Tuesday, June 17, 2008

America's Homegrown Troop Killers

America's Homegrown Troop Killers
"a new congressional report finds that the U.S. government has no 'coordinated strategy' to deal with grass-roots jihadists who more and more are meeting, training and conspiring to kill troops over the Internet."

Charter Power

Charter Power
"But charters may actually be a greater long-run threat to union power because they empower groups of teachers to run their own schools collegially, without the need for collective bargaining.
If these schools really work for the students, they may be unstoppable. So do they work? In L.A. at least, a new study says they do."

Obama's Red Roots

Obama's Red Roots
"Obama should come clean on why he sought these radicals' support and, better still, disclose just how he intends to pay them back."

If you're gonna vote, worth a bit of research.

Buying Michigan foods helps keep money in state

Buying Michigan foods helps keep money in state
"As jobs disappear from Michigan, with workers being forced to take big pay and benefit cuts and as gasoline prices and home foreclosures hit record levels, we look around for anything we can do to combat the helplessness."

Interesting article that acknowledges cuts in worker pay and benefits..... anyone know of any cuts in the public sector pay and benefits?

It is the enormous growth in pay and benefits at every level in Michigan, state/county/city/township/village/schools/etc that is killing our future.

Just like the unions and their greed destroyed the American auto industry.

Will we never learn?

Al Dente: Tater Tots for Adults

Al Dente: Tater Tots for Adults: "Pity those who went to grade school before 1954.

In the same year that 'under God' was added to the Pledge of Allegiance, Tater Tots were added to supermarkets, school lunches, and our nation's gastronomic heritage. Americans now eat 70 million pounds of Ore-Ida's french fry by-product.
For those who think Tater Tots are just for kids, think again. Tots have popped up everywhere from Burger King to your local bar and the interwebs are full of recipes for more grown-up versions of this popular cafeteria staple."
Ummmm, tater tots that taste EVEN better!!!!!

Obama advisers say bin Laden can appeal to U.S. courts

Obama advisers say bin Laden can appeal to U.S. courts
"Barack Obama's foreign policy advisers said Tuesday that Osama bin Laden, if captured, should be allowed to appeal his case to U.S. civilian courts, a privilege opposed by John McCain."

Well, BHussein IS promising "change".....

"You are NOT robbing this bank!"

Man Who Pulled Gun on Bank Robber
"Fawzi, who spent six years in the Lebanese army, took matters into his own hands.

He tells WXYZ.com he pulled out a .9 mm handgun (for which he had a CCW permit), racked a bullet in the chamber, pointed it at the man and announced, 'You are not robbing this bank!'

The startled Washtenaw County man countered with, 'but, I have a bomb' -- but Fawzi wasn't impressed. 'I don't care. You are not robbing this bank!' was the reply from the other side of the gun. He then forced the would-be robber into chair and held him at gunpoint until police arrived."


Off the hook for 'monkeys' remark

Off the hook for 'monkeys' remark
"She's said she told the boys to get out of a small tree because she was concerned about their safety and tree damage. The delegate says she told the boys they shouldn't climb in the tree like monkeys. Afterward, one boy's mother called police."

State may ban free parking

State may ban free parking
"In its latest drive to curb the use of cars, Norway's government is considering forcing shopping centers to charge customers for parking in the centers' lots or garages"
Fear our lib/enviro loonies who think this is a great idea!

District must cut spending or jobs

District must cut spending or jobs
"Save money or save jobs -- that's the decision facing Muskegon school board members as they plan for the next school year.
Five jobs are on the line, which, if eliminated, would hurt children's education, said Muskegon Public Schools Superintendent Colin Armstrong"

Armstrong admits his move will "hurt children's education" but refuses to explore reducing the increases in teacher pay and benefits in order to save those jobs.
Maybe he's just not serious?

Heights hires new DDA chief

Heights hires new DDA chief
"A longtime Muskegon-area economic development official -- Norm Cunningham -- has been picked as the new director of Muskegon Heights' Downtown Development Authority.
Cunningham, 57, was selected by the city's DDA board last month. He started his new job last week. His $40,000 salary will be paid for through DDA funds.
'I'm excited about working with the DDA and city of Muskegon Heights,' Cunningham said. 'The potential here is unlimited."

Norton taxpayers to foot bill for Henry St. bridge

Norton taxpayers to foot bill for Henry St. bridge"Norton Shores will not be getting help paying for repairs to a portion of Henry Street that eroded earlier this year after a storm drain burst and forced closure of a portion of the Merrill S. Bailey Bridge."

Gordo has a few questions:
1. This potential problem must have been foreseen. Who is/was responsible to check, occasionally, to see if the drain was free from debris?

2. Was there a policy in place to check drains and culverts for blockage?

3. Is there now a policy to check for drain/culvert blockage?

4. Who is now responsible for guaranteeing that this type of disaster will not reoccur?

$1 million grant focuses on patient care

$1 million grant focuses on patient care
"If you're black and live in West Michigan, your risk of losing a leg to diabetes is five times greater than for white residents.
That statistic, released today, points out a glaring inequity in the area's medical system, a gap a national foundation and local leaders hope to fill with a new program aimed at improving health care for all area residents."

Construction decline hits municipalities

Construction decline hits municipalities
"Whitehall Township Supervisor Dennis Babcock said he wonders if the department needs to cut back on some of its costs, since the downturn is becoming a trend. He doesn't want this to become an annual payment."

What a concept!

