Monday, July 07, 2008

Obama's cash, spin piling up

Goldman, Sachs & Co., UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, National Amusements, Lehman Brothers, Google, Sidley Austin, Skadden Arps, Time Warner, Morgan Stanley, Exelon, Latham & Watkins, Microsoft and GE are among the biggest corporate contributors."

I thought Obama didn't take "corporate" money.
The "red" companies are the ones screaming for government (TAXPAYER) help to bail out their failed mortgage securities disasters.
Maybe they know about some Obama-help that we don't?
I guess these "contributions" are for our own good.....

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Obama Refines the Blame on Iraq Miscue - New York Times Blog

Obama Refines the Blame on Iraq Miscue
"“I was surprised by how finely calibrated every single word was measured,” he said, speaking to reporters as he flew here from Montana."

The articulation of Dan Quayle and the believability of John Kerry!

This Obama dude makes Dan Quayle sound like Winston Churchill.

'Green' campground restroom serves as prototype

'Green' campground restroom serves as prototype
"The $750,000 cost of the new toilet-shower building _ including tearing down its predecessor, installing utility upgrades and winter construction _ was paid for by a federal Land and Water Conservation Fund grant and a matching grant from the state Park Improvement Fund.
The state fund consists of money collected at Michigan state parks for motor vehicle permits, camping fees and concessions."

See the 'Best of the West' in gardens

See the 'Best of the West' in gardens
"Twelve gardens from Muskegon to Nunica will be featured Saturday, July 12, during the third annual Best of the West garden tour sponsored by Michigan State University Extension Services."

US removes uranium from Iraq

US removes uranium from Iraq
"The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program - a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium - reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.
The removal of 550 metric tons of 'yellowcake'"


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Victor Davis Hanson on Independence Day on National Review Online

Victor Davis Hanson on Independence Day on National Review Online: "we should remember two truths about America. First, the United States remains the most free and affluent country in the history of civilization. Second, almost all our problems are lapses of complacency, remain relatively easily correctable, and pale in comparison to past crises."

Department of War! -: "DALE AMON: 'I have long said we should change the name of the DOD back to the Department of War. If you are going to make war, then you should damn well be a man and say so.'"

You bet!

Would name change help algebra students?

Would name change help algebra students?
"But would Algebra 2 be as difficult if it were called something else?

State Sen. Wayne Kuipers, R-Holland, recently told a gathering of Kent County school board members that he believes more students would pass the upper-level math course if it were called something less scary.

His theory is that students have convinced themselves that algebra is too difficult and that they throw in the towel before giving it a chance."

gimme a break!
Serious bozo alert!
Defeat All Incumbents!

Mona Shores Schools Superintendent wins high marks

Superintendent wins high marks
"Mona Shores Public Schools Superintendent Terry Babbitt received the following ratings from the board of education in his annual evaluation:

Relationship with the board: Meets high expectations

Community relations: Exceeds expectations

Superintendent-staff relationships: Exceeds expectations

Business and finance: Exceeds expectations

Educational leadership: Exceeds expectations

Personal qualities: Exceeds expectations"

I keep looking for the words "student" or "parents" or "taxpayers".
Maybe i just missed them.

Maybe they simply don't matter?

Rare Mikey Monsoor memorial footage

Rare Mikey Monsoor memorial footage

"A little-known tribute some Navy SEALs gave to a fallen comrade is gaining notice.
Petty Officer Michael A. Monsoor was killed in battle in Iraq in September 2006, and posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in April.
His funeral in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego was attended by “nearly every SEAL on the West Coast,” President Bush said.
During the service, as Monsoor's coffin was taken from the hearse to the gravesite, Navy SEALs lined up in two columns. As the coffin passed, video shows each SEAL slapping down the gold Trident from his uniform and deeply embedding it in Monsoor's wooden coffin."

GR Starbucks employee firing triggers global protests

GR Starbucks employee firing triggers global protests
"This is part of a global movement against Starbuck's anti-union policies. Starbucks and its CEO Howard Schultz have been firing outspoken union baristas ever since the start of the International Workers of the World Starbucks Workers Union in 2004"

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy birthday America!

Interview with a Hollywood patriot

click the link and remember the reality of our wonderful country.

And the men and women who continue our national fight for global freedom!

God bless the USA!

No-contact advisory issued for Grand River

No-contact advisory issued for Grand River
"The city of Grand Rapids notified the health departments that a combined sewer overflow was released into the river at several locations, including the Market Avenue Retention Basin."

