Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Preservationists reveal contents of 1887 time capsule crews found hidden inside base of Robert E. Lee statue - TheBlaze

Preservationists reveal contents of 1887 time capsule crews found hidden inside base of Robert E. Lee statue - TheBlaze
Conservators in Richmond, Virginia, unpacked the hidden treasure trove that was stowed away in a time capsule found inside the base of the now-removed statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Flashback: Remember when Rachel Maddow said 'the virus does not infect' vaccinated people? - TheBlaze

Flashback: Remember when Rachel Maddow said 'the virus does not infect' vaccinated people? - TheBlaze

One reason so many Americans have been cautious about the jabs lately is that the new shots don't follow the traditional understanding of how vaccines work: by keeping you from getting whatever bug you've been inoculated against.

You know — the normal understanding of "vaccine."

But what "vaccine" means has been tweaked over the last several months.

VIDEO: Jussie Smollett and The Hate Hoax Pandemic

VIDEO: Jussie Smollett and The Hate Hoax Pandemic
  • Jussie Smollett has become the poster child for hate hoaxes, but Jussie is just the latest in a long line of hate fakery.
"Jussie Smollet is the poster child for hate crime hoaxes. 
A giant who “almost” pulled off the improbable: Convincing ‘merica that MAGA bullies were running through the streets of Chicago (yes, Chicago) in the middle of the night and attacked Jussie and threatened him with a noose.
...Prof. Reilly (Author of Hate Crime Hoax: How The Left Is Selling A Fake Race War) talked about his methodology and database for tracking hoaxes...Read all!

AM Fruitcake


History for December 29

History for December 29 -
William Gladstone 1809
  • 1170 - St. Thomas Becket, the 40th archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered in his own cathedral by four knights acting on Henry II's orders.
  • 1812 - The USS Constitution won a battle with the British ship HMS Java about 30 miles off the coast of Brazil. Before Commodore William Bainbridge ordered the sinking of the Java he had her wheel removed to replace the one the Constitution had lost during the battle.
  • 1813 - The British burned Buffalo, NY, during the War of 1812.
  • 1911 - Sun Yat-sen became the first president of a republican China.
  • 1940 - During World War II, Germany began dropping incendiary bombs on London.
  • 1952 - The first transistorized hearing aid was offered for sale by Sonotone Corporation.
  • 1997 - Hong Kong began killing 1.25 million chickens, the entire population, for fear of the spread of 'bird flu.'

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

CDC shortens isolation and quarantine time recommendations - TheBlaze

CDC shortens isolation and quarantine time recommendations - TheBlaze
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cut its recommendation on Monday for the length of time for isolations and quarantines of those people who test positive for the coronavirus.

Commies demolish and disappear Tiananmen Square statue in attempt to erase history - TheBlaze

Commies demolish and disappear Tiananmen Square statue in attempt to erase history - TheBlaze
Chinese strongman Xi Jinping and the rest of the communists running China hope to convince the rest of the world that the massacre at Tiananmen Square never happened, while also teaching the formerly free people of Hong Kong a thing or two.

As TheBlaze noted back in October, the regime's latest attempt to erase history — and slap around Hong Kong just to show the city who's boss — was the planned removal of the Pillar of Shame from the campus of the University of Hong Kong.

The way we were-----How The Americans Outproduced Everyone Else In WW2 | War Factories | Tim...

How I would explain Calculus to a 6th grader

School cans singing of ‘Jingle Bells’ due to ‘potential to be controversial or offensive’

School cans singing of ‘Jingle Bells’ due to ‘potential to be controversial or offensive’
"An upstate New York elementary school won’t be singing “Jingle Bells” this holiday season as it is potentially “controversial” and “offensive.”
This, according to Council Rock Primary School Principal Matt Tappon, the Rochester Beacon’s Peter Lovenheim reports.
And that’s all Tappon (below, left) had to offer. 
But Brighton Central School District Assistant Superintendent Allison Rioux told Lovenheim that “some suggest that the use of collars on slaves with bells to send an alert that they were running away is connected to the origin of the song Jingle Bells.”...Read all.