County to hire coordinator to cut jail crowds

County to hire coordinator to cut jail crowds
"Muskegon County commissioners kicked off a major effort to reduce chronic jail overcrowding Tuesday when they agreed to allow the county sheriff to create the position of 'jail population coordinator.'
And more help in the same area could be on its way soon, when the federal government releases more than $300,000 for the county to hire a special inmate screening staff that will work with the new coordinator to determine who belongs in jail and who doesn't."

Stupid Gordo!
I thought judges and juries made that decision.....

Standing Tall

Standing Tall
"'We are in a time, in Muskegon, of creating new things that will last for the ages,' said Chris McGuigan, president of the Community Foundation for Muskegon County. 'We know today we are likely dedicating Muskegon's iconic structure, what the arch is to St. Louis or the Calder is to Grand Rapids.'"

The people who are spending Muskegon into bankruptcy are delusional!

City bypasses bidding policy on road work

City bypasses bidding policy on road work
"The Muskegon City Commission this week bypassed its bidding policy, rejecting the lowest bidder -- and even the second-lowest bidder -- to give a street-paving project to Muskegon-based Jackson-Merkey Contractors."

The fix is in!

County buying land for man-made marsh

County buying land for man-made marsh
"The county is buying the property for $87,000 from David and Angela Eklund, who are expected to remain on the land for the next year, according to John Warner, the county's deputy director of public works.
It was the seventh parcel along the 8500, 8600 and 8700 blocks of Apple to be bought by the county for the wetland project. All the parcels have houses on them. Some will be demolished, while others will be sold and moved to other sites, Warner said.
The county has spent approximately $722,000 on land for the marsh thus far, and several more parcels will be needed, according to Warner. The money for the land is coming from the county's solid waste fund, he said."

The county is broke..... they say we need more taxes...... they tell us the budget is too lean for any more cuts......

Multiple sites offer free meals for kids

Multiple sites offer free meals for kids
"There are no income guidelines for meal recipients of the Summer Feeding Program. Free breakfast and lunch are available to children 18 and under, or persons up to age 26 who are determined by the state or a local public agency to be mentally or physically handicapped."

Take a look at the enormous list of free food sites.
Why aren't we providing free dinners for the tots?
gimmee a break.....

Montague school board to weigh proposed budget cuts

Montague school board to weigh proposed budget cuts
"Sipka is expected to recommend to the school board today some $420,000 in budget cuts, including teacher and paraprofessional positions. The proposed cuts are part of administrators' plan to eliminate a $750,000 shortfall from the 2006-07 budget."

Why are automatic increases in teacher pay and benefits not even discussed?

GH council supports study of transit system linking West Michigan cities

GH council supports study of transit system linking West Michigan cities
"The Grand Haven City Council is on board with a study of a regional transit system that would link Grand Haven, Muskegon, Grand Rapids and Holland.
The $110,000 West Michigan Transit Linkage Study, which will be paid through a Michigan Department of Transportation grant, is expected to begin this summer and be completed by fall."

Our state is broke....... and "studies" like this are a major reason.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A U.N. Khan Job

A U.N. Khan Job: "Blueprints for a nuclear weapon compatible with the ballistic missiles of Iran, North Korea and other rogue states were found on computers of the notorious Khan smuggling ring. Will a complacent world wake up?"

Culpable Congress

Culpable Congress
"Prices: The big jump in the consumer price index on Friday scared a lot of people. But the sad fact is, much of inflation's recent rise is due to the upward spiral of energy prices. And guess whose fault that is?"

Pre-war memory lapse.....

Instapundit.com -: "If Democrats wish to contend they were 'misled' into war, they should vent their spleen at the CIA.
In 2003, top Senate Democrats -- not just Rockefeller but also Carl Levin, Clinton, Kerry and others -- sounded just as alarmist."

click to see the video facts.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

John Coleman vs Al Gore

John Coleman vs Al Gore
"Hello Al Gore; Hello UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Your science is flawed; your hypothesis is wrong; your data is manipulated. And, may I add, your scare tactics are deplorable. The Earth does not have a fever. Carbon dioxide does not cause significant global warming."

Saturday, June 14, 2008

American Murder Mystery

American Murder Mystery: "Why is crime rising in so many American cities? The answer implicates one of the most celebrated antipoverty programs of recent decades"

WaterMark plans film, TV studio

WaterMark plans film, TV studio
"The new Michigan financial incentives for filmmakers in the form of 42-percent refundable tax credits for film production costs is expected to bring the state $400 million in economic activity, WaterMark Studio officials said."

Something smells here.
Too bad The Chronicle has no curiosity about the "refundable" part of our tax credit offer.

Friday, June 13, 2008

MSU hikes tuition nearly 7 percent

MSU hikes tuition nearly 7 percent
"Michigan State University's Board of Trustees has approved a 6.8 percent tuition increase for the 2008-09 school year.
The increase approved Friday will add $639 to tuition for in-state freshmen and sophomores. Tuition for out-of-state students will increase by 7.1 percent.
Freshmen taking a total of 30 credits and living in dorms will pay about $17,240 for the year.
Tuition and fees increased by 9.6 percent at Michigan State last fall when the average tuition increase at a Michigan public university was more than 10 percent."

Doesn't anyone wonder where all that money is going?
Isn't it time to take a close look at how our tax dollars are being spent?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Robert Mugabe Militia Hacks, Burns Alive Opposition Leader's Wife

Robert Mugabe Militia Hacks, Burns Alive Opposition Leader's Wife
"The men who pulled up in three white pickup trucks were looking for Patson Chipiro, head of the Zimbabwean opposition party in Mhondoro district. His wife, Dadirai, told them he was in Harare but would be back later in the day, and the men departed.
An hour later they were back. They grabbed Dadirai Chipiro and chopped off one of her hands and both her feet. Then they threw her into her hut, locked the door and threw a petrol bomb through the window."