Why is "OK" for Grand Haven to be the alimentary canal of Grand Rapids?
This wouldn't be allowed if it was a factory sending the same garbage down the river!

Sept. 10th Democrats

Sept. 10th Democrats
"Such naïve policies suggest Democrats do not understand or are ignoring real threats facing our nation just as they did on September 10, 2001. The stakes for our security will be high this fall as voters choose between Senator Obama, who supports these dangerous proposals, and Senator McCain, who understands the lessons from 9/11 and will take a more responsible approach. Let’s hope the voters make the right choice this November."


MSM prefers fewer readers? -:
"If only AP was as skeptical of the L.A. Times as it is of the Bush Administration wouldn't have left this uncommented upon:
'The number one reason that people cancel the L.A. Times is, they tell us, they don't have enough time to read the paper that we give them every day,' Stanton said. 'We're going to be more picky about the stories we choose to write long and a lot more picky about the ones we write shorter.'
Yeah, that's it. People are complaining about too much news. They're doing too good a job! That's their problem!
UPDATE: The LAT's appeal isn't shrinking -- it's just becoming more selective!"

The self delusion of the socialists who run (down to the gutter) newspapers is really scary.
After all, they provide much of the news we are exposed to.

And they seem to be fools.

Bummer dudes....

Blogger admits Hawaii birth certificate forgery, subverting Obama claims

Blogger admits Hawaii birth certificate forgery, subverting Obama claims:
"But why would a presidential campaign that has its own 'Fight the Smears' website rely on a radical left-wing blog like Daily Kos to post its official documents, especially one as sensitive and controversial as a birth certificate? A few days later the Obama site would post a very low resolution, barely legible image -- it still is there on the site, with no reference to the one first posted at the Daily Kos."

This is getting interesting!

Cook County Tax Hike In Effect, highest in nation!

Cook County Tax Hike In Effect, Businesses Furious: "Taxes In Chicago Now 10.25 Percent, Highest In Country
CHICAGO (CBS) ― The highest sales tax in the nation is now found in Chicago, and it's costing Cook County residents more to buy just about everything."

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Freedom Never Cries

Venus and Serena Williams reach Wimbledon final

Venus and Serena Williams reach Wimbledon final
"Venus and Serena Williams won in straight sets Thursday to set up their third all-sister Wimbledon final and seventh Grand Slam championship matchup.

These two sisters are incredible!

Beer Calories, Alcohol, and Carbohydrate Content.

Larry Harmon, longtime Bozo the Clown, dead at 83

Say it ain't so, Bozo!
"Larry Harmon, who turned the character Bozo the Clown into a show business staple that delighted children for more than a half-century, died Thursday of congestive heart failure. He was 83."

Why We Went to War in Iraq -

Why We Went to War in Iraq - "A lot of poor commentary has framed the Iraq war as a conflict of 'choice' rather than of 'necessity.' In fact, President George W. Bush chose to remove Saddam Hussein from power because he concluded that doing so was necessary."

Granholm takes freedom (choice?) and calls it a gift.

Granholm outlines ways to save money
"'There's no doubt that Michigan's fortunes are tied directly to the cost of gasoline,' she said. 'People are hurting. ... That's why giving them tools to save money is very important.'"

Shouldn't this read:
"Granholm takes freedom, call it a gift of "tools to save money".

Only a democrat could get away with this lie.

Only a liberal media would report it as if it were a wise decision.

I guess "choice" means never having to say "I'll make up my own mind".

Democrats want 55 MPH speed limit!!!!!!!

Democrats want to enforce 55 mph limit!!!!!
"State Rep. Aldo Vagnozzi said Wednesday in a statement that he has introduced a resolution urging Congress to reduce the national speed limit to 55 miles per hour. The lower limit would save Americans money by reducing gasoline usage while saving lives and lessening U.S. dependence on foreign oil, the Farmington Hills Democrat said."

Granholm outlines ways to save money

Granholm outlines ways to save money
"Gov. Jennifer Granholm is riding her bike to work a couple of times a week, an example of a way she says Michigan consumers can save money."

Interesting..... we drive bikes to work and they continue to spend like drunken.... politicians.... and we still vote for these crooks?

Iraqi success vs US Congress

15 of 18 met!
"Which Has Met More US Congressional Goals: Iraq or the US Congress?-- In the most recent report on political goals for Iraq, it appears that 15 of 18 benchmarks set by the US Congress have been met:"

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Get Drunk And Vote 4 McCain

Get Drunk And Vote 4 McCain

That might just be the answer!