Health expert says COVID cases should no longer be 'major metric' of pandemic, urges shift to hospitalizations, deaths - TheBlaze

Health expert says COVID cases should no longer be 'major metric' of pandemic, urges shift to hospitalizations, deaths - TheBlaze

"Omicron changes that. This is the shift we've been waiting for in many ways where we're moving to a phase where if you're vaccinated and particularly if you're boosted, you might get an infection. It might be a couple of days of not feeling so great, but you're going to bounce back. That's very different than what we have seen in the past," he continued. "So, I no longer think infections generally should be the major metric."

Victor Davis Hanson: This is what the media is

"The Hoover Institution senior fellow saw liberal media has become an extension of the progressive movement on 'Ingraham Angle.'

"For the last time this year, I’m asking..." NOT The BEE!

Join us.

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a $7 donation to the DNC ahead of Friday’s end-of-year fundraising deadline. But before I do, I hope you’ll give me a moment to explain why chipping in is so important to Joe and Kamala’s mission -- and why I’ve never been more committed to our shared fight for progress.

With 2022 days away, I can’t help but think back on all that we’ve accomplished this past year -- and just how many firsts we saw.

In January, my wife Kamala became the first woman, the first Black American, and the first South Asian American to be sworn in as Vice President. Then, with the help of our Democratic Senate, we confirmed the most diverse Cabinet Doug Emhoffin history -- a Cabinet that looks like America.

And earlier this month, I celebrated Hanukkah in the People’s House as the first Jewish spouse of an American president or vice president.

These firsts should be celebrated -- but they also serve as reminders of how much work we have ahead. It’s our responsibility to make sure our efforts don’t end here, which is why I’m reaching out to you today...don't read on.

Lunch video-----The woman who tamed lightning | Hertha Marks Ayrton | BBC Ideas

"Hertha Marks Ayrton was, what you might call, a bright spark.
This is the inspiring story of how her vision of an electrified future ended up shaping how we use electricity today. "



Census: 1% of California's Population Moved Out of the State in 2021

Census: 1% of California's Population Moved Out of the State in 2021

California lost one percent of its population over the last year as residents fled for other states, the United States Census Bureau revealed this week.

While California’s population stands at more than 39.5 million, a record high, the state lost more than 367,000 residents over the last year. The state’s population decline is among the largest in the nation.

A good guy with a gun!


Imagine if this was President Trump!-----Here’s President Joe Biden’s plan to get the coronavirus under control in four photos

Here’s President Joe Biden’s plan to get the coronavirus under control in four photos
"As Twitchy reported earlier, President Joe Biden held a conference call with governors Monday morning to tell them there is “no federal solution” to shutting down the coronavirus before hopping on Marine One and flying to his beach house in Delaware:

Biden campaigned on having a plan to shut down the virus, and according to this screenshot from his campaign website, it was a seven-point plan:

The cure?


No, insurance isn't fixing this-----These Stores Are Closing Due To Looting And Lost Profits | The Daily Wire

These Stores Are Closing Due To Looting And Lost Profits | The Daily Wire
"As looting continues and lockdowns return, many retail companies have announced recently that they are shuttering some locations that have become simply too expensive to maintain.
Major cities have been hit by a wave of “smash-and-grab” robberies, where organized groups of looters attack store employees and escape with thousands of dollars in merchandise. 
Organized retail theft now costs retailers across the country a grand total of about $65 billion per year."...Read all.

#1 this day 1976-----Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Live)

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and her partner post their Kwanzaa message (with Christmas music in the background)

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and her partner post their Kwanzaa message (with Christmas music in the background)
"We’re seeing Kwanzaa greetings from some curious places (the College Republicans?) but it’s no surprise to see Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and her partner post a video Kwanzaa greeting. 
A lot of people are finding the choice of music — “Joy to the World” — a little odd, among other things...Read all.

Bette ain't the brightest gal.