And the UN focuses on Guantanamo?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

House Subcommittee Rejects Plan to Open U.S. Waters to More Oil Exploration

House Subcommittee Rejects Plan to Open U.S. Waters to More Oil Exploration
A House subcommittee on Wednesday rejected a Republican-led effort to open up more U.S. coastal waters to oil exploration.
Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa., spearheaded the effort. His proposal would open up U.S. waters between 50 and 200 miles off shore for drilling. The first 50 miles off shore would be left alone.
But the plan failed Wednesday on a 9-6, party-line vote in a House appropriations subcommittee, which was considering the proposal as part of an Interior Department spending package."

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Will Media Ask Questions on Obama's Pledge To Prosecute War Criminals? | NewsBusters.org

Will Media Ask Questions on Obama's Pledge To Prosecute War Criminals? NewsBusters.org
This is pretty serious stuff that the American public surely would like more details on. Can we expect the MSM to follow up on this with some questions? Probably not, but they need to.
Marc Ambinder notes how the Democratic Justice Department will be interested in making a case against senior Bush adminstration officials in the future.
Thomas Lifson reminds us of Obama’s take on this:
Barack Obama’s plan for imposing unity on the nation after he takes office apparently entails a close look at war crimes trials for Bush administration officials. He has even said so in an interview with Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Daily News.
This kind of change — putting your predecessors on trial for their conduct of policy — may not be what most Americans really want or expect from someone with Obama’s gauzy rhetoric of unity. But unity has a dark side in the hands of people who regard their opponents as criminals. America has two centuries-plus of history lacking the totalitarian practice of jailing the predecessors when a new president takes office.
This is the sort of proposal one might expect from a man steeped in Marxism at his church, from his friends like Ayers, and as a member of the Alinsky Left. But I am surprised he let this slip.
Obama said that as president he would indeed ask his new Attorney General and his deputies to “immediately review the information that’s already there” and determine if an inquiry is warranted — but he also tread carefully on the issue, in line with his reputation for seeking to bridge the partisan divide. He worried that such a probe could be spun as “a partisan witch hunt.” However, he said that equation changes if there was willful criminality, because “nobody is above the law.”

Cocky Ignorance::By Thomas Sowell

Cocky Ignorance::By Thomas Sowell
"All this sounds very plausible, as so many other things that Senator Obama says sound plausible. But, like so many of those other things, it will not stand up under scrutiny.
What has been widely publicized in the media is that suicides among American troops have gone up. What has not been widely publicized is that this higher suicide rate is still not as high as the suicide rate among demographically comparable civilians."

JunkScience.com -- Steven Milloy, Publisher

JunkScience.com -- Steven Milloy, Publisher
"Let's consider a few facts.
CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas in the atmosphere that is measured in parts per million, or ppm. The vast majority of CO2 emissions, about 97 percent, comes from Mother Nature.
CO2 is nowhere near the most important greenhouse gas; water vapor holds that distinction. An astounding 99.9 percent of Earth's greenhouse gas effect has nothing to do with manmade CO2 emissions.
If that's not enough, we can look at graphs of the historical relationship between carbon dioxide and global temperature. Ice core data going back 650,000 years show that global temperatures increase before CO2 levels. Data from the 20th century indicate no particular relationship between CO2 emissions and global temperature.
Finally, there is no scientific proof that the current level of atmospheric CO2 or that levels projected by the United Nations -- about 700 ppm by 2095 if no greenhouse gas regulations are put in place -- has or will cause any harm to the environment."

YouTube - Obama campaign rep STUMPED on legislative accomplishments

YouTube - Obama campaign rep STUMPED on legislative accomplishments

Monday, June 09, 2008

Mean To Teens

Mean To Teens: "When Democrats in Congress finagled a jump in the minimum wage last year, they crowed about their victory. Now Americans are finding out what it cost as the unemployment rate shoots up."

Bernanke: Danger of downturn appears to have faded

Bernanke: Danger of downturn appears to have faded:
"Despite a recent spike in the nation's unemployment rate, the danger that the economy has fallen into a 'substantial downturn' appears to have waned, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Monday."

'GMA' Features Professor Who Blames Greenhouse Gases for Current Heat Wave

'GMA' Features Professor Who Blames Greenhouse Gases for Current Heat Wave
"Ironically, in 1971, Schneider co-authored a research article that explored both warming and cooling of the Earth, warning that a certain level of aerosols entering the atmosphere could trigger an ice age."