GM death spiral?

The Volokh Conspiracy - -: "GM's market value is now roughly equivalent to that of tax-preparation provider H&R Block or toy maker Mattel."

A not-so-glorious Fourth

A not-so-glorious Fourth
"Tuck the soaring speeches in a drawer for another time.
This year, America doesn't deserve to celebrate its birthday. This Fourth of July should be a day of quiet and atonement.
For we have sinned"

Classic lib/progressive "hate-America" drivel.
And his newspaper decided it worthy of publishing.

State settles $3.25 million lawsuit over Timothy Souders death in prison

State settles $3.25 million lawsuit over Timothy Souders death in prison
"A $3.25 million lawsuit settlement in no way makes up for the death of her son in a Michigan prison, Theresa Vaughn said, nor will it stop her campaign to improve prison conditions.
Timothy Souders, 21, died of dehydration and heat exhaustion after nearly four days shackled to a cement slab in a Jackson prison during an August 2006 heat wave,"

I wonder if anyone was fired or disciplined over this outrage.
I suspect not.

Starbucks closing 600 stores nationwide

Starbucks closing 600 stores nationwide
"Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 stores in the United States in the next year and cut back the number of new stores it had planned to open."

Holy moley!

Maybe there IS a relationship between how much you charge for something and how much of it you sell?

Higher minimum wage...... fewer jobs...... who'd of thunk?

Slain Realtor beloved by friends, co-workers

Slain Realtor beloved by friends, co-workers
"Troy Dennis VanderStelt was an 'all-around good guy' who was dedicated to his family, physical fitness and a career in real estate, according to friends and co-workers."
Maybe the liberal media will think twice before they demonize another industry like they have demonized mortgage and real estate companies.

Rising tuition threatens Michigan education goals

Rising tuition threatens Michigan education goals

Maybe SOMEONE ought to see where all the taxpayers money is going?

Maybe to the teachers and administrators in the form of massive pay increases and ballooning benefit and retirement packages?

Ah, the question we dare not ask.

Just soak the idiot taxpayer. It's been working for years, why change it now.......

Muskegon saves jobs by dipping into savings

Muskegon saves jobs by dipping into savings
"In the end, the Muskegon school board decided to save jobs rather than save money.....
The proposed $64.6 million general fund budget includes a $557,000 draw on the district's savings account, known as the fund balance."

"The area is so depressed, we need to try to save those jobs," said board Treasurer Billie Bruce. "Those are people who live in the city, pay taxes and have children in the district."

Armstrong had made a commitment to the board to reduce the district's reliance on savings to balance the district's budget. But he said he had real misgivings about the cuts to staff that would have to be made to do that.

......."It's a small amount we have to pay to do something better for the lives of the children and the community," said the Rev. Charles Poole, president of the school board. "It's all about bettering the community.".....

The district will hire 13 people this summer to recruit students to the district. In addition, a new full-time para-pro will work on retention of students at the high school and the district's M-TEC alternative education program.
Since when is it the "job" of school board members to take taxpayer money to employ people simply because the community has high unemployment?
These fools need to be replaced!
Defeat all incumbents!

The Greenest Show on Earth: Democrats Gear Up for Denver

The Greenest Show on Earth: Democrats Gear Up for Denver
"on the theory that nutritious food is more vibrant, each meal should include 'at least three of the following colors: red, green, yellow, blue/purple, and white.' (Garnishes don't count.)"

These demo-kooks are nuts!

Obama's Social Security Fine Prin

Obama's Social Security Fine Print
"Would it help Social Security's financing problems?
Mr. Obama has no idea. One of his senior economic advisers admitted to me that no one on the campaign has run any detailed models or performed any rigorous analysis. When one proposes an enormous tax increase, shouldn't there at least be a spreadsheet somewhere?
But the most alarming thing about Mr. Obama's proposal is that the $250,000 threshold, above which the payroll tax would be applied, refers to household income, not individual income. So it's quite deceptive when he claims that the $250,000 threshold will 'ensure that lifting the payroll tax cap does not ensnare any middle class Americans.'"

B Hussein's scheme will put the top tax bracket at over 60% and could easily affect as many as 20% of taxpayers!!!!!

And remember. The ObamaFeds are taking the moolah from folks who earned the money and then the Husseiniacs will give it to their friends in big government!

