Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lunch video-----Dementia awareness



Dave Portnoy on X: "I can't stop watching this.

(26) Dave Portnoy on X: "I can't stop watching this." / X

7 months to go!

It’s All About The Money: There Are Tens Of Trillions Of Reasons Why Both Sides Are So Determined To Win In Ukraine MICHAEL SNYDER

If you had the opportunity to grab natural resources that are worth tens of trillions of dollars and you believed that you could get away with it, would you do it?
  • It turns out that Ukraine is sitting on natural resources that are worth tens of trillions of dollars. 
  • Most of those natural resources are located in eastern Ukraine, and of course that is where all of the fighting is happening. 
  • Whoever is victorious in this conflict is going to get their hands on all of that wealth. I think that this helps to explain why the Russians and the western elite are so obsessed with winning this war.
  • This week, I came across an extraordinary article that the Washington Post published on August 10th, 2022. In that article, the Post openly admitted that the natural resources that Ukraine is sitting on “are worth tens of trillions of dollars”



Why Has Biden's $42 Billion Broadband Program Not Connected One Single Household?

"for $42 billion they could have bought Starlink dishes for 140 million people." - JOE LANCASTER 
  • Why Has Joe Biden's $42 Billion Broadband Program Not Connected One Single Household?
  • The senior Republican FCC commissioner blames progressive politics, while lawmakers and telecom companies blame bureaucratic red tape...

#1 This day 1983-----Irene Cara - Flashdance What A Feeling (Official Music Video)

A Dangerous Time for America

They are not just lying; they have been using the powers at their disposal to destroy anybody who stands up and tells the truth. - DAVID STROM
"...A senile old man has been "running" the country, representing us to the rest of the world, making decisions on foreign policy, conducting war, failing to get peace, and all these people have been lying to us...
  • We obviously need to pound this fact into the heads of every American who routinely takes the word of these liars. 
  • We need to destroy every last vestige of credibility the mainstream media retains. 
They have been perpetrating a hoax for years.
But even THAT isn't the biggest issue.
  • Put yourself in Xi Jinping's head. 
  • Or the Ayatollahs'...
  • Or any adversary of the United States...

Look at our elected politicians!


Gotta see this. Might be next POTUS!-----MASHUP: Kamala Harris Is "Unburdened" By Competency

James Woods

Four minutes of Kamala. I defy you to listen to it without cracking a molar…
MASHUP: Kamala Harris Is "Unburdened" By Competency

'Absurd and Shameful': Here's What Biden Is Allowing Iran to Do on American Soil

Biden administration has decided to allow the Iranian regime to set up absentee vote collection sites in the United States for its June 28 presidential election  - Spencer Brown
  • In another case of "what are they thinking?!" the Biden administration has decided to allow the Iranian regime to set up absentee vote collection sites in the United States for its June 28 presidential election to replace Ebrahim Raisi following his death earlier this year. 
  • Indulging the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism and legitimizing Iran's sham elections is ludicrous — even Canada under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doesn't allow Iran to run an absentee ballot operation on its soil...

AM Fruitcake


AM Fruitcake


History for June 29

History for June 29 - 
John Toland 1912
  • 1888 - Professor Frederick Treves performed the first appendectomy in England.
  • 1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia.
  • 1950 - U.S. President Harry S. Truman authorized a sea blockade of Korea.
  • 1953 - The Federal Highway Act authorized the construction of 42,500 miles of freeway from coast to coast.
  • 1995 - The shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked, forming the largest man-made satellite ever to orbit the Earth.
  • 2007 - The first generation Apple iPhone went on sale.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The way we were-----When Only One B-17 Came Home

Lack of trust increasing

  • 33% Agree COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’
  • How much trust do you now have for the medical and pharmaceutical industries?

Is The Russian Response Taking Shape? - by Mark Wauck

Russia promised a response to the strike on the beach in Crimea on Orthodox Pentecost Sunday. At least a part of that response may be coming into view.
  • We have seen at least two downings of US drones in Syria this week, and there have been rumors of actions taken against US drones over the Black Sea. 
  • These actions are very important, because the drones are used for target designation and guidance of precision missiles...
  • Of course, as in the past, the chatter about future events probably means the reality is in place—increased numbers of US troops are probably present and operating, replacing dead Ukrainians. 
  • Doug Macgregor mentioned yesterday that the Ukrainians suffered 13,000 KIA last week alone. Where US troops go, the tech goes, too...

Time to get familiar with this.


Denmark Proposing Carbon Tax on Farmers With Farting Cows, Sheeps, and Pigs

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark… Mary Chastain
  • The idiotic move will likely affect the food supply:
  • The aim is to reduce Danish greenhouse gas emissions by 70% from 1990 levels by 2030, said Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus.
  • As of 2030, Danish livestock farmers will be taxed 300 kroner ($43) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030. The tax will increase to 750 kroner ($108) by 2035...

Joe Biden assisted off stage by wife Jill after trainwreck debate

I Took The Cheapest All Inclusive Cruise (On an Old Ship)

The Plot Thickens :: SteynOnline

The Plot Thickens :: SteynOnline
Well, at least nobody bothered with the usual leaden rituals of American presidential debate.
There was no "spin" ...other than this fairly half-hearted post-game revelation from NBC News:

Lunch video-----The Flights That Changed How Pilots Handle Disaster | WSJ Booked



Now what?



Reality check - Melanie Phillips

A few things the mainstream media may not have told you
  • Northern Israel on fire after Hezbollah rocket attacks, June 2024
Here are some things about the Iranian war against Israel that the objective, balanced and accurate mainstream media may unaccountably have omitted to tell you.
  • Today, the Iranian proxy army Hezbollah in southern Lebanon fired a massive barrage of more than 100 rockets towards the northern Israeli town of Safed. This attack caused a city-wide power outage.
  • Swathes of northern Israel are once again on fire as a result of rocket attacks by Hezbollah. 
  • One-third of the homes in Metulla have been demolished by rocket fire. 
  • The former mayor of the town of Safed, Ilan Shochat, said: This is Hezbollah's new strategy – intentionally firing on open areas to ignite fires and burn the north...

Eating their own!


It is not too late for Joe Biden to go

The best that can be said of Joe Biden’s stumbling debate performance was that it took place in June.
  • For more than a year, private conversations in Washington have been dominated by the president’s ageing. But the public omerta on that topic broadly held up. That cognitive dissonance has now collapsed. 
The story is now about whether Biden can be persuaded to step down. 
The choice is his alone. 
Having crushed the Democratic nomination, Biden would be within his rights to ignore pleas to step aside. 
  • Potential alternative nominees, such as Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, and Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan’s governor, will be unlikely to speak out. The risk of being labelled a traitor and ruining their presidential chances would be too great.