FOX News Documentary Shows Congressmen Sent Millions in Earmarks to Their Own Families

FOX News Documentary Shows Congressmen Sent Millions in Earmarks to Their Own Families
"A number of U.S. congressmen and their families — including former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert — have personally profited from congressional earmarks they slipped into federal legislation, a FOX News documentary reveals.
The documentary, “Porked: Earmarks"

Fred Hiatt - 'Bush Lied'? If Only It Were That Simple. - washingtonpost.com

Fred Hiatt - 'Bush Lied'? If Only It Were That Simple. - washingtonpost.com: "On Iraq's nuclear weapons program? The president's statements 'were generally substantiated by intelligence community estimates.'
On biological weapons, production capability and those infamous mobile laboratories? The president's statements 'were substantiated by intelligence information.'
On chemical weapons, then? 'Substantiated by intelligence information.'
On weapons of mass destruction overall (a separate section of the intelligence committee report)? 'Generally substantiated by intelligence information.' Delivery vehicles such as ballistic missiles? 'Generally substantiated by available intelligence.' Unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to deliver WMDs? 'Generally substantiated by intelligence information.'"

lgf: At the Official Obama Site: 'How the Jewish Lobby Works'

lgf: At the Official Obama Site: 'How the Jewish Lobby Works': "Here’s yet another disgusting antisemitic page at the official Barack Obama campaign web site, by a group calling itself “Socialists for Obama.” This group of Jew-haters has apparently been at his site since April, and there are numerous comments from Obama supporters that are indistinguishable from the hate speech you’ll find at neo-Nazi sites: Barack Obama : : Change We Can Believe In Socialists for Obama: How the jewish lobby works.
There’s something deeply wrong with a presidential candidate who attracts so many of these hateful psychotics. Read the comments; you just won’t believe what is allowed to be posted at Barack Obama’s web site."

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Obama’s New Advisor Stained by Clinton Pardon Scandal

Obama’s New Advisor Stained by Clinton Pardon Scandal
"Eric Holder, recently appointed by Barack Obama to his vice presidential search committee, played a leading role in one of the most infamous events of a presidency filled with infamy: the pardon of billionaire fugitive Marc Rich. Morris dubbed the decision to select Holder as Obama’s “first clear, serious mistake.”
Rich, of course, was the commodities trader who fled the country in 1983 to escape prosecution for tax evasion, racketeering, and trading with the enemy. Rich’s attorneys circumvented normal procedures, took the pardon to the White House attorneys, and gained pardon for their client, whose wife just happened to be a friend and major donor to the Clinton library, the Democratic Party, and Clinton’s legal defense fund. A firestorm ensued as did congressional investigations in which Democrats as well as Republicans excoriated the Clintons’ conduct."

perpetual progress?

Instapundit.com -: "JOHN TIERNEY: Why not perpetual progress? 'Yes, there are physical limits to what can done with computer chips. But for a century now, each time computer engineers ran into previous physical limits — with the original electro-mechanical machines, with vacuum tubes, with transistors — they jumped to a new technology, and they’re already working on successors to today’s chips. It may seem naive to expect continuing leaps forward, but I think it’s naive to ignore the trend of the past century — or the past 10,000 years.'"

Lucianne.com News Forum

Lucianne.com News Forum: "Comments:
The ''problem'' with these drugs is that the NHS (which runs a yearly surplus) has judged them to be too expensive or too new to be judged as effective on a per capita basis. Think Ted Kennedy would like to travel to the UK for his cancer treatment instead of staying in the US? I don't know why he isn't over there now because that's the kind of healthcare system he repeatedly has been pushing."

Mpls. limits vehicle idling to 3 minutes

Mpls. limits vehicle idling to 3 minutes
"The Minneapolis City Council and Mayor R.T. Rybak approved changes Friday, to the city’s vehicle idling ordinance that aims to reduce air pollution. The ordinance limits most vehicle idling to three minutes, except in traffic.
'Most of the air pollution in Minneapolis comes from vehicles and cutting down in idling is one easy thing we can all do for our environment, our health, and the health of our neighbors,' said Mayor R.T. Rybak."

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Now dustmen won't take your rubbish away if wheelie bin is too heavy to pull with two fingers | Mail Online

Now dustmen won't take your rubbish away if wheelie bin is too heavy to pull with two fingers Mail Online: "Binmen have put two fingers up to common sense by issuing an astonishing warning to council-tax payers.
'If we can't pull your wheelie bin using just two fingers it is too heavy - and won't be emptied.'
Bins that need three or more fingers, they claim, constitute a health and safety risk as they could fall from the lorry while being emptied.
The edict from binmen is the latest salvo in a continuing battle between householders and bureaucracy."

Friday, June 06, 2008

Masked men caught on church roof stealing lead... but that's not enough evidence, say police | Mail Online

Masked men caught on church roof stealing lead... but that's not enough evidence, say police Mail Online: "When three masked men were caught on the roof of an ancient church that had been stripped of lead worth £100,000, villagers felt their prayers had been answered.
Police arrived in time to catch the trio - in balaclavas and masks - red-handed.
Lead had been taken off and rolled up nearby ready to be taken away.
But to the astonishment of residents they only got a caution because officers decided they may just have been admiring the view."

McCain Tv-Ad Accountable

YouTube - Tv-Ad Accountable

McCain's new TV ad.

John McCain the socialist!

$45 trillion needed to combat warming

$45 trillion needed to combat warming
"The world needs to invest $45 trillion in energy in coming decades, build some 1,400 nuclear power plants and vastly expand wind power in order to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, according to an energy study released Friday."

Hey, America!
Do you know what this will do to your standard of living?

Liberal Scrooges

The American Spectator
"Many modern liberals like to openly discuss their altruism. Garrison Keillor explains that 'I am liberal and liberalism is the politics of kindness.' But it rarely seems to turn into acts of kindness, especially when it comes to making charitable donations."

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Statue of Jesus Stolen Off Cross in Detroit

Statue of Jesus Stolen Off Cross in Detroit
Thieves seeking copper to sell as scrap may have stolen an 8-foot statue of Jesus Christ off a crucifix in Detroit. Problem is, it's made of plaster."
Thankfully, Detroit has an African American as its mayor......