It's off to the races at Pork Chop Downs

It's off to the races at Pork Chop Downs
"But the Show-Me Swine Races at Pork Chop Downs go on as they must, daily at 2, 4, 6, and 8 p.m. These pigs are pros.
Five competitors race in three heats and audience members are chosen to be the main rooter for each pig in each race."

These piggies are really worth your time. The entire show is hilarious!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Gay marriage and Obama

He's for it AND against it!
"Today we learned that Barack Obama opposes the proposed amendment to the California constitution defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. In a letter to a gay civil rights group in San Francisco, Obama said he rejects 'the divisive and discriminatory efforts to amend the California Constitution' and similar efforts in other states.
At the same time, Obama has repeatedly said that while he supports civil unions for gay couples he believes marriage is between a man and a woman."

No problem dude..... if you want it, B Hussein will promise it!

Michigan's minimum wage rises to $7.40 Tuesday

Michigan's minimum wage rises to $7.40 Tuesday
"Starting Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of Michigan workers who make at or just above the minimum wage are getting a raise.

Student and young people face the worst job market in a decade.

But our "leaders" just voted to raise the cost of employing those students and young folks ....... could there be ANY connection?

Naa. It's Bush's fault. Cheney and Engler's too.....

click these links for more on the "AMAZING" connection between cost and demand.

The 11 Best Foods You Arent Eating - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog

The 11 Best Foods You Arent Eating - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog: "Dr. Bowden, author of “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,” to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don’t always find their way into our shopping carts. Here’s his advice."

Ummm... beets!

United Auto Workers union endorses Obama for president

United Auto Workers union endorses Obama for president
"The United Auto Workers international executive board has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president."

Hmmmm.... the same group who bankrupted the American auto industry now endorses B Hussein who's "new" ideas for "change" will bankrupt the USA.
Sounds logical to moi....

Obama says he will offer $4,000 tuition tax credit

Obama says he will offer $4,000 tuition tax credit
"Obama said he would give students a $4,000 tax credit to help pay tuition and fees in exchange for 100 hours of community service. The campaign said the program would cost $10 billion a year"
Let's see....$4000 divided by 100 hours... um that equals $40 bucks an HOUR!!!!?
B Hussein promises to give "students" $4o bucks an hour to do... what..... community service????
Do nothing "make-work" at $4/hr....... plus all those nifty democrat government workers to supervise the little darling students......
This only sounds "new" to someone who's never heard of the USSR...

Murdered at work! Troy VanderStelt Nexes Realty Michigan Real Estate Agent

Killed this morning at the Nexus office on Broadway by a disgruntled customer.


"Troy VanderStelt
As a member of the successful, highly trained team of agents at Nexes Realty, I am here to help you fulfill the American Dream of owning your own home. Whether buying or selling, I will provide outstanding services with honesty and integrity. As a life-long resident of the area, graduate of Muskegon Community College and Michigan State University, I look forward to helping you in all your real estate needs."

YouTube - Harry Reid Says "Coal Makes Us Sick"

YouTube - Harry Reid Says "Coal Makes Us Sick"

Yeah but....... coal and oil also provide us with jobs and food.

Coal and oil are the energy bridge that we humans need until new technology is discovered.

Windmill farms and solar panels covering our real farms will provide nothing except more government subsidies to the makers of windmills and solar panels.

Oh yeah, they'll also makes us unemployed and hungry.

Ospreys at work!

Click to see the slideshow!

Phenomenal photos of ospreys at "work".

Nev. Brothel: Get Your Fill And Free Fuel, State's Sex Industry Stifled By Rising Gasoline Costs; Brothel Offers Truckers Gas Cards

Nev. Brothel: Get Your Fill And Free Fuel, State's Sex Industry Stifled By Rising Gasoline Costs; Brothel Offers Truckers Gas Cards
"Geoffrey Arnold, president of the Nevada Brothel Owners' Association, said truckers account for up to 75 percent of business at the state's rural brothels along Interstate 80 and U.S. Highway 95."

Ah, those knights of the highway.......


"Volunteer firefighters who built sandbag barricades to protect Baraboo from record flooding earlier this month wrongfully did the work of city workers, a union representative argues in a complaint.
A grievance filed with the city says Department of Public Works employees are qualified to perform the work done by volunteer firefighters and should've been called on first.
Union workers are demanding pay for overtime they lost out on as a result of volunteers from the Baraboo Fire Department filling sandbags June 7 through June 12"

Maybe the taxpayers might want to see who negotiated the union contract on behalf of the city of Baraboo?

