Sunday, August 28, 2016

Supposed 'Ground Breaking' Study Only Proves Warming Proponents Have Jumped The Shark

Supposed 'Ground Breaking' Study Only Proves Warming Proponents Have Jumped The Shark - The Lid:

Supposed ‘Ground Breaking’ Study Only Proves Warming Proponents Have Jumped The SharkThey called it a “ground breaking study,” I call it rubbish. This new study claims that global warming began in 1830 just when the industrial revolution began to pick up steam (no pun intended). What they didn’t take into account was just around the same time the Earth was coming out of an unusually cold 40-year period caused by low sunspot activity called the Dalton Minimum (no relation to Timothy Dalton).
An international team of scientists, led by Associate Professor Nerilie Abram from the Australian National University, have analysed detailed reconstructions of climate going back 500 years. To their surprise, they’ve found that the current global warming trend began in the 1830s, further confirming that it is an anthropogenic, or human-induced, phenomenon. The study was published today in Nature.
Co-researcher Dr Helen McGregor, an earth sciences expert from the University of Wollongong, tells SBS Science the findings have a major impact on our understanding of how climate change works.
“If we know when global warming started, we know what the actual rates of warming are and we know when our climate is emerging above natural variability,” McGregor explains.
The scientists go on to explain they created a climate model (which have proven to be very flawed–for example none of these models have figured why the earth hasn’t warmed in over 18 years.).  So to create this model they took into account other account climate model simulations and experiments (that’s right a flawed climate model using data from a flawed climate model–almost like a double negative), major volcanic eruptions and, most importantly, natural markers of climate variation found in places like corals, tree rings, and ice cores obtained from glaciers.
Dr McGregor says the study provides new, independent proof that climate change is indeed caused by human activity.
“One thing that our study provides is that it’s an alternative line of evidence,” she explains. “We’re not using thermometers and satellite records, we’re using natural archives of climate, so it’s a completely independent source of information that shows that climate change and warming is occurring.
“The central tenet of climate change, that the planet is warming, doesn’t change.”
Well not necessarily, because nowhere in their analysis do the scientists take into account sunspot activity.
Note: The sun goes through a natural cycle approximately every 11 years. The greatest number of sunspots in any given solar cycle is designated as the “solar maximum” and the lowest number is referred to as the “solar minimum” phase.
The chart below shows sun spot activity for the past 400 years.
What scientists have observed is that when sun spot activity is low so is the earth’s temperatures. The time period of low sunspot activity below called the Maunder Minimum is also known as “The Little Ice Age.” not because glaciers covered the Earth, but because it was a long period of abnormally cold weather throughout the world. The period of low sunspot activity between 1790-1830 is known as the Dalton Minimum, again the weather was colder than normal.

In the late 1950s sun spot activity peaked at a much higher level than normal and was called the Modern Maxim, this was reflected in the global warming scare show global temperature growth accelerating.
It seems as if the scientists behind this”ground breaking study,” picked the result they wanted and selected the elements that would give them that result.
Now here’s the good news they might have ignored.  It seems that solar activity is slowing down. The in the chart above it seems that activity started to decrease toward the end of the 1990s. Similarly the satellite temperature data shows the Earth hasn’t warmed since 1998.
pause-july-16-globe (1)
Vencore  a company that has worked closely with a number of government agencies on weather-related projects, including NASA, NOAA, Naval Meteorological and Oceanographic Command, Naval Postgraduate School and the Intelligence Community. It is now suggesting that the extreme lack of sunspot activity now may be an indication of a major cooling period for the Earth.
Not since cycle 14 peaked in February 1906 has there been a solar cycle with fewer sunspots. We are currently more than six years into Solar Cycle 24 and the current nearly blank sun may signal the end of the solar maximum phase. Solar cycle 24 began after an unusually deep solar minimum that lasted from 2007 to 2009 which included more spotless days on the sun compared to any minimum in almost a century.
It’s not just the fewer number of sunspots…its the pattern of their peaks:
Read on!!

Lunch video-----The Truth About Detroit's Bankruptcy


Clinton’s State Dept. Schedule Won’t Be Released Until After Election Day |

Clinton’s State Dept. Schedule Won’t Be Released Until After Election Day |

"The AP’s lawyers late Friday formally asked the State Department to hasten that effort so that the department could provide all Clinton’s minute-by-minute schedules by Oct. 15. The agency did not immediately respond.

The schedules drew new attention this week after the AP analyzed the ones released so far. The news agency found that more than half the people outside the government who met or spoke by telephone with Clinton while she was secretary of state had given money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. The AP’s analysis focused on people with private interests and excluded her meetings or calls with U.S. federal employees or foreign government representatives."