Obama connected to Marc Rich pardon?

Holder's reputation dinged by Marc Rich pardon
"The last time Washington attorney Eric Holder participated in a high-profile vetting, it was for fugitive financier Marc Rich.
The episode in 2001 became the final scandal of the Clinton administration and landed Holder, at the time the No. 2 official at the Justice Department, in the middle of a congressional investigation.
Now Holder, a co-chairman of Barack Obama's campaign, is one of three big names who will lead the search for a potential running mate for the presumed Democratic presidential nominee."

New contract for GRPS support staff

New contract for GRPS support staff
"While Grand Rapids Public Schools teachers wait for a contract deal for this school year, three other employee groups have a tentative deal for next school year.
The three unions represent support staff.
The deal gives those employees a one-half percent pay increase plus any built-in 'step' raises based on seniority"

Report: Mich. graduates low percentage of blacks, Hispanics

Report: Mich. graduates low percentage of blacks, Hispanics
"A new report says Michigan high schools have graduation rates well below the national average for black and Hispanic students."

Joe Soucheray - TwinCities.com

Joe Soucheray - TwinCities.com: "I am waiting for the day when Big Educators are dragged before congressional committees and treated like oil company executives, who in turn are treated like the Cosa Nostra. Let the Big Deans and the Big Chancellors sit under the hot lights. It would be delightful to see, say, the presidents of all the Big Ten schools summoned to Washington and grilled about why they should be allowed to raise tuition year after year while also accumulating untold wealth in their endowment accounts.
Year after year those higher-education costs go up and the only response from politicians has been to figure out a way to redistribute more wealth so that tax credits go to the people who can't afford to go to college"

Why We Went to Iraq

Why We Went to Iraq
"Of all that has been written about the play of things in Iraq, nothing that I have seen approximates the truth of what our ambassador to Baghdad, Ryan Crocker, recently said of this war: 'In the end, how we leave and what we leave behind will be more important than how we came.'"

Ed McMahon fighting foreclosure on his Beverly Hills home

Ed McMahon fighting foreclosure on his Beverly Hills home
"McMahon, 85, has been unable to work as a pitchman for various products since he broke his neck 18 months ago, said his spokesman, Howard Bragman.
'There are plenty of people affected by the weak economy, bad housing market or bad health,'"

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

'Carbon Belch Day' promotes un-green actions | Green Tech - CNET News.com

'Carbon Belch Day' promotes un-green actions Green Tech - CNET News.com: "Smoke cigars, do a partial load of laundry, drink bottled water, and feel no shame. That's what a campaign against a carbon trading bill is urging.
The latest parody of the proliferation of 'green' social-networking sites and eco-friendly events comes via 'Carbon Belch Day,' a campaign from the conservative Grassfire.org alliance that encourages people to pollute as much as possible on June 12."

French screen icon Bardot fined for anti-Muslim remarks

French screen icon Bardot fined for anti-Muslim remarks
France's 1960s screen icon Brigitte Bardot received a 15,000-euro (23,000 dollar) fine on Tuesday for inciting hatred against Muslims.
In December 2006, the film star-turned-animal rights activist wrote a letter to France's then interior minister, current President Nicolas Sarkozy, arguing that Muslims should stun animals before slaughtering them during the Aid al-Kabir holiday.
She outraged anti-racist groups by saying: "I've had enough of being led by the nose by this whole population which is destroying us, (and) destroying our country by imposing their ways."
Bardot, now 73 and suffering from arthritis, was absent from Tuesday's court hearing in Paris. She wrote to the court saying: "I'm sickened by how (these organisations) are harassing me."
She added: "I will not shut up until stunning is carried out" on animals before their ritual slaughter.
Bardot already has four convictions on similar charges. In 2004 she was fined 5,000 euros for inciting racial hatred in her book "Un Cri Dans le Silence" (A Cry in the Silence).
France is home to Europe's largest Muslim community, estimated at five million people.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Dumb luck?

The Corner on National Review Online: "Iraq and the General War on Terror [Victor Davis Hanson]

How odd (or to be expected) that suddenly intelligence agencies, analysts, journalists, and terrorists themselves are attesting that al-Qaeda is in near ruins, that ideologically radical Islam is losing its appeal, and that terrorist incidents against Americans at home and abroad outside the war zones are at an all-time low—and yet few associate the radical change in fortune in Iraq as a contributory cause to our success."

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Going green means having green to spend

Going green means having green to spend
"The dirty secret of the environmental movement is how indifferent it can be to the poor.

Consider the widespread ban on DDT. As environmental groups celebrated the recovery of bald eagles, parents in poor countries buried 20 million children who died from the ensuing malaria outbreak.

Now we see another crisis looming from the fight against global warming. Food riots are breaking out in poor countries as motorists in wealthy countries burn grains and oils in gas tanks"

Cancer patient Linda O'Boyle dies after NHS ends free care over top up - Telegraph

Cancer patient Linda O'Boyle dies after NHS ends free care over top up - Telegraph
"A woman who was refused free NHS cancer treatment after she paid for extra drugs has died, reigniting the debate over whether patients should be allowed to 'top up' their care.
Linda O'Boyle and her husband Brian, both retired health workers, decided to pay for treatment in addition to that available on the NHS in order to prolong her life.
Mrs O'Boyle was told that meant she was considered a private patient and so had to pay for all her treatment.
Government guidelines currently ban patients from mixing public and private care."