Kim Komando’s Video of the Day » Blog Archive » Bus or monster truck?

Kim Komando’s Video of the Day » Blog Archive » Bus or monster truck?
"This Video of the Day features a bus crash. Don’t worry; no one gets hurt. But I can’t help laughing every time I see it. This driver turns her bus into a monster truck. She plows over a parking lot full of cars."

This IS funny!

Monday, June 30, 2008

No Sun Intended

No Sun Intended
"Washington has placed a moratorium on solar power projects on federal land. Is this the work of evil oil companies? No, it's the fault of environmentalists."

Let us make no mistake! The democrat party has been taken over by extremist enviro-nuts and will fight EVERY idea to provide energy for humans. EVERY IDEA!

How Bear Stearns Died

"The 28-day line, in other words, was a 28-day line in name only: There's a good chance that Paulson and Geithner never signed off on its length, only on its size. And then decided that the last thing they needed was the risk of Bear Stearns bankruptcy hanging over the market's head for a month."

Interesting insight into the collapse of a once great financial firm.

Surprising fact: Half of gun deaths are suicides

Surprising fact: Half of gun deaths are suicides
"research shows that surprisingly often, gun owners use the weapons on themselves.
Suicides accounted for 55 percent of the nation's nearly 31,000 firearm deaths in 2005, the most recent year for which statistics are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

That fact has been known for decades.

As a stand alone info-bit, it is worthless.
Just like most drivel spewed from the liberal MSM.

NRA-ILA :: Legislation

NRA-ILA :: Legislation

Take just one minute

Video of Take just one minute

Never forget the sacrifice of these brave heroes.

YouTube - Oregon firefighters fired for speaking english

YouTube - Oregon firefighters fired for speaking english

Medicare fees to doctors to fall starting Tuesday

Medicare fees to doctors to fall starting Tuesday
"Just two years ago, after a cut had taken effect, Congress froze payments retroactively at the previous year's levels. In 2002 doctors had to live with a 5.4 percent cut."

No problem!
Just "retroactively cut payments"!
Now, why can't they do the same with federal employee's pay, benefits and their own spending?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Now health and safety cut number of holes in chip shop salt shakers

Now health and safety cut number of holes in chip shop salt shakers
"Pot-holed roads, crumbling schools, litter-strewn streets – there’s no shortage of problem areas crying out for their attention.
But councils believe they have found a better use for their money: reducing the number of holes in chip shop salt shakers.

Research has suggested that slashing the holes from the traditional 17 to five could cut the amount people sprinkle on their food by more than half."

Beachwood Cancels All-Star Game to Raise Players Self Esteem

Beachwood Cancels All-Star Game to Raise Players Self Esteem
"The City of Beachwood has decided to break tradition and cancel a Little League All-Star game for children ages 9-12.

In March, Beachwood Mayor Merle Gordon sent a letter to parents of children involved in the Little League program stating the city was canceling the All-Star game based on information provided in an article written by the founder of the National Alliance for Youth Sports, Fred Engh.

The article suggested that All-Star games take away from sportsmanship and hurts the self esteem of players, especially younger players.
In the article Engh states, 'There's nothing like sticking a dagger into a youngster's self-esteem the first season he plays the sport by letting him know that he's not good enough or considered worthy to be part of this elite group of teammates. That's not the message we want to send to children who are already less active and more obese than any previous generation in history.'"

What "message" do you think those wusses want to sent to our children......

Friday, June 27, 2008

Gun ban ruling has Chicago thinking it's next

Gun ban ruling has Chicago thinking it's next
"Nine people were killed in 36 shootings during one weekend this spring. The next week, five people were found shot to death inside a South Side home.
Chicago Public Schools officials say 27 students have been killed by gunfire since September."

This is the result of Chicago's current gun and crime control laws.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

San Francisco may name sewage treatment plant after Bush

San Francisco may name sewage treatment plant after Bush
"a group going by the regal-sounding name of the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is planning to ask voters here to change the name of a prize-winning water-treatment plant on the shoreline to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant."

Oh, how sophisticated!
Those SanFranciscan "treats" are so..... like really ........ well.... you ...know...... dude.....

My Way News - Bush moves to take N.Korea off terrorism blacklist

Bush moves to take N.Korea off terrorism blacklist
"'I'm under no illusions that this is the first step,' Bush said. 'This isn't the end of the process. This is the beginning of the process of action for action.'"