Here Are The 2022 Risks That Official Washington Is Talking About | The Daily Caller

Here Are The 2022 Risks That Official Washington Is Talking About | The Daily Caller
Inflation, “softness” in the White House, and pandemic uncertainty make up some of the biggest risks to the U.S. economy in 2022, according to a Washington consulting firm.

Entering The American Twilight Zone - American Thinker

Entering The American Twilight Zone - American Thinker
  • We didn’t know it then, but on Election Night, November 8, 2020, America entered a Twilight Zone every bit as eerie and unanticipated as anything dreamed up by Rod Serling decades earlier. 
"It began with time standing still in the middle of the Election Night vote count
...Virtually every organ and institution of public information joined hands to create a bum’s rush of legitimacy for Scranton Joe’s historic victory. 
Not only was there an unprecedented (and unbelievable) turn out of voters, with Trump receiving 8 million more votes than any preceding sitting president, while the bumbling, lackluster, boring, invisible Biden, with no hint at any time in his political career of an excited public following, bested Trump by an additional 7 million votes. 
 This was an electoral miracle that rivaled Moses parting the Red Sea and Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.
...But the courts remained the three monkeys of denial: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. 
The "catch 22" machine was used to prevent court review of the growing mountain of charges and evidence. 
  • When warnings of impending election fraud and manipulation had been raised prior to the vote, they were dismissed as being speculative. 
  • When they were raised and demonstrated after the vote, they were dismissed for being after the fact and too late. 
The American people were being treated to a legal system that could have been devised by Franz Kafka; a literal nightmare of injustice...Read all!

AM Fruitcake


History for December 28

History for December 28 -
Woodrow Wilson 1856 - 28th U.S. President
  • 1836 - Mexico's independence was recognized by Spain.
  • 1869 - William E. Semple, of Mt. Vernon, OH, patented an acceptable chewing gum.
  • 1956 - After five years on television, the last "Ding Dong School" was aired on NBC-TV.
  • 1973 - The Chamber of Commerce of Akron, OH, terminated its association with the All-American Soap Box Derby. It was stated that the race had become "a victim of cheating and fraud."
  • 1973 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn published "Gulag Archipelago," an expose of the Soviet prison system.
  • 1981 - Elizabeth Jordan Carr, the first American test-tube baby, was born in Norfolk, VA.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Marine veteran raises $100,000 to 'give back Christmas' to Kentucky kids whose homes were destroyed by deadly tornadoes - TheBlaze

Marine veteran raises $100,000 to 'give back Christmas' to Kentucky kids whose homes were destroyed by deadly tornadoes - TheBlaze

After a deadly tornado tore through Mayfield, Kentucky earlier this month, devastating the small town, one resident grew concerned that children in his community would be suffering this Christmas. So he decided to do something about it. Shawn Triplett, a retired U.S. Marine Corps veteran who now volunteers at a local elementary school, told People Magazine he was spurred into action after witnessing a heartbreaking interaction between a mother and her young son while helping out at a church shelter.

The way we were-----The Philadelphia Legionnaires' Outbreak | A Short Documentary | Fascinat...

The Real War on Women Is From the Left | Power Line

The Real War on Women Is From the Left | Power Line

"Remember how the left not long ago went on and on and on about the supposed “war on women” from the right?...

Christine Rosen dilates this problem wonderfully in the current issue of Commentary in “The New Misogyny.” Key bit:

The misogynistic nature of this revolution has escaped proper scrutiny precisely because it is understood as progressive—as literally better than everything that has come before. And it casts everything that has come before as suspect: All forms of social organization and every idea that denies this movement’s claims have been deemed retrogressive and actively harmful to the forward march of greater rights for all.

This is an audacious form of woman-hatred...

Which brings me back to the story I’ve commented on before of Lia Thomas, the “woman” swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania who is shattering women’s swim records after having competed for three years as an average male swimmer for Penn. This video shows Thomas’s enormous margin of victory in a recent 1,500 meter swim. It is just over two minutes, but you can scroll to about the 1:15 mark and you’ll see the absurd margin of Thomas’s farcical “win” (Thomas marked helpfully with a red arrow in lane 5)—notice especially long it takes for the second-place finisher to come all.