Getting Oil From A Stone

Getting Oil From A Stone
"Exxon Mobil's CEO says his energy company's 'corporate social responsibility' is to produce more energy. While Congress wants to tax oil profits, he wants to spend them to find more oil. What a concept."

A Bleak Future

A Bleak Future
: "Politics: Imagine an America where the government decides what profits are acceptable. Imagine our country with the oil industry nationalized. Impossible? Not with Democrats in control of Washington.
One California Democrat, saying out loud what many on her side of the aisle have been thinking for some time, has threatened to seize the oil industry.
'This liberal will be all about socializing, uh, uh . . . would be about . . . basically taking over and the government running all of your companies,' Rep. Maxine Waters told oil executives on May 22 during yet another show-trial congressional hearing."

Op-ed column: U.S. must tap its own oil resources or face even greater energy crisis

Op-ed column: U.S. must tap its own oil resources or face even greater energy crisis: "A great oil discovery was made in Alaska during the mid-1960s. It would prove to be the largest oil field in North America. But in order to exploit that oil, a pipeline 800 miles long had to be constructed over difficult terrain. A consortium of energy companies planned to build this $8 billion pipeline. But because sections of pipeline rights-of-way would pass through federal lands, the project required congressional approval. Congress, neither the House nor the Senate, would not approve the project. After all, didn’t the nation have excess producing capacity? And what about the environment — how could the pipeline be constructed across frozen ground, hundreds of streams, including the great Yukon River?"

American Preaching in a vacuum

American Preaching in a vacuum: "Holier-than-thou AAR constantly rails on corporate greed and dishonesty, yet it was a poster child for both even before it broadcast its first mindless assault on the vast right-wing conspiracy. Its backers lied to investors when they claimed they had $30 million in venture capital when they only had $6 million. Five weeks after the network's debut, its chairman and co-founder, Evan Montvel-Cohen, was forced out. Only later was it disclosed that to help get Air America off the ground, he looted the nonprofit organization where he was director of development out of $875,000 in taxpayer funds that were supposed to be spent helping children and the elderly in the Bronx."

Mother who defied the killers is gunned down

Mother who defied the killers is gunned down
Five weeks ago Leila Hussein told The Observer the chilling story of how her husband had killed their 17-year-old daughter over her friendship with a British soldier in Basra. Now Leila, who had been in hiding, has been murdered - gunned down in cold blood. Afif Sarhan in Basra and Caroline Davies report on the final act of a brutal tragedy"

Man admits 'having sex' with 1,000 cars

Man admits 'having sex' with 1,000 cars
"Edward Smith, who lives with his current 'girlfriend' – a white Volkswagen Beetle named Vanilla, insisted that he was not 'sick' and had no desire to change his ways."

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Detroit mayor vetoes funds for lawyers trying to remove him

Detroit mayor vetoes funds for lawyers trying to remove him
"Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has vetoed $250,000 set aside by the City Council to pay for lawyers to try to remove him from office amid a text-messaging sex scandal."


RWDB – J.F. Beck: JOHN QUIGGIN'S FAVOURITE UNRELIABLE SOURCE: "Lambert says Eritrea's anti-malaria program produced dramatic results by switching away from DDT. In reality, Eritrea produced dramatic results while greatly increasing DDT use."

Chances dim for climate-change legislation - May. 30, 2008

Chances dim for climate-change legislation - May. 30, 2008: "An influential coalition of Fortune 500 companies and environmental groups that was formed to support climate-change legislation has splintered over the Lieberman-Warner bill that is headed next week to the Senate floor."

Friday, May 30, 2008

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat: "First, some ask why Iraq is different from other countries or regimes that also have terrible weapons. While there are many dangers in the world, the threat from Iraq stands alone -- because it gathers the most serious dangers of our age in one place. Iraq's weapons of mass destruction are controlled by a murderous tyrant who has already used chemical weapons to kill thousands of people. This same tyrant has tried to dominate the Middle East, has invaded and brutally occupied a small neighbor, has struck other nations without warning, and holds an unrelenting hostility toward the United States.
By its past and present actions, by its technological capabilities, by the merciless nature of its regime, Iraq is unique. As a former chief weapons inspector of the U.N. has said, 'The fundamental problem with Iraq remains the nature of the regime, itself. Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction.'"

YouTube - World's Most Dangerous Airports

YouTube - World's Most Dangerous Airports

Shred of the Month - May 2008: Bicycles

Shred of the Month - May 2008: Bicycles

Civilization Comes First

Civilization Comes First:
"None the less I'm a strong supporter of MCain. Despite my very Libertarianish tendencies.
Make it harder for you to vote for McCain? You have no idea how hard it is for me to vote for the crap the GOP serves up to me. But you know there is a fookin' war on and my pet issues can wait until our civilization is properly secured."

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Best of the Web Today - WSJ.com

Best of the Web Today - WSJ.com: "I really believe that she just always thought 'This is mine' [laughter, hoots]. 'I'm Bill's wife. I'm white. And this is mine. And I jus' gotta get up. And step into the plate.' And then out of nowhere came, 'Hey, I'm Barack Obama.' And she said: 'Oh, damn! Where did you come from!?!?!' [Crowd going nuts, Pfleger screaming]. 'I'm white! I'm entitled! There's a black man stealing my show.' [Sobs.] She wasn't the only one crying! There was a whole lotta white people cryin'!"