YouTube - Barack Obama - Blithering Idiot - Bristol, VA 6/5/08

YouTube - Barack Obama - Blithering Idiot - Bristol, VA 6/5/08
"Barack Obama - Blithering Idiot - Bristol, VA 6/5/08"

This man is an idiot!

Norton Shores to seek 1.5-mill road tax

Norton Shores to seek 1.5-mill road tax
"Public Works Director Jerry Bartoszek said it would be difficult at this stage to create a street improvement list. Although the city has an inventory of the condition of local and major streets, the worst streets might not necessarily be targeted. Streets in bad shape may be too far gone for easy fixes. Other streets may not have deteriorated to the point where they cannot be repaired. He said the staff will issue recommendations after the millage vote"

They already have the street list.
Why won't they tell us what they're gonna do?
Not a good way to begin their quest for our money....

Great Muskegon "spending" site!

"Muskegon County Commissioners want to raise our taxes again. They are crying poverty, to fund a special mileage. Did you know Muskegon County has had a General Fund Surplus ever year for the past seven years. Fiscal year 2007 it was $8.7 million (18% of General Fund revenues)"

US economy logs better GDP growth-No recession, yet!

US economy logs better but still subpar growth
"The 1 percent annualized increase in gross domestic product, announced by the Commerce Department on Thursday, marked a slight improvement from the government's previous estimate of 0.9 percent growth for the January-to-March quarter."

Don't believe the liars in the liberal MSM as they lie about the American "recession".

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cindy McCain praises Diana as 'inspiration' - Times Online

Cindy McCain praises Diana as 'inspiration' - Times Online: "The woman who wants to be the next Republican First Lady pledged today to expand her humanitarian work if she makes it into the White House, taking inspiration from the late Diana, Princess of Wales.
Speaking ahead of a political fundraiser in London tonight, Cindy McCain said that she felt 'very honoured' to serve on the board of the Halo Trust, the Anglo-American anti-landmine charity endorsed by Diana and which organised her controversial walk through an Angolan minefield in 1997, the year of her death.
Speaking to The Times, Mrs McCain said of Diana: 'She was (a) great inspiration to me and to the British people as well. She was a remarkable person and had a loving heart.”"

Understand that the only folks who will withhold their land mines will be our soldiers....... the bad guys will put them everywhere.....
Thankfully, Cindy will be spending her future in plastic surgery rather than as First Lady.

What a bummer.....

College raises price, saves jobs, programs -

College raises price, saves jobs, programs
"The Muskegon Community College board of trustees voted Tuesday to raise student tuition and a registration fee, apparently sparing teaching and other staff positions from being axed.
Those budget-making decisions drew loud applause from many of the dozens of school employees and students who attended Tuesday night's board meeting.
The board's actions were part of the approval of an overall 2008-09 operating budget of $36.2 million. The school's general fund budget was set at $30.2 million."

States ask for citizenship from welfare recipients

States ask for citizenship from welfare recipients
"Michigan is one of the few states that give health care coverage automatically to children and adults on welfare. But there's a catch: Proof of citizenship is required.
Michigan and Nebraska appear to be the only states so far that won't give cash assistance unless proof of citizenship is shown, although Missouri is joining their ranks. Some states, such as Virginia, require applicants to show a birth certificate or Social Security number. But they allow applicants to sign an affidavit of citizenship if they can't provide the documents. Michigan and Nebraska don't have that out."

Zimbabwe's President Mugabe stripped of knighthood

Zimbabwe's President Mugabe stripped of knighthood
"Queen Elizabeth II stripped Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe of his ceremonial knighthood on Wednesday - a highly unusual move meant to show Britain's revulsion with the human rights abuses of his regime."

How brave of those Brits!
And thank god for the UN!

Court rejects death penalty for raping children

Court rejects death penalty for raping children
"A second Louisiana man, Richard Davis was sentenced to death in December for repeatedly raping a 5-year-old girl in Caddo Parish, which includes Shreveport. Local prosecutor Lea Hall told jurors: 'Execute this man. Justice has a sword and this sword needs to swing today.'"

Golly, the chick probleee enjoyed it..........heck she ain't even dead!
This is what we get with liberal judges making our laws.

How Many of Me

How Many of Me

How many people share your name?



Excellent little applet for current weather and forecasts. Plus a live weather map!

Housing rescue plan passes key Senate test

Housing rescue plan passes key Senate test
"The mortgage aid plan would let the Federal Housing Administration back $300 billion in new, cheaper home loans for an estimated 400,000 distressed borrowers who otherwise would be considered too financially risky to qualify for government-insured, fixed-rate loans."