Washington Post: U.S. needs illegal immigrants for 'washing dishes,' 'mowing lawns'

Washington Post: U.S. needs illegal immigrants for 'washing dishes,' 'mowing lawns' | Washington Examiner:
"An editorial in the Washington Post on Tuesday slammed Donald Trump's recent comments on restricting immigration and argued that people in the country illegally are needed for menial labor.
The paper said Trump's call for a border wall and a "humane" solution to the millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S. are "politically and economically preposterous."
"Those include the fact that at least 8 million unauthorized immigrants are employed, most have been in this country for 15 years or longer, and typically they do jobs — tending crops, washing dishes, mowing lawns — that native-born Americans do not want," the Post said..."

Ten Minutes To Tokyo

Ten Minutes To Tokyo | PJ Media
"Depending on how you view it North Korea is either a nuisance or a growing threat to world peace.  
Today North Korea fired a submarine launched ballistic missile from a port off its east coast to a point more than halfway to Tokyo.
"The missile was fired at around 5:30am (local time) from near the coastal city of Sinpo, where satellite imagery shows a submarine base to be located, and flew about 500 kilometres before splashing into the Sea of Japan, US and South Korean officials said. 
The projectile landed in Japan's air defence identification zone (ADIZ), an area of control designated by countries to help maintain air security, South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported."
Getting closerGetting closer
...While there is a chance to take out land-based nuclear sites, ballistic missile submarines ensure that a retaliatory strike could still be launched before it can be found and neutralized."
...Perhaps in his heart of hearts president Obama believes there is no answer; that we are trapped between our godlike technology and our infernal human impulses.  
So he just spends the time reassuring everyone, both hawk and dove, that there is nothing to worry about. 
 In the meantime he prays to the God that liberals don't believe in and hopes for the best."

Venezuela Gov’t Doubles Down on Policies Blamed for ‘Economic Disaster’

Venezuela Gov’t Doubles Down on Policies Blamed for ‘Economic Disaster’:
"Mexico City ( – The administration of Venezuela’s socialist President Nicolas Maduro is doubling down on policies blamed by some for the country’s massive recession and widespread shortages of food and medicines, according to a Caracas business leader.
“The government has become more radical,” Victor Maldonado, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services told by phone from Caracas.
Ministers who “were talking about allowing for more freedom in the economy” have been recently fired, he noted.
“If the current government maintains its economic policies, Venezuela will not exit its current crisis and the problems will only become greater,” Maldonado.
According to the IMF, Venezuela’s economy is expected to shrink by 8 percent this year, with inflation ballooning to 700 percent.
In a dismal 2016 economic outlook for the country, the IMF cited “widespread price and other administrative controls and regulations” and a “worsening business climate...”

Hillary Clinton’s Corruption: Clinton Foundation & Email Scandals Are Connected | National Review

Hillary Clinton’s Corruption: Clinton Foundation & Email Scandals Are Connected | National Review:

"But it was always something of a sideshow. The real question wasn’t classification but: Why did she have a private server in the first place? She obviously lied about the purpose. It wasn’t convenience. It was concealment. What exactly was she hiding?

Was this merely the prudent paranoia of someone who habitually walks the line of legality? After all, if she controls the server, she controls the evidence, and can destroy it — as she did 30,000 e-mails — at will.

But destroy what? Remember: She set up the system before even taking office. It’s clear what she wanted to protect from scrutiny: "

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Praises Exalted Cyclops of Ku Klux Klan (VIDEO)

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Praises Exalted Cyclops of Ku Klux Klan (VIDEO)
hillary kkk byrd
In 2010, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fondly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former member and Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan.
Clinton called Byrd “my friend and mentor” in a video message to commemorate his passing.
Via Breitbart:

AM Fruitcake

History for August 28

History for August 28 -
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy 1828, Nancy Kulp 1921

David Soul 1943 - Actor ("Starsky and Hutch"), Scott Hamilton 1958 - Figure skater, LeAnn Rimes 1982 - Singer

1609 - Delaware Bay was discovered by Henry Hudson.

1774 - The first American-born saint was born in New York City. Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton was canonized in 1975.

1830 - "The Tom Thumb" was demonstrated in Baltimore, MD. It was the first passenger-carrying train of its kind to be built in America.

1833 - Slavery was banned by the British Parliament throughout the British Empire.

1907 - "American Messenger Company" was started by two teenagers, Jim Casey and Claude Ryan. The company's name was later changed to "United Parcel Service."

1922 - The first radio commercial aired on WEAF in New York City. The Queensboro Realty Company bought 10 minutes of time for$100.

1939 - The first successful flight of a jet-propelled airplane took place. The plane was a German Heinkel He 178.

1963 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech at a civil rights rally in Washington, DC. More than 200,000 people attended.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Military Intel Confirms JW Reporting: Muslim Terrorists Entering U.S. Via Mexico - Judicial Watch

Military Intel Confirms JW Reporting: Muslim Terrorists Entering U.S. Via Mexico - Judicial Watch:

"Judicial Watch has reported for years on the critical national security threats created on the southern border by Islamic terrorists teaming up with Mexican drug cartels to infiltrate and attack the U.S. As part of an ongoing investigation Judicial Watch has interviewed local, state and federal law enforcement officials as well as military sources on both sides of the border. Our reporting confirmed that ISIS has a training cell just a few miles from El Paso, Texas in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. We also verified that Mexican drug cartels are smuggling foreigners from countries with terrorist links to stash areas in a rural Texas town called Acala. Once in the U.S., the SIAs wait for pick-up in the area’s sand hills just across a state road several dozen miles from El Paso."