Global Warming Skeptics Plot 'Carbon Belch Day'

Global Warming Skeptics Plot 'Carbon Belch Day'
"Conservative grassroots group Grassfire.org wants people to waste as much energy as possible on June 12 by 'hosting a barbecue, going for a drive, watching television, leaving a few lights on, or even smoking a few cigars.'
The point: the group wants to 'help Americans break free from the 'carbon footprint guilt' being imposed by Climate Alarmists.'"

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

McClellan's Mess

McClellan's Mess: "We're no longer surprised when a longtime confidant of a president comes out with a tell-all book. It's almost de rigueur. What's sad, however, is when so much of what the book tells is, in fact, false."

Sales of Spam rise as consumers trim food costs - Yahoo! News

Sales of Spam rise as consumers trim food costs - Yahoo! News: "The price of Spam is up too, with the average 12 oz. can costing about $2.62. That's an increase of 17 cents, or nearly 7 percent, from the same time last year."

When facts get in the way | STANDPOINT.ONLINE

When facts get in the way STANDPOINT.ONLINE: "British newspaper writing is famously more vigorous and readable than its American equivalent. But this comes at a price: there’s a good chance that anything you read in a British newspaper isn’t true.

When I worked as a leader writer for an American ­paper I was embarrassed when I was told that it was official policy not to trust any item in any British paper except the FT."

Dr. Helen: "Senator Biden Wants to Give Your Ex-Wife a Free Attorney..."

Dr. Helen: "Senator Biden Wants to Give Your Ex-Wife a Free Attorney...": "'Senator Biden Wants to Give Your Ex-Wife a Free Attorney...'"

Best of the Web Today - WSJ.com

Best of the Web Today - WSJ.com: "The trouble is that MAD depends on a series of assumptions about the nuclear adversaries in question, not all of which would necessarily apply in a confrontation between Iran and Israel or the U.S. One key assumption is that the actors are rational--meaning, among other things, not suicidal. Given that Iran is ruled by religious revolutionaries who have been known to use suicide as a tactic, this cannot be taken for granted."

Punxsutawney Condi - WSJ.com

Punxsutawney Condi - WSJ.com: "Where do we go from here? If this really were Groundhog Day, we would at least learn something from the previous, persistent failures. Even Mr. Murray's character changed his ways. But Iranian leaders have had six years to develop their nuclear programs since they were exposed in 2002, and the progress they have made has been formidable."

Granholm's Tax Warning - WSJ.com

Granholm's Tax Warning - WSJ.com: "This is a major embarrassment for Governor Jennifer Granholm, the second-term Democrat who shut down the state government last year until the Legislature approved Michigan's biggest tax hike in a generation. Her tax plan raised the state income tax rate to 4.35% from 3.9%, and increased the state's tax on gross business receipts by 22%. Ms. Granholm argued that these new taxes would raise some $1.3 billion in new revenue that could be 'invested' in social spending and new businesses and lead to a Michigan renaissance.
Not quite. Six months later one-third of the expected revenues have vanished as the state's economy continues to struggle. Income tax collections are falling behind estimates, as are property tax receipts and those from the state's transaction tax on home sales.
Michigan is now in the 18th month of a state-wide recession, and the unemployment rate of 6.9% remains far above the national rate of 5%. Ms. Granholm blames the nationwide mortgage meltdown and higher energy prices for the job losses and disappearing revenues, but this Great Lakes state is in its own unique hole. Nearby Illinois (5.4% jobless rate) and even Ohio (5.6%) are doing better.
Leon Drolet, the head of the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance, complains that 'we are witnessing the Detroit-ification of Michigan.' By that he means that the same high tax and spend policies that have hollowed out the Motor City are now infecting many other areas of the state."

Mich. House votes to ban partial birth abortions

Mich. House votes to ban partial birth abortions: "Michigan lawmakers moved closer to a state-level ban of what opponents call partial birth abortion on Tuesday.
The Democratic-led House passed the ban by a 74-32 vote late Tuesday.
The Republican-controlled Senate has approved similar legislation.
But Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm doesn't support the bill and might veto it because it doesn't include an exception for the health of the mother, setting the scene for a possible override showdown."

Study: Global warming could worsen Great Lakes problems

Global warming could worsen Great Lakes problems
"A new report says climate change could worsen a litany of problems plaguing the Great Lakes, from low water levels to depleted fish populations.
The report was released Wednesday by the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition, which represents more than 100 advocacy groups."

U.S. Representative Robert Wexler, Representing the 19th District of Florida

U.S. Representative Robert Wexler, Representing the 19th District of Florida: "Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) called for former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan to appear before the House Judiciary Committee to testify under oath regarding the devastating revelations made in his new book on the Bush Administration’s deliberate efforts to mislead the American people into the Iraq War."

Spanish-English school program proving popular

Spanish-English school program proving popular
"The two-way immersion program, in which students are taught primarily in Spanish,"

This isn't an "immersion" program , it's teaching kids in Spanish!

And using the poor kids as a reason to hire extra teacher aids.

Classic garbage from a garbage school system.

Planet Slayer - Greenhouse Calculator

Planet Slayer - Greenhouse Calculator

Find out WHEN you SHOULD die!

What a nice idea for a kids show!

Granholm's Tax Warning - WSJ.com

Granholm's Tax Warning - WSJ.com: "'we are witnessing the Detroit-ification of Michigan.' By that he means that the same high tax and spend policies that have hollowed out the Motor City are now infecting many other areas of the state."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Your next president is not a smart man.

Your next president is not a smart man.
"Your next president is not a smart man."