$300 BILLION dollars?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nuclear Hourglass

Nuclear Hourglass
"WMD: Only last fall, the head of the U.N.'s nuclear 'watchdog' said Iran would need three to eight years to acquire an atomic bomb. Now he says six months to a year. Is he dishonest or incompetent — or both?"

Locklear seeking treatment for anxiety, depression

Locklear seeking treatment for anxiety, depression
"Heather Locklear is seeking treatment for anxiety and depression. 'Heather has been dealing with anxiety and depression,'"

When your entire self image is based on your looks, time will be your deadly enemy..... bummer dudette....

Monday, June 23, 2008

McCain disavows aide's comment about terrorism

McCain disavows aide's comment about terrorism
"Charlie Black, an adviser already in the spotlight for his past lobbying work, is quoted in the upcoming July 7 edition of Fortune magazine as saying such an attack 'certainly would be a big advantage to him.' Black said Monday he regretted the comment."

Not a Big deal... except that it is an indication of who the folks that McCain will surround himself with.....

Not good at all....

Will you support Jim?

Help change America!

Gas Prices - MSN Autos

Gas Prices - MSN Autos

Stuff White People Like

Stuff White People Like: "White people also appreciate the irony of ugly sweaters that usually feature things like reindeer and snowmen. Though it seems unlikely, white people have even been able to turn this into a theme for parties. Typing in “ugly sweater party” into google will return a wealth of images and a dearth of diversity. However, there is one notable exception."

Democrat eager to take down congressional Goliath

Democrat eager to take down congressional Goliath
"Johnson said he hopes state and national Democrats, who have given little financial assistance to Hoekstra's challengers in recent elections, will invest in his campaign.
'I'm hoping that will come,' he said. 'I know they are aware of me. I've been to Washington, D.C., I've talked to Howard Dean and I've talked to people in Lansing.
'The feedback has been positive, but I'm not aware (of party financial support) as of yet.'"

Put oil firm chiefs on trial, says leading climate change scientist

Put oil firm chiefs on trial, says leading climate change scientist
"James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate scientists, will today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer."

Friday, June 20, 2008

Officials Pull Plug When Grad's Speech Criticizes School

Officials Pull Plug When Grad's Speech Criticizes School
"'I know this is a community that values education,' she said. 'That is why you need to know what is really going on behind the walls of Mainland's administrat-'
At that point, Chau's microphone was cut off and school principal Robert Blake told her she would have to leave.
Chau left to chants of 'Let her speak!' and 'Finish!'"

Gotta love the "free speech" academic left...


warmlist: "A complete list of things caused by global warming"

George Will on "Hannity & Colmes"

George Will on "Hannity & Colmes"
"WILL: Well, the problem is you don't want to get into a position of playing defense because as long as you're playing defense, you're, by definition, not on offense. And you can't go through a campaign saying no, no, I didn't say that.
......... But he does have to say that the logic of their position is that we should withdraw not just from Iraq, but from Korea, Germany, Japan, and elsewhere.
And that would make it very clear that what we're talking about here is not an argument about Iraq, but an argument about whether or not the United States should be engaged in the world at all."

Gingrich: 3 practical, realistic ways to lower the cost of gasoline

Gingrich: 3 practical, realistic ways to lower the cost of gasoline

Newt truth

CBS Pulls Unvetted Story Blaming Earthquakes on Global Warming

CBS Pulls Unvetted Story Blaming Earthquakes on Global Warming
"The 'study' even offers a rather compelling (at first glance) graph of Earthquake energy per year relative to 1973, which shows a distinctly upward trend between 1990 and 2007. But what it fails to show is a longer ranged chart which would have immediately silenced the alarm by betraying a much greater energy release in quakes of the 1st half of last century."

Nationalize This!

Nationalize This!
"A Rasmussen Poll released Tuesday showed that 37% of Democrats think nationalizing the oil companies is a good idea. Only 32% disagreed with that.
Which makes us wonder: Do they even know that socialism — state ownership of the means of production — has been completely discredited by history?"

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Internet addiction is a 'clinical disorder' - Telegraph

Internet addiction is a 'clinical disorder' - Telegraph: "Obsessive internet use is a public health problem which is so serious it should be officially recognised as a clinical disorder, according to a leading psychiatrist."

