Somebody like Mr. Trump is taking advantage of that.”
Remember when Obama apologized for saying that voters who disagreed with him “cling to guns or religion”? 
Yeah, guess he wasn’t really sorry.
...In the movie business, there’s something called the “cheer moment,” when the long-suffering hero finally decks his tormentor with a satisfying right cross.
What the Beltway Republicans fail to understand is that their conservative base — which gave them stunning congressional victories in 2010 and 2014 and has nothing to show for it — has been longing for precisely that moment since Reagan crushed Mondale 49-1 in 1984.
The Trumpkins are sick of winning and having nothing to show for it, and their vengeance will be terrible. 
Maybe the Establishment should stop belittling them and listen instead.

Yes. They are teaching our children this hate!-----Not Another ‘Dear White America’ Letter

Not Another ‘Dear White America’ Letter | The Daily Caller
As if “White America” didn’t have enough angry letters to read, The New York Times thought it was appropriate to publish yet another contribution to the bitter genre during the most joyful time of the year.
On Christmas Eve, George Yancy, an Emory University professor who specializes in Race and “Critical Whiteness Studies,” issued a message to white Americans in a Times op-ed creatively titled “Dear White America“: you are all racists.
“If you are white and you are reading this letter, I ask that you don’t run to seek shelter from your racism,” Yancy writes.
“Being neither a ‘good’ white person nor a liberal white person will get you off the proverbial hook.”
According to the race philosophy expert, all minorities live under the “yoke of whiteness” and every Caucasian perpetuates racism with their mere existence.
“As you reap comfort from being white, we suffer for being black and people of color,” Yancy explains in the heavy-handed prose typical of the letter.
He argues that since the American system was built for the benefit of white people, all whites share in its supposed cruelty.
Yancy prefaced his argument by saying he himself is a “sexist” because he is a male in a society that oppresses women.
Anything that blacks may do wrong — such as commit crime — can be blamed on the ills imposed upon the African-American community by the inherently injust system.
...While white liberals may go hogwild at being lectured on how racist they are, the rest of society will be repulsed by the idea.
Contrary to Yancy’s wishes, the majority of Americans don’t want to live in a society where people are deemed racist solely due to their skin color.
In many ways, it sounds like inverted white supremacy — and the consequences for society accepting that idea could be just as bad as the days when America had Jim Crow.

Hollywood Star Kurt Russell Just Shocked Everyone: 'I'm Not A Republican, I'm Worse, I'm A...'

Hollywood Star Kurt Russell Just Shocked Everyone: 'I'm Not A Republican, I'm Worse, I'm A...':

"He went on to say that our founding fathers were “pretty radical guys, and damn smart” with “great ideas” and he found the liberal ideology too divergent from their original ideals.

“I believe in limited Constitutional government, free market capitalism, reach for the brass ring,” Russell avowed. “There’s this place where you can go do that and don’t step on anybody’s toes and still try to reach for the brass ring.”

Czech leader calls migrant wave in Europe an 'organised invasion'

Czech leader calls migrant wave in Europe an 'organised invasion' - Yahoo News:
Prague (AFP) - Czech President Milos Zeman called the current wave of refugees to Europe "an organised invasion", adding young men from Syria and Iraq should instead "take up arms" against the Islamic State (IS) group.
"I am profoundly convinced that we are facing an organised invasion and not a spontaneous movement of refugees," said Zeman in his Christmas message to the Czech Republic released Saturday.
He went on to say that compassion was "possible" for refugees who are old or sick and for children, but not for young men who in his view should be back home fighting against jihadists.
"A large majority of the illegal migrants are young men in good health, and single. 
I wonder why these men are not taking up arms to go fight for the freedom of their countries against the Islamic State," said Zeman, who was elected Czech president in early 2013.
He added that their fleeing their war-torn countries only serves to strengthen the IS group.
...Few asylum seekers have chosen to stay in the Czech Republic, a NATO member nation of 10.5 million people.
Regardless, a recent survey showed that nearly 70 percent of Czechs oppose the arrival of migrants and refugees in their country.