Your next president is not a smart man.
Rupert keeps telling me not to be so sure Obama’s going to win in November. I keep telling Rupert he doesn’t read enough conservative blogs and thus doesn’t realize how many conservatives are so tired of getting “poked in the eye” and “stabbed in the back” that they’re gonna take their “principles” all the way to nowhere on Election Day by sitting home or voting third-party rather than voting for McCain, which is the ONLY WAY to keep Obama out of office. But they’re just Na. Ga. Da. (not gonna do it). Because they want to “punish” the Republican party. Teach them a lesson!
Sorry, I know lots of you who feel that way are very wonderful people who I really do respect, but I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again: I think your plan is shitty. You’re going to get Obama elected, you realize that right? If you’re cool with that, more power to you, but I for one will NOT welcome my new Dumbass Overlord Obama. There are two new reasons for that today.
First: He has no fuckin’ clue what Memorial Day is for.
On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.
That’s via Hot Air, where you can also see that when McCain pointed out the error, this was the response:
Obama’s camp declined to hit back, with spokesman Bill Burton saying “Memorial Day is a day to honor our nation’s veterans, not a day for political posturing.”
Jesus on a battlestar. We have a whole holiday to honor veterans; it’s called VETERAN’S DAY. Memorial Day is for the ones who died while serving, and it’s a pretty simple concept, and you’d think presidential candidate would be capable of making that distinction but you’d be so wrong.
Second, via Ace of Spades, on the same venerated day:
…Obama also spoke about his uncle, who was part of the American brigade that helped to liberate Auschwitz…
Oy. I wonder how the Russians feel about that, seeing as how they’re the ones who liberated Auschwitz, not the Americans. Maybe Obama identifies so deeply with the Red Army that he has conflated things in his wee little brain.

GVSU, others count on freshmen despite economy

GVSU, others count on freshmen despite economy
This month also is when college admissions officers start sizing up their numbers for the fall. Their hope: that amid a bad economy, they guessed correctly on the number of admitted students who will follow through and enroll."

Interesting that the cost to the student/family/taxpayer isn't even a consideration to thie "journalist".

Not to mention the quality of the "product" as 60% of their students (custoners) don't graduate....... total waste of money and time.

And a dream.... thanks "kollege" lobby...

Obama Campaign Scrambles to Correct the Record on Uncle’s War Service

Obama Campaign Scrambles to Correct the Record on Uncle’s War Service
"There were two obvious problems with the tale: Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Army, and Obama’s American mother was an only child."

Polar bear listing is big win for area group (with video) | www.azstarnet.com ®

Polar bear listing is big win for area group
"The center's blueprint for saving the polar bear is ambitious and complex. It includes:
● Challenging offshore oil and gas leasing in Alaska within six months.
● Launching a large-scale challenge to the licensing of coal-fired power plants around the country sometime after that.
● Finally, challenging large-scale, local government development plans in major cities.
These efforts would be in the name of reducing greenhouse gases that many scientists are now linked to the breakup of the Arctic-area sea ice on which polar bears live."

The difference between demos and GOPers, continued....

Winningreen Issue Alert

Democrats must now choose between high energy prices and new production

By Gretchen RandallDate: May 27, 2008Issue:

U.S. House Republicans last week introduced 15 bills to increase our domestic oil and gas production such as opening the offshore and ANWR, recycling spent nuclear fuel, credits to build coal-to-liquid plants, encourage building new refineries and continuing support for renewables such as wind and solar.

They also roll back the renewable fuel standards or ethanol requirements to the 2005 level instead of the ever increasing amount in the Democrat bill passed in 2007 and reduce the number of boutiques fuels.
Proposed legislation also waives the import tariff on imported sugar-based ethanol, repeals the limitation the Democrats placed on development of oil shale and repeals the ban of the use of tar sands, coal-to-liquid or shale oil by the military that Democrats enacted earlier.

More specifics on each of the bills can be found at http://thomas.loc.gov where most of the bills are now posted.

Zombie Time!... Obama Sees Dead People at New Mexico Speech (Video)

Zombie Time!... Obama Sees Dead People at New Mexico Speech (Video): "Barack Obama opens up his Memorial Day speech in Las Cruces, New Mexico:

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.
Let's hope that he didn't see any fallen heroes in the audience!
Add, this to the growing list of Obama gaffes."

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row - Telegraph

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row
"The latest carbon credits scheme - published in a parliamentary committee report - is squarely on the side of the believers. The idea is that everyone gets an annual carbon ration to spend on fuel and energy bills and, if you want to overspend, you buy credits from low carbon emitters.
It's just like the medieval trade in indulgences, where remission for sins was granted by the Church once the sinner confessed and received absolution. By the late Middle Ages, the system had grown corrupt, with professional pardoners selling indulgences by the bucketload.
The medieval market in indulgences ended with the Reformation. You can imagine the outcome of this market in modern sin. Oceans of sackcloth-and-ashes piety from those who underspend their carbon credit, and badly informed abuse for people who like flying abroad on holiday."

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row - Telegraph

Global warming sceptics in an unholy row
"I wonder when people last got widely and publicly ridiculed for not believing in God: probably not for several hundred years.
Nowadays, you'd get a slightly odd look for doing the opposite and expressly stating your faith. But, if you really want to know what it's like to be a 16th-century heretic, try saying you're a bit sceptical about man-made global warming.
Temperatures do seem to have gone up a little, even though environmentalists acknowledge that we might be in for a cool spell now. And we've certainly had our fair share of tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons recently. Still, no one has convincingly proved that all this is definitely man's fault. Try saying that in polite circles and it's like saying you're partial to roasted babies."