Oh boy!
We're gonna get free money soon 'cause we're "disordered"!!!!!!!!
Ain't government "free" healthcare great!

Finally: Big Ten Network and Comcast reach a deal

Finally: Big Ten Network and Comcast reach a deal: "Finally, the Big Ten Network and Comcast reached a deal."

Nebraska Plans to Stop Funding Erectile Dysfunction Treatment, Says Sex Is Not Medically Necessary

Nebraska Plans to Stop Funding Erectile Dysfunction Treatment, Says Sex Is Not Medically Necessary
"Poor Nebraskans seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction may soon be turned away by state government.
State officials are proposing state Medicaid rules be changed so that the insurance program does not pay for penile implants."

No boner doners allowed?
More "free" healthcare from your government.
But we all know that things will be better after some government mandated "change"..... don't we...? - Find Low Gas Prices in the USA and Canada - Find Low Gas Prices in the USA and Canada

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Obama’s Shifting Positions on Iraq: A Rezko Connection?

Obama’s Shifting Positions on Iraq: A Rezko Connection?: "The time line of Obama's flip-flops on Iraq just happens to correlate to his friend's business dealings in that country."

Report: Michigan fails to defend poor suspects

Report: Michigan fails to defend poor suspects
"report conducted by the National Legal Aid and Defender Association in conjunction with the State Bar of Michigan."

Let me get this right.....
TheNational Legal bla bla group says that their "study" says "Michigan" (us taxpayers) is not doing enough but but if "Michigan" (us taxpayers) drop a tsunami of money on them (TheNationalLegal blablabla group) everything will be just great.
Do I have it right?
Why does this seem like something I've heard before......

Michigan's jobless rate hits 8.5 percent in May

Michigan's jobless rate hits 8.5 percent in May
"Thousands of summer job seekers who couldn't find work helped push Michigan's jobless rate to 8.5 percent in May, the highest monthly mark in the state since October 1992."

Let's raise taxes on business and really grow this unemployment rate!

Michigan unemployment highest since 1992

Michigan unemployment highest since 1992: "Michigan's jobless rate has been the nation's highest for some time now. The national rate in May was 5.5 percent.
Part of the reason for the higher rate is the rush of people looking for summer jobs. That swelled the size of Michigan's labor force.
Many of those looking for work couldn't find a job."

Jeepers, meebee da giant increase in the minimum wage jest might be a cause for no jobz fer kidz?
Naa, it's probably Engler's fault.
Let's have a rally condemning Engler and Bush!

Muskegon saves jobs by dipping into savings

Muskegon saves jobs by dipping into savings
"That draw could have been significantly less -- about $350,000 -- if the board chose to eliminate the five jobs, which include a teacher and aide in a specialized kindergarten program for struggling students, a science para-professional who helps teachers throughout the district prepare science lessons and 'student specialists' who work on behavior and other students issues at McLaughlin Elementary and Steele Middle School.
'The area is so depressed, we need to try to save those jobs,' said board Treasurer Billie Bruce. 'Those are people who live in the city, pay taxes and have children in the district.'"

Democrats call for nationalizing refineries!

Breaking News
"the Democrats called for the government to own refineries so it could better control the flow of the oil supply."

My God.....they are nuts!

More moolah to firefighters!

Muskegon Chronicle - "Norton Shores firefighters have a new five-year contract that includes pay raises and a clause that requires participation in a wellness program.
The Norton Shores City Council Tuesday approved the contract, which has been ratified by the firefighters' union.
According to the contract, which covers 13 full-time firefighters, a 2.5 percent wage increase will be given the first two years and 2.75 for the third, fourth and fifth years."

Group wants dime deposit on bottled water, juice

Group wants dime deposit on bottled water, juice
"A group is reviving efforts to expand Michigan's 10-cent deposit law to include bottled water and juice containers."

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Barack Obama: The Undistinguished Gentleman [Karl]

Barack Obama: The Undistinguished Gentleman [Karl]: "In his first race for the state Senate in 1996, Obama employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers, thus running unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district:
“That was Chicago politics,” said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. “Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice.”
Nothing illegal about it, but nothing particularly inspiring about it, either."

Judge OKs $11M settlement in Va Tech shootings

Judge OKs $11M settlement in Va Tech shootings
"A judge on Tuesday approved an $11 million state settlement with families of most of the victims in last year's Virginia Tech slayings that will avoid a court battle over whether anyone but the gunman was to blame."

A monster invades a university...... and the taxpayers must pay?