Destroying American medicine------ObamaCare's Nasty Surprise for Seniors

ObamaCare's Nasty Surprise for Seniors | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"There are three things everyone who is on Medicare or who hopes to live long enough to qualify for Medicare should know.

  • First, Medicare is no longer a financial nightmare in the federal government's future. For the last half century health care costs per capita have been growing at twice the rate of income, both here and abroad. This has policymakers everywhere wondering how we are going to pay the medical bills for future retirees. But no longer is that going to be a problem in the United States. At least not as long as we have ObamaCare.

...But ObamaCare is supposed to be about insuring the uninsured.
It's about health insurance exchanges and the expansion of Medicaid.
What has that got to so with the elderly and the disabled?
A lot, it turns out.
One of the most important sources of funds that are being used to pay for ObamaCare comes from cuts in future Medicare spending.
All this comes at a price, however.

  • And this is the second fact you need to know. A letter issued by the Medicare Office of the Actuaries at the time ObamaCare became law warned that Medicare fees paid to doctors and hospitals will fall increasingly behind what other payers will be paying in future years – threatening access to care. That warning was repeated in the latest Medicare Trustees report, which warns that by 2040 half of all hospitals, 70% of all skilled nursing homes and 90% of home health care services will not be able to survive under Medicare's increasingly skimpy fees.

These comments by the actuaries, however, have been ignored by just about everyone.
In the latest Trustees' report they appear at the very end – on page 260.
If you are a senior, you have to be really, really interested in numbers, tables and actuarial arcana before you'll ever get to the page where you learn that you may not be able to see a doctor when you need one.

  • Here is a third thing you need to know. Although Republicans have criticized the "Obama cuts in Medicare spending" as threatening access to care for the elderly, the GOP alternative essentially does exactly the same thing. The Paul Ryan budget – which was approved by almost all of the Republican members of the House – envisions a path for Medicare spending that is virtually identical to the Obama administration budget.

Essentially, the Republicans are planning to do what the Democrats plan to do: squeeze the providers. Only the methods differ..."

American Brexit?

American Brexit? Nigel Farage Joins Trump in Jackson, MS | PJ Media:
"Kellyanne Conway, Republican pollster and Trump's new campaign manager, seems to think so:
Donald Trump's campaign manager said in a British broadcast airing this week that 'undercover' Trump voters, invisible to traditional pollsters, will help the Republican win the White House in November.
'The hidden Trump vote in this country is a very significant proposition,' Kellyanne Conway told the UK's Channel 4 in a special broadcast titled 'President Trump: Can He Really Win?'
'I call it the "undercover Trump voter," but it's real,' she said.
'Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election,' Conway explained.
'It's because it's become socially desirable, if you're a college-educated person in the United States of America, to say that you're against Donald Trump...'

Colorado Governor Mulls Global Warming Executive Order | The Daily Caller

Colorado Governor Mulls Global Warming Executive Order | The Daily Caller:

"Hickenlooper’s office is considering an executive order for a “25 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from 2012 levels in 2025” and a “35 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from 2012 levels in 2030,” according to a draft obtained by Politico Pro that had been circulating among “outside groups.”"

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

A child is helped out of  his suicide belt by security in Iraq.
In Turkey, the Islamic State strapped explosives to another 
boy who wasn't so lucky (along with 51 guests at a wedding).

Government: New 700,000-Word Regulation is Good for You

Government: New 700,000-Word Regulation is Good for You:
"The nine-second video of two federal bureaucrats the White House posted on its blog last week was notable for something it omitted.
That something was very big — and putting it on display might not have fit with the apparent propaganda purpose of the video.
Image result for ...This is the liberal vision for the future:The video itself starred EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, who sat side-by-side at a table.
The video starts with McCarthy and Foxx simultaneously scratching their signatures onto separate and apparently singular sheets of paper.
Eight seconds into the nine-second clip, when McCarthy has finished signing her name, she looks up and declares: "Done."
Foxx, who signed even faster than McCarthy, spreads his arms in a gesture that appears to say: That's it, folks. Then he echoes McCarthy: "Done."
So, what exactly had these two bureaucrats done?
McCarthy and Foxx published a blog text that accompanied the video on the White House website. In it, they explained that — as part of President Obama's "Climate Action Plan" — they had approved a regulation that imposes new "greenhouse gas emissions and fuel efficiency standards" on vehicles ranging from heavy-duty pickup trucks to tractor-trailer combinations used to haul cargo.
...This is the liberal vision for the future: 
New rules approved by bureaucrats that increase the capital costs to start, grow or maintain a business, will help save the world from climate change while saving Americans money.
Just don't let people see the actual size of the regulation."

Lunch video-----The Decline and Fall of Canada. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
